Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1399 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1327

C1399 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1327

Ding Yiyi looked at Ao Xue in the video. Perhaps she was worried that someone would recognize her. She was wearing a wig and her makeup was very thick. It was very different from the previous her.    


She threw down the tablet, her heart was already at a loss. She had a feeling that Ao Xue must be up to something.    


As expected, after a few days, all the news on the internet disappeared and there was even a fake audio report. The person who released this report was Ao Xue.    


After Ding Yiyi finished reading the report, what came to her mind was Xiao Wen. She still remembered that Ye Nianmo had warned him before at Ye Group, so maybe he was the one who got the information. If he did, then what was the relationship between him and Ao Xue.    


She called, but the other person didn't answer. Anxious, she went straight to the hotel, only to find that there was no response from his room.    


"Where did he go?" Ding Yiyi muttered.    


In the park, a woman in a mask and dark glasses sat on a bench with a newspaper. Beside her was a snakeskin satchel.    


A moment later, a man in jeans and a shirt sat down and asked, "Can I borrow a newspaper?"    


Ao Xue sized him up, then pushed her bag towards him, "This is the 1 million you want, it's all here."    


"You know, Ye Family isn't worth ten thousand yuan, even if I asked for a hundred thousand, you would give it to me." The man smiled and pushed the satchel back.    


Ao Xue's expression changed slightly. "If you want to go back on your word, you know that you're useless now. Even if you want to go back on your word, no one will believe you."    


"I don't want to go back on my word. I only have one condition." Xiao Qian looked at the woman in front of him. He admired her, but he suddenly thought of Ding Yiyi.    


Ao Xue frowned. "What are your conditions?"    


"If I want to meet Ye Nianmo alone, I have to do it alone." Xiao Qian spoke up.    


Ao Xue was already beginning to doubt the man's intentions. "What are you trying to do?"    


"You only need to say yes or no." Xiao Wen's tone also turned cold. After a few words, he felt that this woman in front of him …    


"I never hit anyone. I mean what I say." When they first met, Ding Yiyi's serious attitude, as if she wanted him to let go of her hand, suddenly intruded into his mind, and he suddenly felt like laughing.    


Ao Xue thought for a moment. "Alright, let me make the arrangements. We will have dinner together at 8 o'clock tonight. At that time, I will create an opportunity for you to meet."    


When Xiao Wen returned to the hotel, he saw a shadow squatting in front of the door of his room like a kangaroo.    


"You're back." Ding Yiyi stood up, her legs numb from the lack of movement, her entire face in agony.    


Xiao Wen was in a good mood, "You idiot! Won't you be able to see me come in if you sit in the hall? "    


"I'm afraid I'll miss you." Ding Yiyi casually said as she lowered her head and twisted her ankle.    


Suddenly, her vision went black as an arm passed through her from behind, tightly locking her between the crook of her arm and the wall.    


"What are you going to do?" Ding Yiyi tilted her head back.    


Xiao Wen looked at him seriously. "Divorce."    


"What?" Ding Yiyi hurriedly asked again, afraid that she hadn't heard clearly.    


Xiao Wen leaned his body towards her and purposely spoke in a very fast tone, "I said divorce. That way, I will be able to pursue you."    


A janitor hurriedly walked past them just as they were passing by the roadside. She gave Ding Yiyi a faintly discernible look.    


Ding Yiyi moved to the side and hid behind a potted plant. "No."    


"Why?" "I know I'm not as rich as Ye Nianmo, but I will go out and find a proper job."    


Ding Yiyi was forced to the point where she had no other choice but to stand firm. "I refuse because you don't love me."    


Before Xiao Wen could argue, she continued, "Do you know the look in my eyes when I look at Ye Nianmo? If you knew, you would know that you did not love me at all, that I was not in your eyes. "    


She pushed his hand away and walked a few steps into the corridor, then suddenly turned around, "The crisis in Ye Group has been resolved. I want to go for a walk for a while.    


"Where are we going to eat?" He did not take this matter to heart.    


Ding Yiyi thought for a moment. "Let's go to St. Roland's Restaurant. It will be 8 o'clock tomorrow night."    


She saw that there was a hint of strangeness in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't, so she asked, "What's wrong? You don't have the time."    


"No, see you tomorrow." After nodding his head, he used his room card to open the door. Then, the door closed with a bang.    


Ding Yiyi looked at the tightly shut door for some reason before grumbling a few words and leaving.    


When she returned to the hotel, she gave Ye Chuqing a call and said straightforwardly, "Chu Qing, I might have to leave for a period of time."    


"Why?" Ye Chuqing immediately tried to dissuade him. "Sister-in-law, don't be like this. I know what I did was wrong."    


"I don't blame him," Ding Yiyi said with a smile. "I just don't know how to face him and Ao Xue, so if I want to go out for a walk, everything will naturally happen. When the time comes, whatever happens will happen."    


Ye Chuqing had nothing to say. After all, letting Ding Yiyi stay here was too cruel. After hanging up the phone with Ding Yiyi, she immediately called Ye Nianmo.    


"Hello, he's taking a bath." It was Ao Xue's voice.    


Ye Chuqing hesitated for a while, but still said, "Then please ask him to give me a call when Big Brother comes out."    


The voice on the other end of the line replied. She was still worried, so she added, "Definitely. I have something very important to talk to him about."    


Ao Xue put down her cell phone and smiled as she deleted the fairytale record. Then she walked over to the bar and poured some of the purple liquid from the glass bottle into the red wine.    


Ye Family    


Ye Chuqing waited left and right, but didn't hear from Ye Nianmo. She thought Ye Nianmo was hinting at something through another method, so she was disappointed.    


The next morning, Ding Yiyi packed her things and found that the picture of Baby Cheng and Chuyun had appeared in her house. Without hesitation, she took a taxi back home.    


The door to the house was filled with trash. She was very familiar with the items inside the trash can. She used her own cup, towel, face cleanser and even some other items.    


A servant was just coming out to throw something at her, but when he saw her, he immediately went home. She smiled and stepped onto the stairs.    


This house was no longer the one she was familiar with. Everything had changed. She felt a little uncomfortable standing at the entrance. The same place only had different items placed on it, yet the difference was so huge.    


"Do you like it?" Ao Xue looked like she was about to go out. When she saw Ding Yiyi, she stopped her earring and said, "I've chosen these one by one."    


Ding Yiyi ignored her and walked up the stairs. When she pushed open the door, she found that the room had been converted into a cloakroom.    


"I left everything inside in the trash can outside. If you still want more, you have to hurry up, otherwise, you'll enter the trash can later." Ao Xue shouted from the top of the stairs.    


Not long after, a group of people hastily ran down the stairs, opened the door and ran outside with all their might.    


Ding Yiyi stood in front of the trash can and fished out the items one by one with tears in her eyes. After a long time, she finally found the photo she was looking for.    


Baby Cheng's and Ye Chuyun's photos were all stained. She used her sleeves to wipe them bit by bit, her tears hitting the photo frame.    


One of the servants couldn't stand it any longer and walked into the room. Ao Xue looked at her coldly and said, "Trash should go to the trash can."    


Ding Yiyi shuddered. "Stop."    


Ao Xue stopped and turned to look at her. "What's the matter?"    


Ding Yiyi wiped away her tears with a sneer. She put the photo frame into her bag and rushed into the living room.    


As soon as he entered the room, he picked up a vase from the hall and smashed it into pieces.    


"You lunatic, get the hell out of here!" Ao Xue shouted loudly as she followed them in.    


Ding Yiyi combed her hair back and smiled. "Didn't you say that trash should go to the trash can? I think everything I see is garbage! "    


As she spoke, she casually swept the items on the tea table on the floor. "This is trash!"    


"This is trash too!" She kicked over the coffee table and smashed something on the table against the TV embedded in the wall. "This is garbage!"    


"Stop right there, this is my territory!" Ao Xue screamed, "What are you all doing? Stop her!"    


Just as the servant was about to make a move, there was a loud bang at the door. A man wearing a hat and mask rushed in. "Smash!"    


"Who are you!" Ao Xue looked at the man who had suddenly appeared in a flustered and exasperated manner. She saw that more and more things were being smashed apart. She wanted to pull Ding Yiyi away, but her hand was stopped.    


The man wearing a mask said, "Watch the show. If you interfere, I'll beat you to death."    


Ding Yiyi picked up the photo that Ao Xue had hung on the wall and tilted her head. "I still think it's trash."    


She dropped the photo at her feet and stepped on it. The frame clicked.    


"You crazy woman, I won't let you off!" Ao Xue saw that her picture frame had been stepped on and was about to go crazy. She even punched and kicked the man beside her, but the man was just like a stone as he let her beat him up.    


The living room was in a complete mess. Ding Yiyi had smashed everything in there. She turned her head and saw a few servants backing away from her. They looked away and didn't dare to look at her.    


The security guard's voice came from outside the door, "What's going on inside? Do you need help?"    


"I'm going to call the police. I'm going to call the police and capture this woman." Ao Xue shouted with all her might.    


The man let go of her hand and ran to the middle of the living room to pull Ding Yiyi, who was still in a daze, up, and ran as fast as he could.    


The security guards had just climbed the stairs when they saw two figures running out of the room. They had no choice but to avoid them.    


Ding Yiyi was being pulled forward while panting heavily. Her hand was being held tightly by someone as a car drove past them.    


She subconsciously looked into the car and met the eyes of the person inside. Their gazes locked before they were forcibly pulled apart.    


Ye Nianmo, Ye Nianmo! Her heart kept calling out the name, but she only had time to turn back and take one last look at him.    


He ran all the way to the door and jumped into the sports car. "Hurry, get in!"    


The two of them got into the car and drove outside desperately. After driving for a few kilometers, Xiao Wen finally stopped the car by the side of the road. The two of them raised their heads and looked at the sky.    


"You're too awesome. Didn't you see their expressions just now? It was as if you ate a fly!" Xiao Wen smiled and patted her shoulder.    


Ding Yiyi looked up at the blue sky, just as a cloud floated past and cast a shadow. She suddenly said, "That was me and his first family. I thought it was for the rest of my life."    


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