Sweet Mommy, Go!

C459 Never in Their Dreams Did They Expect That

C459 Never in Their Dreams Did They Expect That

If I was sleeping in my room with my girlfriend, I would have reported it to you.    


Zhengtianlee's words echoed in Luxiangfeng's ears. With Wenwen's reaction, everything seemed to be very clear.    


Even if the Luxiangfeng hated the Zhengtianlee, she did not want to make things difficult for a woman.    


"Alright, no need to say anymore." Luxiangfeng waved his hands, he understood.    


There was still no news from Zhengtianlee, and he did not even have a good attitude towards her, "You can go back first."    


The Wenwen nodded and returned to his room honestly.    


If he really did not go out on Zhengtianlee # 28, then he would no longer be suspected? Or did he have some other helper?    


Luxiangfeng thought, and he shook his head in his heart. Zhengtianlee was not the type of person who would easily believe others.    


Luxiangfeng who had been silent all this while suddenly spoke up before he could think of a reason.    




He called out to Wenwen, who had not entered the room yet, but used a question.    


Wenwen's footsteps paused for a moment, but he still turned his head.    


Zhengtianlee sneered, "What? "Don't tell me Director Jiang still wants to make things difficult for a woman?"    


"Although my Jiangwenbinn has often lived in tens of thousands of flowers, never having a single leaf touch her, never once, nor have I ever felt sad for a woman." Although Jiangwenbinn had answered Zhengtianlee's question, he had been looking at Wenwen the entire time, "I wonder if Mr. Zheng has ever troubled women before."    


"What are you doing now that you're not making things difficult for a woman?" Zhengtianlee slapped the table to express her anger, "Do you think I would make things difficult for my own woman?"    


"The person who is making things difficult for his woman is simply not a man." The Jiangwenbinn laughed, "I just want to ask you a question."    


"If you ask too much, be careful that I'm not polite." The Zhengtianlee was afraid of bullying her.    


"Of course not." Jiangwenbinn still looked at Wenwen, and asked softly, "What day is today?"    


Of course, this question wasn't difficult at all.    


"Today, today …" This was originally a very simple question, but Wenwen could not answer it even after muttering for a long time. Three pairs of eyes, especially the eyes that were staring at her, were unable to make her take out her phone to look at the date, let alone not knowing.    


Luxiangfeng suddenly understood something and smiled at him.    


The Jiangwenbinn asked the Wenwen, "You don't know if it's right."    


"Yes." Wenwen could only admit it. If she knew, she would have told him, and if she couldn't, she would have to admit she didn't.    


"You don't even know what day it is, how do you know which day is the 28th?" The Jiangwenbinn asked, "If you don't even know the date of the 28th, how would you know what he was doing that day?"    


"Or have you already agreed to act out a play in front of us?" After Jiangwenbinn had finished speaking, he helped her out, "Oh, you didn't say where he was and what he was doing that day. Your grumbling look was not because you're embarrassed, nor could it be because you don't remember, but because you don't know, so all of this is his problem, it has nothing to do with you."    


Wenwen obviously did not expect Jiangwenbinn to suddenly help her, and raised his head to look at her gratefully.    


Jiangwenbinn knew that she was right, and the smile on her face became even more radiant, "I've said this before, I've never felt sad for a woman before. I never lie. "    


With that, she turned her gaze towards Zhengtianlee, "It's now your turn to explain yourself. She doesn't know where you did it on the 28th, there's no way you don't know."    


"I don't remember." Zhengtianlee could not speak anymore. Instead, he asked Jiangwenbinn boldly and confidently, "Can you remember what you do every day clearly?"    


"But I will not forget what I have done in the past few days." The Jiangwenbinn said.    


"What right do you have to say that I did something shameful?" Zhengtianlee stretched his neck.    


"Just because you asked someone else to help you lie." Jiangwenbinn said, "Those who haven't done something shameful are not afraid of others asking, so there's naturally no need for you to lie."    


"You are slandering us. "You guys are obviously here to cause trouble. In order to stop you guys from causing trouble, why don't you get my lover to tell you a lie?" Zhengtianlee was speechless after Jiangwenbinn's question, he wanted to sow discord between them, "Some people become famous police, how can you judge things like this and not a single ordinary person have the ability to do so? I think everything of my previous reputation was bought with money. "    


Luxiangfeng did not speak, he only smiled and looked at Zhengtianlee, waiting to slap him in the face. He knew that the Jiangwenbinn would not let him suffer a loss.    


"That's where you're wrong, and there's more to it than that." Jiangwenbinn shook a finger with a regretful expression.    


No one wanted to think of themselves as fools, and Zhengtianlee was no exception.    


When rational people were being provoked, the ones that weren't provoked were the truly wise people.    


Zhengtianlee was neither rational nor smart, so the moment he opened his mouth, both Luxiangfeng and himself knew that he was going to lose today's match.    


"Then tell me what's wrong with me?" Zhengtianlee asked unhappily.    


"If I say three things, you will admit your crime. Do you dare?" Jiangwenbinn asked.    


"Alright." Zhengtianlee agreed without even thinking.    


Jiangwenbinn smiled like a little kid who just got away with something.    


"Firstly, you should not say that Luxiangfeng is not a good police officer. Naturally, I have my reasons for judging this matter more than him. "    


"Secondly, I am not an ordinary person. If I were an ordinary person, I would not be able to see through such things."    


Zhengtianlee was afraid that Jiangwenbinn would say the third, so he hurriedly interrupted him, "The first two are all nonsense, they can't be counted."    


However, Jiangwenbinn did not think so, "When I say the third point, you will know whether or not I am spouting nonsense."    


Zhengtianlee turned his head and waited for him to speak.    


"Thirdly, you really shouldn't spend money on things." These last words were said when Jiangwenbinn looked at him.    


"What do you mean spending money to do things? What did I spend money to do?" Zhengtianlee was clearly flustered.    


"She." Jiangwenbinn pointed at Jiangwenbinn, "She is actually not your wife, nor is she your girlfriend or your lover."    


"What are you talking about? How could such a thing be false? " Zhengtianlee clenched his teeth and refused to admit it.    


The Jiangwenbinn laughed, "You thought that your plans were flawless, but never thought that I would know her."    


Zhengtianlee opened his mouth, but then closed it again. He really didn't think of it.    


The Jiangwenbinn explained to him with a smile, "I know that you are not called Wenwen, but Jiangyuwen. Maybe you don't know me, but you definitely know Xiaoyan. "    


Jiangyuwen nodded, not only did she know Xiaoyan, the two of them were also good friends.    


"Xiaoyan is my fiancee." Jiangwenbinn continued, "I used to go there often to play, and met you once or twice. Xiaoyan also often mentioned you to me."    


The corner of Jiangyuwen's mouth twitched. It was obvious that she felt embarrassed because she had stood on the opposite side of her good friend's fiance.    


Jiangwenbinn looked at Zhengtianlee, "Is 3 points enough this time?"    


"I …" Zhengtianlee, "Alright, I'll say. I just forgot where I went that day. The reason why I'm acting dumb is because I know that something has happened to Guchenzhe. "    


"As long as you have enough information, I will not be allowed to have any information."    


"I know that something has happened to the Guchenzhe and all of you will definitely think of me. I had no proof of what I was doing that day, so I came up with this idea. "    


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