Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1018 Wealthy Marriage 946

C1018 Wealthy Marriage 946

Ye Nianmo frowned deeply, as if he couldn't sleep very well. She looked at the clock and saw that it was already 5 in the morning.    


Ding Yiyi slipped out of bed and went into the kitchen to make him a soup. She knew that he would be up by 6: 30.    


There was only one floor lamp on in the kitchen. She wore a pair of wide pajamas and said the names of the ingredients as she put them in the pot.    


Ye Nianmo stood at the top of the stairs and watched the boiling water rise up into the air. The yellow light cut her off from him, and he tried to go, but there was resistance.    


Ding Yiyi turned around and was startled when she saw him. "Why aren't you making a sound!"    


Ye Nianmo looked at the bruise on her collarbone and remained silent for a while, "Sorry."    


"No need to thank me, everything is voluntary to me. The one who said that the one who left was me, and the one who accepted you in the end is me!"    


"I was drunk last night." Ye Nianmo didn't want to lie to him.    


"You can go." Ding Yiyi held onto the counter with both of her hands. Only by doing this would she be able to make her trembling hands depend on them.    


A warm body was pressed against his back. "Sorry." Ye Nianmo's voice was hoarse and low. He apologized one after another, making Ding Yiyi flustered.    


Ding Yiyi wanted to escape, but she stopped herself at her neck and said indifferently, "Don't run, I beg you, don't run."    


She stood there quietly, the soup boiling in the pot with its fragrance but no attention. Ding Yiyi felt the vulnerability of the person behind her. She didn't know why, but she didn't struggle anymore.    


A few minutes later, Ye Nianmo took a few steps back. There was no longer any confusion in his eyes. There was no hesitation in his voice. There was no weakness on his face. He turned back to Ye Nianmo.    


When the doorbell rang, Ye Bo brought his suit. Not long later, Ye Nianmo, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, stood at the door. He said, "I gave you trouble yesterday."    


Ding Yiyi looked at him, trying to read some strange emotion from his eyes, but she could only see herself. The car sped away, but her heart could no longer calm down.    


Hai Family, Hai Zhuoxuan opened the door, he was not surprised at all when he saw Xia Yihan. He was waiting for her to open her mouth and beg him not to snatch the woman he loved with his son.    


After Xia Yihan sat down, she started to take out the bottles one by one. "I knew you would never tell your mother about this. Luckily I brought the pills with me."    


"Aunt Xia, you?" Hai Zhuoxuan was already prepared. He didn't expect the other party to be so calm. Just as he was about to open his mouth, the wound on his mouth was coated with medicine. He frowned due to the pain.    


"This is Cloud Southern White Medicine, it does hurt a little. When you were young, you and Nianmo fell down and I used this medicine, it didn't leave any scars." Xia Yihan chattered on as she applied the medicine.    


"Aunt Xia, just say what you want to say." Hai Zhuoxuan didn't believe that she came just to deliver the medicine for him!    


Xia Yihan was stunned. "She's done."    


"Don't you want to ask why I fell in love with Ding Yiyi? Don't you want to speak up for Nianmo!?" Hai Zhuoxuan's voice became louder and louder. He didn't know why, but the calmer he saw Xia Yihan, the angrier he got.    


Xia Yihan looked at him quietly until he was out of breath, then said, "I've been stopping Nianmo and Ding Yiyi from being together."    


Wu Tie was slightly stunned, but Xia Yihan continued: "I don't want to interfere with your relationship, I only helped Ao Xue because I owe Big Brother Xu too much, and similarly, I owe you guys a lot of Hai Family too."    


After so many years of scars were revealed, Hai Zhuoxuan thought that he would yell at her in pain. However, he found that he was still able to smile and say something that went against his heart, "Aunt Xia, I can't blame you for that."    


Xia Yihan shook her head. After so many years, Hai Zhixuan still appeared in her nightmares, covered in blood. She couldn't walk out, but she didn't want to walk out either.    


"Zhuoxuan, no matter what your final decision is, auntie will always support you." Xia Yihan got up, put the bottle back in place, touched his head as she had when she was little, and left.    


The living room suddenly quieted down. Hai Zhuoxuan watched the car drive away and swept all the bottles off the table with a push of his hand. His eyes were filled with coldness.    


After Ye Nianmo left, some lives seemed to return to peace. Hai Zhuoxuan did not contact him, and Ye Chuqing's phone still could not reach him.    


In a scenic area in Dongjiang City, the crew was passionately filming in the sky. The filming of "Demon Escape" was already coming to an end, and the number of scenes in Baby Cheng was becoming fewer and fewer.    


Ding Yiyi looked down at the Baby Cheng. Ever since the filming started, the Baby Cheng seemed to be getting more and more upset, but there were always fans who gave it snacks.    


She picked out a piece of beef from the snacks her fans gave to him, but Baby Cheng merely shouted that he would not chew on it.    


"Yi Yi has a great beauty!" The little assistant ran in front of her, took a few bags of dried pork from the snacks she gave to Baby Cheng, and ran off.    


"Yiyi!" Soong Mengjie walked in front of her and said with a smile, "If it weren't for the show on the TV, I wouldn't even know you were in the show business."    


"That's not it, it's always the Baby Cheng filming. I'm just a follower!" Ding Yiyi happily pulled her over to An Ran's place.    


"No need." Soong Mengjie suddenly pulled her hand away. Ding Yiyi stared blankly, only to realize that Soong Mengjie's expression wasn't good.    


"What's the matter with you, Mengjie?" Ding Yiyi asked carefully, feeling that Soong Mengjie had some sort of enmity towards her.    


"Nothing, I just want to talk to you about old times." Soong Mengjie braced herself, her heart filled with bitterness.    


Ding Yiyi quickly agreed and left with Director Wu. There were a lot of cafés beside the scenic area, but Soong Mengjie drove to the downtown area.    


After entering the coffee shop, Soong Mengjie ignored everyone and walked forward. Ding Yiyi had to walk quickly to keep up with her.    


"Mengjie, what have you been doing recently?" Ding Yiyi noticed her absent-mindedness and quickly tried to find a topic to talk about.    


"Nothing." Soong Mengjie replied indifferently with her head lowered as she sent a text message.    


The atmosphere at the scene was a bit awkward. Someone came in from outside. Ding Yiyi looked at Hai Zhuoxuan in surprise and wanted to call out to him, but her hand was grabbed. Soong Mengjie shook her head.    


Ye Nianmo followed behind Hai Zhuoxuan. The two of them sat in front of Ding Yiyi, separated by a screen between the two tables.    


"What are you trying to say?" Ye Nianmo went straight to the point after he sat down.    


"You are my brother. I hope to receive your blessings." Hai Zhuoxuan's voice sounded.    


Ding Yiyi looked at Soong Mengjie in surprise. Soong Mengjie replied with a bleak smile. What could be worse than knowing that someone you love has fallen in love with your best friend? No, if that's the case, then you have to laugh in front of your best friend.    


"When I was young, mom once told me that if there comes a day when I fall in love with the same girl at the same time as you, I absolutely can't argue with you." Ye Nianmo said lightly.    


The next table knocked over the cup, the cup fell to the ground making a crisp sound. Soon, a waiter came up to clean it up. Ye Nianmo frowned and continued, "I was kidnapped by those people when I was young. Uncle Xu also lost his life for me."    


Hai Zhuoxuan listened silently, but he clenched his hands tightly under the table, "What do you want to say?"    


Ye Nianmo took a deep breath, "If she chooses you in the end, I will let her go."    


After saying that, Ye Nianmo seemed to have drained all the energy in his body. The scene of his mom crying on the balcony last night appeared in his mind. He didn't want to make her sad anymore.    


"Nianmo, I hope you can let her go completely. Don't appear in front of her again. Only then will she be able to forget about you and have the possibility to accept me again. This is what you owe me, Nianmo." Hai Zhuoxuan said word by word, and his heart was filled with joy.    


"When I was young, whenever father and mother quarreled, I knew it was definitely because of Aunt Xia. But I don't blame her, she's beautiful, it's normal for a man to be moved by her, and he even sacrificed his life for her."    


"I promise you, I won't appear in front of her again." Ye Nianmo had a hard time speaking after he finished the wine in his glass.    


The person at the next table stood up abruptly. Ye Nianmo's pupils suddenly shrank. Ding Yiyi walked in front of him and looked at the two of them coldly, "What the hell are you two doing!?" Treat me like a commodity and then settle it in private? "    


"Yiyi!" Ye Nianmo stood up. Ding Yiyi raised her palm and slapped him hard, "Ye Nianmo, this is the second time you've given up on me!"    


Under the dim light, he saw the tears in her eyes. As Ding Yiyi ran away, he turned around and looked at Hai Zhuoxuan, who had taken a sip of his wine, "You don't have to do this. I promise you, I will do it."    


Hai Zhuoxuan watched as Ding Yiyi left. Ye Nianmo left and drank the wine in his cup in one gulp. He raised his head to look at the colorful LED on the wall and chuckled.    


Soong Mengjie walked up to him and looked at him sorrowfully. Hai Zhuoxuan covered his face tiredly, "Let's go. I'm such a person. Go."    


"Even if you are like this, I still love you." Hai Zhuoxuan stared at her back in a daze and chuckled softly. Love, what a strange thing!    


Ding Yiyi did not know how much she drank. After the phone rang, she answered it many times in a daze.    


"Ding Yiyi, do you know that there's a chance tonight in Baby Cheng!?" An Ran's voice came out through the phone.    


"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I'll go right now, I'll take the rocket!" She stood up shakily and sat back down with her center of gravity unsteady.    


"Did you drink? You actually went to drink and did not call me! " An Ran shouted angrily, but there was no response. He knew that Ding Yiyi was probably drunk, so he quickly asked her where she was.    


There was still no response from the phone. There was a faint noise. A customer seemed to be saying that it was a street where he often went to eat before becoming popular.    


An Ran knew that Ding Yiyi was probably drunk. She became more and more worried because he had long since treated her as his own sister.    


He wanted to leave after grabbing the phone and Car key, but the assistant stopped him in a hurry. "An Ran, Big Brother Xu told me to watch you before he left for Rome, I'll curse you to death after you leave!"    


An Ran didn't have the time to talk nonsense with him. "I don't have any scenes to play tonight. I'll take a leave of absence tomorrow. Nothing will happen to me. I'll be more careful."    


The assistant wanted to say something, but An Ran had already run away like a gust of wind.    


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