Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C893 Wealthy Marriage 822

C893 Wealthy Marriage 822

"I'm also looking forward to seeing who my girlfriend is. It depends on what the institute plans for me." Xu Haorann said without missing a beat.    


Not long after, the reporters left the venue. Xu Haorann said a few words to his assistant and quickly walked in front of Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan.    


"Long time no see. I wanted to come back for the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I temporarily stayed in Germany for a meeting."    


Xu Haorann tried his best to act natural as he didn't want to show too much attachment to Xia Yihan. No matter how long it took, Xia Yihan would always be the first to move his heart.    


"The American embassy is inviting you. You're really great!" Xia Yihan said sincerely.    


"What's so great about that? It's a pity that we don't have any female companions. When the time comes, we'll have to get assistants to barely make a pair!" How about you be my partner? "    


Xu Haorann joked for seventy percent while sincerely telling Xia Yihan. He looked at Ye Zimo, but she didn't show any expression on her face. Just as Xu Haorann wanted to tease her, Ye Zimo said lightly, "Why not?"    


Xu Haorann and Xia Yihan turned to look at Ye Zimo at the same time. Xu Haorann had a weird expression on his face as he looked at Ye Zimo and asked, "Are you really Ye Zimo?"    


"If you don't want to, then forget it." Ye Zimo pulled Xia Yihan to turn around.    


"Wait, Yihan, are you willing?" She looked at Ye Zimo, and Ye Zimo did not look at all like she was joking.    


Xia Yihan threw Ye Zimo's hand away somewhat angrily. "I'm willing."    


Ye Zimo, who was standing at the side, frowned when she heard Xia Yihan's reply. In the end, she didn't say anything. On the contrary, Xu Haorann felt Ye Zimo's mood change and looked at her strangely.    


Ye Zimo's phone rang. She nodded towards the two and walked out. Xu Haorann asked Xia Yihan, "Have you guys been doing well?"    


Xia Yihan wanted to nod her head, but her face showed hesitation. After all, she wasn't sure whether this relationship was good or not.    


A reporter suddenly appeared at the door. The reporter saw that Xu Haorann, who usually didn't talk or laugh, was actually smiling so happily with another woman, and when he looked again, that woman was not the famous jewelry designer called Xia Yihan who was caught talking to Xu Haorann before.    


Xu Haorann pulled Xia Yihan behind him. With a rare serious expression, he said to the reporter, "Hello, it's past the interview time."    


The reporter held onto the Audio Recorder and asked Xia Yihan who was behind Xu Haorann, "Are you Miss Xia Yihan? I heard that you have a deep relationship with Mr Xu, do you accept this explanation? "    


"Enough!" Xu Haorann shouted in anger, looked at the sign on the reporter's chest and read out loud: "A reporter from the Eastern Times? If necessary, I think I need to speak to your chief editor. "    


The reporter was silent. He had long heard that Xu Haorann's grandfather was a "red" person. Seeing Xu Haorann's gentle and kind expression, the reporter did not dare to stay any longer and hurriedly left.    


"Yihan, I'm sorry." Xu Haorann turned to speak, but Lili was very close to his back, so close that they could feel each other's breath.    


Xu Haorann was shocked. He saw that Ye Zimo was walking towards him and had already cast her gaze towards him.    


Thinking about Ye Zimo's strange expression just now, Xu Haorann suddenly reached out and pulled Xia Yihan into his embrace. Xia Yihan was pushed back into Xu Haorann's arms without being on guard.    


Xu Haorann was observing Ye Zimo's actions from the corner of his eyes. When he saw Ye Zimo's livid expression and wanted to let go of Xia Yihan, Ye Zimo stopped outside the door.    


What the hell was Ye Zimo doing!? He didn't care about Yihan at all? He was clearly not in a good mood as he stood calmly outside the door!    


The more Xu Haorann thought about it, the angrier he got. Xia Yihan, who was in his arms, opened her mouth and wanted to break away from Xu Haorann's embrace.    


"Big Brother Xu, you hugged me too hard, I can't breathe." Xia Yihan broke free from Xu Haorann's embrace and looked at Xu Haorann strangely. What was going on today? Each was weirder than the other!    


Xu Haorann's face grew colder as he saw Ye Zimo turn away. He turned to Xia Yihan and said loudly, "Sofia, I'll formally invite you to be my partner at the ball!"    


Ye Zimo stood outside the door with her fists clenched. Her fingertips were in the trap's palms. She couldn't help but try to move the two people inside the trap. In the end, she turned around and left.    


Xia Yihan's phone rang. She picked it up and helplessly said to Xu Haorann, "Zimo left ahead of time."    


When Xu Haorann saw all of this, he was so angry that he almost exploded. Back then, he gave up on Xia Yihan because Xia Yihan's feelings for Ye Zimo were too deep. If Ye Zimo didn't want Xia Yihan, then the more he thought about it, the uglier his expression became.    


"Big Brother Xu, what happened to you?" Xia Yihan watched as Xu Haorann's expression kept changing. She was worried that her appearance would give the reporters a chance to make a move.    


"Nothing? Remember, I'll come and pick you up at Ye Family tomorrow. " Xu Haorann smiled gently at Xia Yihan. He had already come up with a plan.    


The next day, Xu Haorann really came to pick up Xia Yihan. The butler saw Xu Haorann in a suit get out of the car and calmly said, "Master Xu, our young master is swimming and the madam is busy. I will go inform him."    


Xu Haorann raised his eyebrows, "What if I say that it was your young master who allowed me to bring your wife to the ball?"    


"Impossible." The butler rejected her and signaled to the servants on both sides with his face before hurriedly going to find Ye Zimo.    


Ye Zimo was swimming in the swimming pool on the top floor. The butler walked into the room and told Ye Zimo, "Young Master, Mr Xu is here to pick up Madam for a ball."    


Ye Zimo burst out of the water, put on her bathrobe and walked to the french window, looking down at the lengthened Lincoln outside the courtyard.    


"I'll go and refuse him." The butler turned to leave.    


"No need. Tell Madam to let her prepare." Ye Zimo's hands clung tightly to the railing. The veins in her hands bulged. The butler couldn't see Ye Zimo's face and couldn't really pinpoint Ye Zimo's attitude. He inwardly sighed and went to find Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan had long finished her makeup and was sitting in her room. Upon hearing the butler's reply, she nodded disappointedly.    


The butler noticed that something was wrong with Ye Zimo. He obviously didn't want Xia Yihan to go, but he pushed her out instead. Ye Zimo didn't dare to ask, so she had no choice but to ask Xia Yihan.    


"I don't know either." Xia Yihan shook her head and left the room. She walked down the stairs and paused for a moment, then turned around and headed for the swimming pool.    


There was a light sound in the swimming room. A figure swam in the water, tirelessly. Xia Yihan watched as Ye Zimo reached the end of the swim and hit the water with her fist. Her expression was painful.    


Until she sat in Xu Haorann's car, Xia Yihan was still thinking about Ye Zimo's gaze just now. It was filled with pain and helplessness. What had happened just now?    


As the car drove to the venue, Xia Yihan was shocked by the people carrying all kinds of flags and signs outside of the window. Xu Haorann didn't expect there would be so many people, so he said apologetically, "How about I go by myself? I didn't expect so many people to be here today. I'm sorry."    


Xia Yihan shook her head and looked at Xu Haorann seriously, "I feel really happy to have so many people like you, Big Brother Xu."    


Xu Haorann was surprised for a moment, then smiled and pushed the door open. The people outside were all Xu Haorann's fans, and they all rushed over when they saw Xu Haorann.    


Xia Yihan took the opportunity to get off the car. The American Embassy staff rushed over and surrounded Xia Yihan and Xu Haorann. Even so, Xu Haorann and Xia Yihan still walked with difficulty.    


All day long, Xia Yihan had been absent-minded. At dinner time, Xu Haorann brought a glass of red wine to Xia Yihan's side. Xia Yihan took the glass of red wine and drank it all in one gulp.    


After a few minutes, she felt dizzy. Xia Yihan looked at Xu Haorann hazily, then fainted on Xu Haorann's arm.    


After an unknown amount of time, Xia Yihan was pushed awake and her body was still so soft that she couldn't move at all. Xu Haorann came over and whispered into Xia Yihan's ear, "Yihan, don't move yet."    


There was a violent knock on the door. When Xu Haorann opened it, Ye Zimo stood outside with a livid expression. Ye Zimo pulled Xu Haorann's collar, pointed at the camera and asked to kiss Xu Haorann fiercely.    


"If you care about Sofia, don't push him to other men, not even me." Xu Haorann noticed Xia Yihan's slightly trembling eyelashes and knew that she was already awake. He turned around and focused on talking to Ye Zimo.    


Ye Zimo let go of Xu Haorann's collar and turned around to look at Xia Yihan, who was sleeping soundly.    


"She's been drugged and won't wake up for a while. Can you tell me why you're so strange now? "The last time I saw Jiu Jiu, she said that I didn't believe her." Xu Haorann said lightly while straightening his sleeves.    


Ye Zimo scratched her head in frustration and said dejectedly, "Things are not as simple as you think."    


Xu Haorann said without batting an eyelid, "Then say it. One more person and one more method."    


Ye Zimo didn't reply. Instead, she looked deeply at Xia Yihan and wanted to take a step forward. However, her eyes suddenly became blurry and a layer of gray fog covered her eyes.    


"Take good care of her for me." Ye Zimo hurriedly turned around and left. She did not notice Xia Yihan, who had instantly opened her eyes.    


Xu Haorann chased after him. Ye Zimo had left long ago. When he returned to his room, he saw Xia Yihan lying down and silently looked at the ceiling. Xu Haorann was both sorry and pained as he said, "I just wanted to help you think of him. I didn't expect him to be such a bastard."    


Xia Yihan shook her head and said softly, "After experiencing so much, I know he won't leave so easily. I'm sad that he always takes care of everything by himself and doesn't want me to participate."    


Xu Haorann wanted to grab Ye Zimo and beat her up to vent his anger, but Xia Yihan had already stood up and smiled at Xu Haorann, preparing to leave.    


"Yihan, if you're not happy, I can take you any time." Xu Haorann called after Lili, who waddled out.    


Suddenly, the room quieted down. Xu Haorann suddenly remembered that it was already night, so he ran out of the hotel to chase after her. Just as he walked out of the hotel and saw Xia Yihan walking alone, he wanted to shout, but a car casually followed behind Xia Yihan.    


"What the hell are these two doing? Always give me a blow when I think there's hope!" Xu Haorann shook his head and left with a wry smile.    


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