Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C717 Wealthy Marriage 646

C717 Wealthy Marriage 646

Xu Haorann smiled at Xia Yihan, and looked at Ye Nianmo with his uninjured eyes. Xia Yihan wanted to gently caress Ye Nianmo's head to comfort him, but Ye Nianmo withdrew his head and ran out of the door without touching Xia Yihan's hands.    


On the hospital's lawn, Ye Nianmo was squatting on the side, plucking the grass in a depressed manner, casting a huge shadow in front of him. When he looked up and saw the person coming, Ye Nianmo lowered his head in disappointment, thinking that he was going to be scolded again.    


Ye Zimo's expression could not be seen, but her voice sounded gentle, which ordinary people would not be able to hear. "Ye Nianmo, stand up."    


Ye Nianmo fidgeted with his fingers and stood up uneasily. His head was almost hanging down to his chest, and his bean-sized tears were falling down bit by bit. Ye Nianmo quickly reached out his arm to wipe them away.    


"Ye Nianmo, do you remember what Daddy said?" Ye Zimo looked at Ye Nianmo with a stern tone.    


Ye Nianmo burped a little. "Remember, Daddy said a man shouldn't cry. Nianmo didn't cry!" Ye Nianmo looked up at Ye Zimo, frowning under his red eyes.    


"Daddy is going to tell you the second thing about being a man." Ye Zimo lightly patted Nianmo's back and said at a steady pace:    


"As a man, if others pay a point for you, you have to pay 10 points for them. If they hurt you once, you have to let them never have the chance to hurt you a second time. Do you understand?"    


Ye Nianmo was still immersed in Ye Zimo's warm hand and the rare gentle tone. After thinking for a while, he howled with a tearful voice, "I don't understand."    


Ye Zimo burst into laughter and wiped Ye Nianmo's tears, "You will understand. There will be a day."    


Xia Yihan and Ye Nianmo were forcefully brought back to the Ye Family by Ye Zimo. The butler coaxed Ye Nianmo to sleep while Ye Zimo dragged Xia Yihan to the kitchen.    


There was steaming hot porridge in the kitchen. Xia Yihan looked at Ye Nianmo in surprise. Ye Nianmo sat down gracefully and started eating. All that was left for him was the fragrance of the porridge and the sound of chewing.    


"Pfft pfft pfft." The sound of her stomach protesting startled Xia Yihan. Ye Zimo's long eyes inadvertently glanced towards Xia Yihan's stomach.    


Unsatisfied with Ye Zimo's mocking gaze, Xia Yihan sat down on a chair, picked up a spoon, and spooned it into her mouth.    


"Wah!" "So hot, so hot!"    


Xia Yihan stuck out her tongue and looked at Ye Zimo with tears in her eyes. Ye Zimo stretched out her slender hand, and when it was close to Xia Yihan's forehead, the palm that was about to touch it turned into a fist, and lightly tapped on Ye Yihan's forehead.    


"Stupid woman!"    


Xia Yihan wanted to retort, but her lips were lightly pressed against his. Ye Zimo looked at him with a smile in her eyes, which were slightly fluttering with lashes. She pulled away from Xia Yihan and stood up straight.    




At night, Ye Nianmo pestered Xia Yihan to tell him a story. Little Red Riding Hood disobeyed his grandma and ran into the forest to gather mushrooms. He was finally caught by the big bad wolf. "    


Ye Nianmo raised his head and asked innocently, "Mommy, will a single person be caught by the big bad wolf?"    


Xia Yihan nodded seriously. Ye Nianmo thought for a while and said with a dejected tone, "Then will Uncle Xu be taken away by the gray wolves if he stays alone in the hospital?"    


Ye Nianmo looked at Xia Yihan with concern. Xia Yihan rubbed Ye Nianmo's head and felt good about its kindness.    


"Then Mommy will send a photo of Nianmo to Uncle Xu, okay? That way, the big bad wolf won't dare to catch Uncle Xu."    


After coaxing Ye Nianmo, Xia Yihan tiptoed out of the room. Ye Zimo's study room was still lit up with dim lights and the clear sound of a keyboard could still be heard.    


Ye Zimo didn't notice Xia Yihan standing at the door, wearing rimless glasses as she processed the data. Xia Yihan quietly looked at Ye Zimo through the door and subconsciously picked up the phone in her hand that hadn't been turned off.    


Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan's appearance filled up the headlines the next day. Lin Jie put down the newspaper with a frown. He picked up the phone and dialed a familiar number before putting it down in a depressed manner.    


"Why does he look like he has something heavy on his mind?" Si Si took a glass of red wine and placed it on the table in front of Lin Jie. With a smile that Lin Jie was familiar with, her feet were wrapped in bandages.    


Lin Jie's eyes swept over Si Si. Si Si smiled and said, "It's alright. Didn't you say you would be cannon fodder?"    


"For the 5 million?" Lin Jie said.    


Si Si's expression was stern. "What if I like you to the point that I'm willing to be someone else's cannon fodder and even give up my life?"    


"I like Xia Yihan." Lin Jie looked at Si Si. Si Si smiled and didn't say anything else. She turned around and revealed a profound smile. Of course I have to be patient when I'm fishing. Suddenly, he was stopped by Lin Jie.    


Lin Jie looked at the woman in front of him and a glimmer of possibility flashed across his eyes. He took the bottle of red wine and pecked it, and asked casually: "Was it you who did the Fashion Jewelry? You seem to be very dissatisfied with Xia Yihan."    


Si Si looked at Lin Jie in surprise. With a slightly raised voice, she said, "I don't know Xia Yihan. I just can't bear to see you guys being enchanted by her. If it was me, I would set her shop on fire!"    


Lin Jie frowned slightly as he moved closer to Si Si. There was a warning that could not be refused, "It's best if you didn't do it."    


Si Si glared back at him, her heart beating like a drum. If it wasn't made by herself, then who could have done it?    


As the day of the Jewelry Design Competition approached, Xia Yihan was extremely busy. The needle was already past 12 o'clock. She put down her brush and heaved a long sigh of relief.    


Xia Yihan's body was held in a warm embrace. She twisted her body in an attempt to dodge the attack, but when she touched the scorching heat coming from the other party's abdomen, she suddenly stiffened.    


Ye Zimo carried Xia Yihan by her waist and laid her on the bed. She pressed on the other party's body and turned her head to the side, moving her delicate neck away from his body.    


Xia Yihan raised her head passively, while Ye Zimo laughed softly. Only then did Xia Yihan wake up, and she quickly pulled back her pajamas and said, "I have to participate in the competition tomorrow!"    


"So what?" Grabbing Xia Yihan's ankle, Ye Zimo forced the fleeing woman to return to her own body. Ye Zimo carefully sniffed the fragrance off her opponent's body, wrapping her opponent's fine collarbone completely within.    


"Ye Zimo!" Don't do that! " Xia Yihan carefully refused, but there was not a trace of hope in her eyes.    


The man stopped moving. Xia Yihan blinked and asked curiously, "Ye Zimo?"    


Ye Zimo unsteadily grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around Xia Yihan. She then shoved Xia Yihan into her embrace and viciously said, "Sleep!"    


Is he alright? Xia Yihan fidgeted uneasily as she felt the heat on her thighs grow even hotter. A punitive nibble sounded in her ear, making her afraid to move any more.    


The next day, when Xia Yihan rushed to the exhibition, Yuv Le ran to meet her. She picked up Xia Yihan's design work and ran to the hall. "It's going to be late, Yihan. Hurry!"    


The two of them jogged to the service desk. Yuv Le quickly took out a design product from Xia Yihan's bag and handed it to the waiter.    


Half an hour later, the host was jubilantly going up to the stage to let all the contestants explain their creativity and to the point of being happy. Yuv Le nervously displayed her work.    


When Yuv Le stepped down from the stage, she smiled at Xia Yihan. Although Xia Yihan thought that her smile was a little strange, she didn't think too deeply into it.    


With regards to Xia Yihan, who was undoubtedly a highlight of the design competition, many people started whispering to each other. Just how much ability did the woman behind Ye Zimo, who single-handedly created Fashion Jewelry, possess?    


Xia Yihan smiled and gestured for the waiter to unfold her painting. The scene emitted a series of gasps, with simple tones, complicated patterns, and Xia Yihan's jewellery design samples that were exactly the same as Yuv Le's!    


Xia Yihan turned her pale face to look at Yuv Le. Yuv Le seemed to be staring at her in shock as well. Upon seeing this, the host tried to smooth things over, "It seems like Miss Xia must have taken the wrong piece of work from someone else."    


Xia Yihan nodded her head hastily and subconsciously opened the bag in her hands. Below the stage, there was a chorus of sighs.    


"Ye Zimo's woman is just a vile character who copied the works of others. How could someone like Ye Zimo like him?!"    


"It seems that looks can indeed seduce men."    


Xia Yihan didn't know what to do, so she raised her head and looked around. Under the blue light, there was a dense crowd of people.    


Xia Yihan pushed the host aside and ran off the stage. Aren't you going to chase after me? " Si Si pointed in the direction Xia Yihan ran in and asked Lin Jie.    


Seeing that Lin Jie didn't hesitate to get up and chase after Xia Yihan, Si Si's gaze landed on Yuv Le. This woman was not simple!    


Lin Jie chased along the corridor. Xia Yihan, who was sitting on a bench at the corner, was curled up on it. She didn't cry but just looked at her phone in a daze.    


Lin Jie took a deep breath and looked at Xia Yihan quietly. Xia Yihan took out her phone and looked at Ye Nianmo's photo. Her fingers moved to a picture. The man was frowning as he tapped the keyboard.    


Lin Jie sighed and turned around to pick up his phone.    


Xia Yihan heard steady footsteps coming from the corridor. She rubbed her reddened eyes and lowered her head, not wanting to let passersby see her distress.    


A pair of leather shoes came into view. The owner of the leather shoes stopped in front of Xia Yihan and gently brushed away the fine hair on Xia Yihan's forehead.    


"How ugly." Ye Zimo said softly with a frown.    


Xia Yihan closed her phone in panic, tears on the verge of flowing down her cheeks. Ye Zimo gently covered Xia Yihan's eyes, feeling the wetness that came from her palms.    


"Bring me that Yuv Le woman." Ye Zimo ordered coldly as she carried the sleeping Xia Yihan into the car.    


Yuv Le hurriedly walked out of the exhibition hall with a painting scroll that should have appeared on the stage in her hands.    


A woman wearing a dark red long skirt appeared in front of him, blocking Yuv Le's path. Yuv Le had no choice but to stand still and look at this woman with suspicion.    


"I have to say, you are a smart child. At least, I admire you." Si Si curled her hair gracefully in front of her shoulders.    


"I don't understand what you're talking about!" Yuv Le was so flustered that she wanted to take another route.    


"I said that I admire your courage to die. You won't be able to escape." Si Si laughed softly as she heard footsteps getting closer and closer. Only then did she hide into another room and watch as Yuv Le was carried away.    


"You have a face that many people love." Ye Zimo said expressionlessly as she looked at Yuv Le while holding Xia Yihan's painting in her hand.    


Yuv Le looked at Ye Zimo greedily and said anxiously, "What I did was for you!"    


"For me?" Ye Zimo's tone was slightly rising, and even a little curious.    


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