Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1298 Wealthy Marriage 1226

C1298 Wealthy Marriage 1226

The following day in the jail    


"We've already found out that Ge Feng suddenly had a lot of money after the fall. That money was yours, why did you give it to him? You're not the one who killed Xiao Qiu!"    


Ye Bo looked at him coldly. His sharp eyes followed the expression on his face, as if he could find a flaw through this method.    


Yan Mingyao leaned back against the chair. "I don't know what Ge Feng is. I'm not that noble to waste my own life to go to jail." He leaned forward. "And I'm the one who hates Ge Feng the most. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be in jail."    


His eyes were cold and unperturbed, as if he had really bumped into someone, and he was as calm as if he had only taken responsibility.    


Ye Bo stood up and turned around. Behind him, Yan Mingyao said lightly, "Isn't she asking for a bearer?" Isn't that enough? "    


"She wants truth and justice." Ye Bo didn't turn around. He closed his eyes tiredly. When he opened them again, it was already filled with determination.    


After walking out of the prison, Ye Bo's tightly clenched fists couldn't help but loosen up. He picked up his arm and dialed the number, "Young Master, Yan Mingyao is not willing to speak the truth."    


Ye Nianmo hung up the phone. His expression was solemn for a second. Then, it softened after he saw the brochure in front of him.    


"Whose number?" Ding Yiyi said as she rummaged through the brochure.    


Ye Nianmo stroked her hair, "Ye Bo, I haven't made any progress."    


Ding Yiyi sighed, her expression turning unnatural. "I have something that I don't know whether or not I should say."    


Ye Nianmo pulled her into his arms and let her lie on his lap. Then, he lowered his head and kissed her, "Speak."    


"Yan Mingyao likes Ao Xue." Ding Yiyi carefully analyzed, "If Ao Xue was the one who did this, Yan Mingyao liked her, so he was willing to go to jail in her place and bribe Ge Feng with money."    


"Why did she smash Qiu Bai to death?" Ye Nianmo frowned and asked.    


Ding Yiyi paused for a moment before clenching the picture book tightly. She swallowed her saliva with great difficulty. "What if, I said that the person she wanted to crash to death was me?"    


Ye Nianmo said, "You are blood-related sisters."    


"Yeah, sister, maybe I was wrong about all of this." Ding Yiyi muttered, her eyes filled with worry.    


A promotional pamphlet was placed on her face and Ye Nianmo's voice sounded, "This one is pretty good."    


"Crazy Taekwondo, I have a special female teacher." Ding Yiyi read out the words one by one and looked at the other brochures. "This one seems pretty good. Don't you think it's unreasonable for me to suddenly want to learn Taekwondo?"    


Ye Nianmo took the promotional pamphlet in her hand and was about to make a phone call. He casually said, "You can't beat me anyway."    


"Who said that!?" I will study hard! " Ding Yiyi stretched out her hand to grab the flyer from him.    


Ye Nianmo raised his arm that was grabbing onto the flyer as he made a call, "A month is 5,000 yuan, right? "Yes, I want a female teacher."    


After hanging up, Ding Yiyi laid on his lap with the back of her head facing him.    


He looked at her lovingly, thinking more in his heart. Learning martial arts was good for self-defense, but he didn't need to beg her to return the tuition fee. He only hoped that he could protect her as much as possible.    


As for the man in black, he had a premonition that as long as he could solve Qiu Bai's problem, it wouldn't be long before he would be able to remove the veil on the man in black.    


The next day    


Ye Nianmo sent Ding Yiyi to Taekwondo for lessons. As soon as she entered the training hall, a woman came up to welcome her.    


"Hello, I'm your teacher, Zhou Mei. Nice to meet you."    


Ding Yiyi could see that she was very young. She was wearing a yoga bra and tight pants, and her good figure was clearly visible. The other party also had a sincere smile on his face. "Hello, my name is Ding Yiyi."    


"The one driving the Porsche just now was your boyfriend. I think he looks really good. There should be people who keep him fit." Zhou Mei asked with a smile.    


Ding Yiyi nodded. "He's my fiancé, and he does spend two hours in the gym every morning."    


Zhou Mei's eyes flashed. "Exercise is really good. Then you go and change your clothes while I go and change my clothes."    


Ding Yiyi took some clothes and walked into the locker room. There was a boy's locker room next to the girls' locker room. After she changed her clothes, another guy also changed his clothes and came out.    


He looked as if he should have been training a lot, but unlike the other Taekwondo members, he wasn't as muscular and strong. On the contrary, he was quite delicate and pretty, which suddenly reminded Ding Yiyi of Jie Tian at Las Vegas.    


"Hello, I didn't expect to meet such a beautiful girl here." The man chuckled as he poured a glass of water from a paper cup beside him and passed it to her.    


Ding Yiyi took it. "Thank you."    


"There's no need to be so polite. Right, whatever position or business your parents hold, our parents might know each other." the man continued.    


Ding Yiyi was stunned. "My dad is a truck driver."    


"I saw the Porsche just now," the man was clearly depressed, "There's no need to keep it a secret. It's not something normal people can afford to spend so much in one month, so it's basically a community. Do you understand?" The man tried to express himself.    


Ding Yiyi understood, but she did not like this feeling. Her tone was not as friendly as when she opened her mouth. "I really came to Xue Taekwondo."    


The class started and Ding Yiyi walked past him.    


After the lesson, Ding Yiyi felt that her waist and feet were no longer her own. Her hands and feet were sore as she walked towards the door, and someone patted her shoulder.    


"It will feel better in a few days." Zhou Mei said with a smile. She had changed into a sportswear and looked full of energy. It was in stark contrast to the pained expression on Ding Yiyi's face.    


There was a Porsche car parked at the entrance. Ye Nianmo was looking at the car and wasn't surprised to see Ding Yiyi coming out.    


"So tired." Ding Yiyi muttered to Ye Nianmo, who walked in front of her.    


Ye Nianmo touched her head, "As long as you play with me."    




Ye Nianmo looked towards the voice that interrupted his speech. Seeing that it was a woman, he nodded, "Hello."    


With a frown, she grabbed Ding Yiyi's shoulder and said, "I'm her teacher. Yiyi is very hardworking. If she can endure for a few years, the black belt won't be a problem."    


Ye Nianmo didn't like the strong smell of her perfume, and he didn't like her even more as she hooked her arm around Ding Yiyi's shoulder. He nodded in response, while his other hand held onto Ding Yiyi's arm and pulled her into his embrace.    


He tilted his head. "Shall we go?"    


Ding Yiyi had just gotten into the car when she saw Zhou Mei walk over. "My friend won't be able to pick me up at the moment. Can you send me to the intersection across the street?"    


Ye Nianmo couldn't deny it, but he still opened the car door and Zhou Mei got into the back seat.    


As the car moved forward, no one in the car spoke. Ding Yiyi wanted to play a song, so she turned on the disc player and started rummaging around.    


"Looking for what?" Ye Nianmo asked.    


"I want to listen to rollingintheeep. Where did you put it?" Ding Yiyi said.    


"Second base from the left, and take out some snacks to eat as well."    


Sure enough, Ding Yiyi found a plate and a bag of nuts. She tore open the package and passed it to Zhou Mei, who was sitting in the back seat. "Teacher, you eat too."    


"No," Zhou Mei smiled, "It's easy to get fat from eating this, so I usually don't eat nuts."    


She suddenly changed the subject and said, "You must be Mr Ye, I thought you looked a little familiar just now, but now I remember you."    


Ye Nianmo glanced at her from the rearview mirror and replied, "En."    


Zhou Mei continued, "I have seen your interviews. It can be said that among the new generation of entrepreneurs in the Dongjiang City, you have done very well, not one bit inferior to the older generation. I heard that the international shopping mall was set up as a landmark in the honest flyers?"    


"Yes, I am." Ye Nianmo answered briefly while driving, he didn't forget to look at Ding Yiyi, "Don't eat too much, otherwise, you won't be able to finish your dinner."    


Zhou Mei saw that the two of them were full of harmony and tacit understanding, so she couldn't interfere at all. She was a little disappointed. "Just stop at the intersection up ahead."    


When the car reached the intersection, it immediately stopped. She got off the car and walked around Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo to thank them. The way the voice answered.    


Watching the car drive away, a friend who was not far away ran over, "Wow, that man is so handsome. Is he a new member of your Taekwondo?"    


"No, but I want him to be my boyfriend."    


"But it seems I saw another woman."    


"Which man doesn't steal? That woman looks silly, I'm not afraid."    


In the car, Ding Yiyi touched the soft meat on her belly and said, "What do we do? I got fat."    


Ye Nianmo glanced at her and said lightly, "En."    


Ding Yiyi immediately retracted her hand after reaching into the bag. "I'm not eating anymore. I'll go with you to the gym when we get home!"    


"I like it when I get fat." When the traffic light turned green, Ye Nianmo suddenly said.    


When they arrived at Ye Family, just in time for dinner, the servant gave them a pair of slippers. Hai Zhuoxuan supported Ye Chuqing, causing her stomach to bulge even more.    


After about ten dishes were served on the table, Fu Fengyi cheerfully said, "Pregnant women need to be nourished. It's still early in the morning. Only by eating more will the children become fat."    


"Alright, Grandma!" Ye Chuqing sat down and pulled Hai Zhuoxuan's sleeve, "I want to eat prawns."    


Hai Zhuoxuan put on his gloves and helped her pick up a prawn. He pulled out its shell and the poison glands, then dipped them in the sauce before placing it in her bowl.    


"Your baby needs to have balanced nutrition." Seeing the two of them loving each other so much, Xia Yihan's heart was also filled with sweetness. As the shadow in front of her wavered, a spoonful of her favorite tofu appeared in her bowl.    


Halfway through his meal, Hai Zhuoxuan's phone suddenly rang. He pressed the button, and a few minutes later, it rang again. Ye Chuqing explained, "It's better to pick it up. We just took over the company now, there must be a lot of things we need to do."    


Hai Zhuoxuan nodded, took out his phone and said a few words, "Yes, I'm busy, contact me later" before hanging up.    


"Zhuoxuan, cut down on work. Try your best to take some time to accompany Chu Qing. How about we just come to Ye Group for work? I'll be in charge of talking to Lin Ling." Fu Fengyi said with a smile.    


"Mom, try out this lotus seed soup." Ye Zimo suddenly asked the servant to move the lotus seed soup in front of her.    


Hai Zhuoxuan's lips moved for a while, but in the end, he did not say anything.    


After dinner, Ye Nianmo sent Yi Yi home. As soon as they arrived at the residential complex, it rained heavily. Ding Yiyi invited him, "Would you like to take a seat upstairs?"    


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