Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1198 Wealthy Marriage 1126

C1198 Wealthy Marriage 1126

Ye Chuyun's heart ached as he looked at Ding Yiyi's soulless appearance. He wanted to reach out to pull her, but he was defeated by the forced smile on her face.    


"Sorry, you must be hungry. I'll go buy you something to eat." She picked up her satchel and left the room. Ye Chuyun looked at her sorry figure as she ran away. His heart was in pain, but he could do nothing about it. He could only harden his heart in this matter.    


Ding Yiyi walked along the street, which was bustling with activity. Because it was about to be the Spring Festival, many merchants started to dress up and promote their shops in red. Everyone seemed so happy, as if she was the only person in the world who was lost.    


"This is the last promotion before the Spring Festival!" "Miss, I can tell from one look that you like cooking. There's a type of oven that is being sold at a discount rate. Buying it together with the refrigerator can also be used as a soy milk dispenser. It's really worth it, come in and take a look."    


Ding Yiyi was stopped by a salesperson at a appliance store. She tried her best to promote the appliances at the store. She forced a smile and said, "I'm sorry, but I don't need it right now."    


"How could I not? He had to buy it in the future! Otherwise, you can take a look at our electromagnets, they're only 99 right now, they're all Japanese. "    


Ding Yiyi tried her best to smile, but the salesperson kept pestering her.    


"Enough! Are you done yet? You're already refusing to buy it! " She couldn't help but yell, and the scene instantly turned silent.    


"Look at this woman, she can just say that she's not buying anything, and yet she's still shouting at the shop assistant, who isn't born and raised by her parents?"    


"Girls these days are really irritable."    


Ding Yiyi bowed her head and hurriedly left as if she was escaping after apologizing.    


He returned to the Ye Family in a daze, and just as he entered the door, the butler respectfully walked over, "Miss Yiyi, this is today's menu. Please take a look, if there's anything that you don't want to eat, please follow today's menu."    


"Butler, what happened to you?" Ding Yiyi was a little confused at first, but then she suddenly understood and took two steps back, "Did Chuyun tell you to do that? Did he really steal our Ye Group? "    


She had never felt that she was the mistress of a Ye Family, so she would repay everyone's kindness with a grateful attitude. However, she suddenly discovered that other people treated her well because they had to treat her well, and the contrast between them was unbearable.    


"Miss Yiyi, where are you going?" A maid came up to her doubtfully, "Should we inform Second Young Master?"    


He glared at the servant, "Has his brain really been brainwashed? "Go inform the young master."    


The servant hurriedly made a phone call, and after a while, the servant shook his head and came back. "The eldest young master's phone is not connected."    


After leaving the Ye Family, Ding Yiyi directly walked towards the direction of the newly bought house. She didn't want to see anyone, didn't want to hear anything, and only wanted to hide in her blanket and sleep.    


She was in a hurry and her expression was sorrowful, causing the taxi drivers to glance at her more than once. When they arrived at the residential complex, she got off the car in a daze, not even noticing that the security guards had greeted her.    


There was a handful of wormwood hanging at the door. She was stunned.    


Taking out his phone, Ding Dacheng's voice was filled with joy, "Yiyi, where are you? Dad and auntie are both at your house, an old classmate is getting married right now."    


The wedding triggered her sensitive nerves again and again, so she didn't want her matter to affect her father and aunt's mood. She could only pretend to be happy and say, "What a coincidence, I'm filming a movie, dad."    


"It doesn't matter, we'll be leaving tomorrow. You work hard, how is Chuyun?"    


"No … it's fine, it's pretty good. I recovered pretty well."    


Ding Yiyi replied anxiously. She was terrified. If her father knew about Ye Chuyun's condition, how sad would he be?    


Her heart was like a small boat floating on the surface of a lake. The wind was strong and the waves were strong. Everything around was dark. She was alone on the boat.    


As far as the eye could see, there was no end to it, only an unrelenting darkness and fear. "Hello? Yiyi, isn't the signal over there good? "    


The door suddenly opened. Ding Dacheng muttered as he stood outside the door, "I think I heard Yiyi's voice outside the door."    


"Stop being so suspicious. Will Yi Yi not come back?" Ding Meirong's voice sounded from behind him.    




The door was closed once again. At the corner, Ding Yiyi lowered her hand in disappointment.    


Returning to the main street, she actually had nowhere else to go. To find Qiu Bai? It would be selfish of her to let a friend bear all of her unhappiness and annoyance just for the sake of her friend.    


Then who else could he go to? Figures flashed one after another, but they were all defeated by the same reason. "We can't disturb them. We absolutely can't create trouble for others!"    


Unknowingly, it was already late at night. The phone's ringtone rang without any warning. It was Ye Chuyun.    


She looked at the caller ID, but her fingers were so stiff she didn't know how to press them.    


The phone rang again and again, and then it continued to ring. Not a minute later, it started to ring again, and she held the phone tightly in her pocket.    


It stopped. It finally stopped. A text message sounded out, "Can you at least send me a text message? "Let me know you're fine."    


"I'm fine?" She was in a bad situation. The person she cared for was about to die, and the person she cared for was about to force someone else she cared about to leave. The reason was for her own good.    


The phone's page dimmed due to no one controlling it. It was as if her heart was in darkness to the point where she couldn't find the end.    


When it was close to midnight, she once again returned to her old dwelling in the Ding Family.    


The bolts of the gate were covered in dust, and the door creaked as it opened.    


The yard was the same as before, with the carousel toys on the left wall and an armrest of stairs on the right, and across from her, Grandma used to borrow grapes in the fall.    


She stood in the yard. The orange light from the yard made her anxious heart feel more relaxed. With enough energy to think about other things, why wasn't her grandma sleeping yet?    


"Grandma Zhao?" Are you okay? " She was worried, so she yelled through the wall. Suddenly, a book fell to the ground, and then everything calmed down.    


"Oh, so it's my daughter," she whispered, then raised her voice, "I'm sorry for scaring you, it's Ding Yiyi. Please continue."    


On the other side of the wall, Ye Nianmo quietly stood by the wall. The pages under his feet were arranged in a disorderly manner and he was very surprised, he even wanted to call Ye Bo immediately. Why would she suddenly appear at the Ye Family Residence?    


The lights on the second floor lit up, and a figure flashed past the curtains. The lights went out, and everything returned to silence.    


Ye Nianmo stared at the window of the room on the second floor. His heart was beating like a young man who had just opened his heart. The woman he loved the most, the one he couldn't let go of the most, was currently just a wall away from him.    


But she did not know him, and he could not see her.    


In the dark, Ding Yiyi bit the sheet and cried. The sheets were damp from not having been exposed to the sun for a long time, and the smell of mildew filled her nose.    


She lay in bed, the heat gone, the damp quilts completely devoid of warmth, curled up in a ball, letting the tears soak the pillowcase.    


The moonlight was blocked by the curtain, but a faint ray of light could be seen, helping to prevent the interior of the room from becoming so dark.    


"Squeak squeak." A tiny sound came from under the bed, and a furry little mouse climbed onto her foot.    


She was so frightened that she forgot to cry and kicked the mouse away. There was the sound of things being rummaged in the darkness, and then silence.    


Ding Yiyi was curled up at the foot of the bed, covered in a heavy blanket. She was afraid that the mouse would appear again, and as long as she kept her eyes wide open, she would be able to stare at everything in the room.    


Her phone rang again, causing her to jump in fright. Her tears flowed with the ringing of the bell, and on this night, she unrestrainedly shed tears to vent all the emotions in her heart. She didn't know that on the other side of the wall, there was a person quietly accompanying her throughout the night.    


The early morning in the alleyway opened with shouts and cries. Ding Yiyi slowly woke up. Sunlight shone through the curtains as the old lady selling youtiao passed by the door. Her loud and clear voice disturbed many people's dreams.    


"Selling fried dough sticks, fresh fried dough sticks."    


The corner of her mouth twitched. Her face was terrifyingly dry and dry, and her eyes were in pain. She squinted her eyes, but they were still blurry. The side of her waist was really uncomfortable. She reached behind her back and took out her cell phone.    


The tens of text messages in his phone were shocking.    


"Yiyi, can you text me? "I'm very worried?"    


"I'm back at the Ye Family. You're not at home."    


"I was at your house, so I didn't tell uncle. Don't worry."    


"Be careful, if you need anything, you must call me."    


"Good morning."    


Her fingers froze on the last one. She had received it half an hour ago, and her sorrowful eyes wanted to cry again, but she suddenly felt clear.    


How could she leave Ye Chuyun alone? How could he run around with his current physical condition?    


She hurriedly washed up and left the house. Her steps were in a hurry, but when she turned the corner of the alleyway, she saw the back of a man and was shocked.    


Is that Ye Nianmo? The suit made the person in front of him look out of place in this alley. His hair was all combed back, and even when he walked with his briefcase and occasionally avoided the hawkers, he still gave off a feeling of elegance.    


Her steps couldn't help but keep up with the man. The man's pace wasn't slow, but it was easy. She followed him awkwardly. There were too many people at the entrance of the alleyway. She was being squeezed around.    


Was it her imagination? It seemed like the man in front had slowed down?    


Ding Yiyi quickened her pace. She wanted to make up her mind and run up to the man to see what was going on, but the man disappeared in a flash.    


She spun around in place, her eyes looking anxiously at every passerby. Her ponytail, which had been tied up at random, swayed along with her movements.    


In the taxi, a few steps away from her, Ye Nianmo pinched the bridge of his nose. He leaned back slightly and looked at Ding Yiyi's anxious expression.    




As he walked into the company, a bunch of staff surrounded him, "Supervisor, that foreigner said that we have to return the goods if our quality is not good. This time the bill is big, what should we do?"    


When he finished listening, the middle-aged man who was interviewing him in the boss' office said, "Nianmo, come in."    


In the office, the man broke into a smile. "Look, that foreigner said that he wanted to refund the money. Do you think we, who make foreign trade apparel, can scare him?"    


Ye Nianmo frowned, "I will first go to the warehouse to take a look at the refunded goods."    


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