Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1286 Married to a Rich Family 1214

C1286 Married to a Rich Family 1214

Ding Yiyi covered her mouth as her voice changed. "How can this be? What did that person do to her?"    


"It could also be a disguise." Ye Nianmo's eyes were calm. The scene in front of him did not stir him up at all.    


Ding Yiyi said in disbelief, "Is that possible?" In order to avoid doing such a thing? "    


Ye Nian Mo pulled her far away from the ward. He said confidently, "Others might not know, but she will definitely be able to do it."    


"What do you want to do?" Ding Yiyi pulled his arm and asked with uncertainty, "Will you hurt her?"    


Ye Nianmo looked down at her, "I let her stay until now because she is Uncle Xu's daughter, but I won't have any more pity for her."    


Ding Yiyi lowered her head and said, "Can you let me participate? I have a deep grudge with her. If I don't know about her situation, I won't be able to live a good life."    


Ye Nian Mo couldn't refuse her any of her requests. He only had to think about it briefly before accepting.    


After sending Ding Yiyi to the Ding Family, they chatted for a while more before Ye Nianmo drove away.    


When he returned to the Ye Group, it was already early in the morning. The office lights were on, and Ye Bo was waiting at the side. He couldn't help but open his mouth when he saw Ye Nianmo, "Young Master."    


"I'm sure you'll talk to me in a reasonable manner before we discuss it." Ye Nianmo released the two wounds on his tie and glanced at him while he opened the document.    


Ye Bo clenched his fist, "Young Master, I'm ready."    


Ye Nianmo handed a document to him, "This was the biggest factor in deciding Yan Mingyao to go to jail. Go check on him."    


"Ge Feng." He had only seen the photos on the documents today.    


"You know him?" Ye Nianmo put down the pen in his hand and asked him.    


Ye Bo nodded and recounted what happened today. Ye Nianmo frowned, "Investigate this person called Ge Feng first."    


He nodded, took the documents out the door, and stood in the doorway. The information in his hand had changed shape, and he would never give up trying to find the truth in this matter.    


The next day    


When Ding Yiyi went downstairs, she saw six men waiting for her, lined up in a row. The leader didn't have any flowers in his hands.    


"Did Jie Tian tell you to listen to everything I say?"    


"Of course."    


"Then I request that you stop following me. As for passing my message to Jie Tian, I can't do anything about it."    


The leader felt a little awkward and could only reply, "I will ask Young Master Jie about this.    


"If he can't make a decision, I can help him." Ye Nianmo closed the car door and walked towards Ding Yiyi.    


The reason why he kept these people by Ding Yiyi's side was because he could protect her and also because he didn't want to interfere too much with her decision. Since she wasn't willing, he was happy to keep the net.    


The leader of the bodyguards nodded at Ye Nianmo. The six of them got into two cars and left.    


"Have you had breakfast?" Ye Nian Mo asked as he wrapped his arm around her waist.    


Ding Yiyi nodded. "Have you eaten?"    


Ye Nianmo quickly followed up, "Clean up the leftovers on the corner of your mouth."    


"How is that possible? I didn't eat anything at all …" Ding Yiyi abruptly shut her mouth and pouted her lips as she looked at him. She was angry that she had fallen for him in such a short amount of time.    


Ye Nianmo turned around and took out a bag of KFC. The fragrance of sweet potato puffs wafted out. Ding Yiyi took a bite and was immediately attracted by the soft and sweet touch.    


"It's really delicious. Do you want to have a bite too?" Ding Yiyi pretended that she wanted to take another one from the bag, but her wrist was lightly grabbed and Ye Nianmo tilted his head to take a bite from her hand.    


"That's right." He chewed carefully, commenting in passing.    


Ding Yiyi's face couldn't help but blush even though she knew that he did it on purpose.    


When they arrived at the hospital, the doctor ushered them into a room. "This room, like the interrogation room at the police station, has no view of the outside world. We treat people who have suffered a lot of irritation and stimulate their brain nerves."    


"Will the damage be great?" Ding Yiyi was slightly worried.    


The doctor replied, "No, it's just ordinary treatment."    


"Can I see her? At the door." Ding Yiyi asked.    


The doctor said, "It can only be at the door. You can't go in there. She has a certain level of consciousness right now."    


Looking at Ding Yiyi's back as she left, Ye Nianmo suddenly asked while looking at the equipment in the room, "Can you test it if it's fake?"    


"It's easy to pretend it's easy, but this electric shock therapy has a certain amount of pain. After a long period of treatment, there will be a lot of pain, and there are almost none that can be endured."    


Ye Nianmo frowned, "Increase the frequency of the electric shock."    


Outside the ward, Ding Yiyi looked at Ao Xue who was curled up on the sickbed with a complicated expression. The scratches on her face had long since formed a scab, but her eyes were still empty.    


She sat swaying in the bed, occasionally sticking her fingers into her mouth and biting.    


Ding Yiyi felt terrible watching this, especially when she saw the person with the same face as hers turn out like this. Her heart was filled with mixed emotions.    


Not far away, a nurse was pushing a wheelchair over. After greeting her, she opened the door.    


Ao Xue was like a frightened child as she left the bed and the bedside table, curling up, with fear in her eyes, as if she refused to let anyone near her.    


The nurse coaxed her for a while before helping her sit on the wheelchair and pushed her out of the room.    


When she returned to Ye Nianmo's side, she looked depressed, "She should be punished, but I think it should be someone from the law and not someone from the Mo name."    


Ye Nianmo silently comforted her by putting his arm around her shoulders. However, when he looked at Li Jun in the room, his eyes were cold without any trace of sympathy.    


They looked at the doctor's mouth. Although they couldn't hear what he was saying, they could feel that he was giving them some explanation.    


The paramedics wrapped soft plastic straps around Ao Xue's shoulders and limbs, and the doctor walked over to a machine and pressed a switch.    


The first time she activated it, Ao Xue's entire body trembled. Her mouth opened slightly and her eyes opened wide. A trace of pain could be seen on her face.    


Ding Yiyi twitched her head and stopped looking. Ye Nianmo continued to observe every expression on Ao Xue's face in the room.    


For the second time, she felt as if she had been struck by a rod. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she collapsed in a chair. The nurse came forward to wipe them away before they flowed out again.    


The doctor looked back through the glass, sighed, and continued the third shock. This time, Ao Xue struggled painfully.    


The doctor opened the door and stepped out. He took off his mask and said, "She is a typical post-traumatic stress disorder. She needs to be treated by a psychiatrist. And this psychological disorder can develop into multiple personality traits."    


The door was ajar, and his words floated into the room word by word. Ao Xue, who had her back facing the crowd, suddenly had a strange smile on her face.    


The nurse was lowering her head to untie her, but she didn't notice the abnormality on her face. She was still crying, and her eyes were glued to the glass as if she could see the person outside through it.    


As soon as Ding Yiyi appeared at the door, she had noticed that everything was done by herself, and now it seemed to be a success.    


The nurse untied and rubbed her limbs, and she went back to being frightened and listening to the conversation outside the door.    


Outside, Ye Nianmo said firmly, "Take her to the sanatorium."    


"Is that okay? Does Grandma and Teacher Xia know about Uncle Xu? " Ding Yiyi hesitated.    


Ye Nianmo gave the doctor a wink and pulled Ding Yiyi out of the corridor. Seeing her depressed expression, he stopped and walked in front of her, "I will tell them about this. Don't worry."    


Knowing that he meant what he said, Ding Yiyi nodded, no longer trying to force him.    


The two of them walked out of the hospital gate. Ye Nianmo didn't directly return to Ye Group, but instead took her and headed in another direction.    


The car drove into a residential area. The residential area was very well forested, but there were only a few dozen villas, and each villa had its own garden.    


Ye Nianmo stopped in front of a two-storey villa. The eggplant at the entrance was blooming with a bright light, and looked really nice between yellow and white.    


Ding Yiyi got off the car and looked at him curiously. She had never been to this place before, but the air far away from the center of the city was really cool and refreshing.    


Taking her hand, Ye Nianmo opened the small gate in front of the garden and led her to the house.    


There was a wooden corridor on the first floor of the house. Inside the corridor, there was a window that had fallen to the ground. The milky white curtains swayed in the wind, causing the tatami in the room to be faintly discernible.    


On the left side of the villa, there was a small pond, which was surrounded by rocks that were deliberately made to be old. There was a dragon head carved on the wall, and clear water flowed out from it.    


The clear water slanted down and fell into the hollow bamboo tube. Once it was filled, it would make a "dong" sound and then slant backwards. The water would then be poured into another bamboo tube.    


Ding Yiyi watched happily as Ye Nianmo walked into the room. The living room wasn't big, it didn't even have a third of the Ye Family, but it was full of decorations that Ding Yiyi liked.    


"It's so beautiful." Ding Yiyi walked to a painting hanging on the wall and whispered to herself. She had seen this painting a week ago at the auction, so she didn't expect Ye Nianmo to buy it.    


Ye Nianmo continued to pull her up to the second floor with a smile on his face. Ding Yiyi was attracted by a room on the second floor with the sign "Studio" hanging on it.    


She pushed the door open and entered. Inside were tools for designing and making jewelry all day long. All the items on the table were as clean as new.    


She picked up a file and held it in her hand. A strange feeling came over her, a feeling that stirred her thoughts and her soul.    


"Is this studio for me?" she whispered as she looked at the scene in front of her.    


Ye Nianmo embraced her and gave her the warmest answer. She lowered her head to wipe her eyes, but when she looked up again, she was already full of smiles. "What's in the other rooms?"    


She took the initiative to pull his arm, and impatiently pulled him to another room. When she opened the door, her eyes immediately lit up.    


It was a pink room. The walls were painted all over with pink paint. There were blue dolphins painted on the walls. The ceiling was shaped like a steeple. In the middle of the room, there was a huge toy chandelier.    


Ye Nianmo turned on the chandelier, and from the chandelier, he projected colorful lights. The walls gradually turned into a vast universe, as if different doors were about to open in the next second.    


Ding Yiyi was mesmerized by what she saw. She accidentally knocked into the bed frame, causing the SD doll on the bed to fall down. She picked it up and put it away, unable to explain her excitement.    


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