CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C174 Zhao Wei Er's Method

C174 Zhao Wei Er's Method

However, Yu Xiaowen did not see Su Qiyang for the next two or three days. She did not even call him back. She only asked her assistant to inform her, "Director Su is a little busy these few days. He will not be coming home for the time being. Please take care of yourself. Don't worry about him. "    


Without saying a reason, how could she not be worried?    


Yu Xiaowen convinced herself that Su's Group was a big company. Busy was normal! Thus, she did not pester him endlessly. She was afraid of disturbing him. She only asked the secretary to tell him to take care of his rest and not to work too hard.    


It was only on the third day that she found out the reason in the television news.    


The old crisis of Su's Group had yet to be resolved, and it had added new trouble. It was said that the bank loans had not gone through the procedure. It was very likely that Su's Group had colluded with the bank's finances. Even the conspiracy theories of corruption of the country's wealth and harvesting of the common people's chives had been revealed.    


If this conspiracy theory was proven to be true. . . It would not be an ordinary matter. The serious situation would cause the reputation of the Su family to be completely destroyed, and the company would also declare bankruptcy and liquidation.    


Yu Xiaowen had only seen the news and was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan. However, when she thought about how busy Su Qiyang would be when faced with this kind of accusation.    


She wanted to find the Su's Group and ask about his situation.    


But before that, she received a call from Yu Tao.    


He threatened, "Yu Xiaowen, remember your current identity. If you go to Su Qiyang at this time, the reporters will take pictures of you. You will be implicated in the Yu's, not to mention the property left behind by your mother. You can forget about coming back to the Yu's. I would rather let your mother and I's painstaking efforts go to waste. I won't let you return to Yu's to work. "    


Yu Xiaowen had a huge argument with him, but she did not manage to convince Yu Tao and was suspended. She said that she would only be able to go back to work after the matter in the Su's Group was over.    


He also said that even if she went to find Su Qiyang during the suspension period, she wouldn't be able to return to the Yu's in the future. He also said that Yan Ming would send people to keep an eye on her every word and action.    


Yu Xiaowen was so angry that she smashed her phone on the spot.    


With the help of the butler, she changed to a new phone and immediately called Su Qiyang. This time, it was not his assistant who answered. It was him.    


His voice sounded very tired even through the earpiece.    


"You don't have to worry. It's none of your business. I can handle everything. "    


Yu Xiaowen's heart ached and said, "You go and investigate Peng Yichen. I suspect that he is taking revenge!"    


Su Qiyang was silent for a moment and quickly guessed that it was probably Cui Shaohao telling Wang Yalu about the hotel and then Wang Yalu telling Yu Xiaowen.    


He said, "I will investigate. Don't read the news recently. Take good care of yourself and Yu Tong. I will be fine after I finish my work. When the time comes, the three of us will go overseas and have a good time! "    


"Okay, okay!" Yu Xiaowen's voice was a little choked up.    


The two of them chatted a little more before reluctantly hanging up the phone.    


Yu Xiaowen was suspended, but she did not return to the magazine. She stayed at home and her main task was to take care of Yu Tong.    


But she did not listen to Su Qiyang. She paid attention to the news every day.    


The incident in Su's Group was getting more and more intense. It even alarmed the police. The police ordered Su's Group to be investigated and sent many people from the prosecution to move in.    


After Su Qiyang and Yu Xiaowen talked on the phone, he also thought that it was Peng Yichen's revenge. When he was ready to send people to investigate, the prosecutor suddenly moved in, which made his plan run out of time. He was tired of dealing with the investigation.    


The actual time for the prosecution to collect evidence was a week, but after a week, they did not leave. After the official documents were sent, the time increased by another week.    


With the prosecutor around, they had to cooperate with the investigation. There was no way for the employees to carry out their normal work. Every day, they would suffer millions of losses, which meant that every day the prosecutor stayed, it would be a fatal blow to the Su's Group!    


In the stock market, the Su's Group's share price dropped from nearly 200 to 100 per share. It was equivalent to the evaporation of hundreds of billions in the market!    


It was hard to see Su Qiyang's expression when the financial situation broke out!    


Dong! Dong! Dong!    


Someone knocked on the office door. Wu's assistant, who had returned from the Yu's Group, stood at the door and said, "Director Su, Miss Zhao Weier is downstairs. She said she wants to see you. She said she has something very important to see you! She said she has news about the crisis that our company is facing right now. She told you! "    


The last sentence was specially asked by Zhao Weier to ask Wu's assistant to remind Su Qiyang. She was afraid that he would not be willing to disagree with her.    


When had she, Zhao Weier, ever been so humble?    


She thought that she had really fallen in love with him. Otherwise, she would not be like this. She was afraid that he would not want to see her.    


Su Qiyang was silent for half a minute and said, "Let her come up!"    


Mr Wu received the order and left. In a few minutes, he appeared again. Beside him was Zhao Weier, who was wearing a lotus colored dress and a pair of nude red high-heeled shoes.    


She was dressed very fresh today. Even her makeup was carefully drawn light makeup and it softened her beautiful facial features. It could be said that she was as beautiful as a lotus flower in clear water and was not inferior to Yu Xiaowen at all.    


That's right!    


The last time she saw Yu Xiaowen, she thought that Su Qiyang might not like her original attire, so she deliberately dressed herself in Yu Xiaowen's appearance to cater to his preferences. . .    


Then, a certain someone just swept a cold glance over and did not stay for too long. It was as if the current her was no different from the previous day's her.    


Zhao Weier's mood was very depressed!    


"What do you want to say to me?"    


Su Qiyang went straight to the point, which made her heart turn cold again.    


Zhao Weier reluctantly put away her bad mood and said, "I am here to help you!"    


Her words made Su Qiyang frown. He could not help but think of Peng Yichen's sarcasm at the cocktail party that day, saying that he relied on women.    


After that, he returned to the company and indeed got someone to investigate. Only then did he know that Peng Yichen was not lying. Zhao Weier was really silently helping him.    


But why?    


He had done things so decisively and clearly did not want to have anything to do with her. Why did she still help him?    


Was she unwilling to give up?    


Su Qiyang pursed his thin lips and said, "Miss Zhao, Let me put it this way. In front, I won't. . . "    


"Fine, fine, I know, you don't have to say it anymore. " Zhao Weier interrupted him and said, "I know you won't make any deal with me because you already have someone in your heart. But this time I purely want to help you. There are no additional conditions. "    


Su Qiyang's brows were still furrowed, looking at his expression as if he did not believe it.    


"Just take it as me making amends for my previous actions!" Zhao Weier added.    


"There is no need. " Su Qiyang said, "It's my own decision to cut off the cooperation with Zhao Shi. It has nothing to do with you. "    


What he said was the truth. Because after Zhao Weier's matter, the old master of Zhao family immediately went to find him to apologize for Zhao Weier. He said that the cooperation would continue, and that he would give profits as compensation.    


It was his firm attitude that ended the cooperation.    


Zhao Weier shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't care about what you said. Anyway, I came here to tell you some things. It would be best if you listened. If you don't listen, just pretend that I didn't say anything. " She didn't wait for Su Qiyang to speak again and continued, "All the things that your company is facing now are caused by Peng Yichen from Hailan. "    


Su Qiyang looked at her and said, "I know that!"    


"You know?" Zhao Weier was stunned. This was a piece of information she got from a police cousin of hers. There was no reason for him to know so easily.    


She asked again, "Then do you know that Officer Lu and Peng Yicheng, who are in charge of your case, have been good friends for many years?"    


This Su Qiyang really did not know.    


His black eyes flickered as he asked, "The prosecutor's residence is also. . . "    


"Yes, Officer Lu!" Zhao Weier consciously replied and even analyzed, "I think this Peng Yichen is probably aware that the prosecutor is unable to find any substantial evidence to prove that your company is colluding with the bank. That's why he thought of this method to directly exhaust all of you. After a week, it will probably be another week! "    


How much hatred did Peng Yichen have with Su Qiyang?    


To think that he could think of such a vicious method!    


Even if he was caught as the mastermind, it was impossible to convict him. At most, it was just a verbal argument. It could only be said that this method was not only vicious, it was also very useful!    


Zhao Weier thought in her heart and really wanted to ask Su Qiyang about it. What was his relationship with this Peng Yichen, but she was also afraid that he would think that she was spying on his privacy, so she could only bury her doubts in her heart.    


She blinked and asked him: "Do you have any way to deal with him?"    


Su Qiyang shook his head. He had really underestimated Peng Yichen and forced him to this extent!    


"Actually!" Zhao Weier looked at Su Qiyang's eyes tentatively and said hesitantly, "Actually, I have a way to help you, but you definitely won't agree. "    


Her words made Su Qiyang stare at her for a long time. His dark eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, making Zhao Weier's face heat up slightly. She felt that her selfishness had been seen through.    


After a long time.    


Su Qiyang then shifted his gaze away. He said quietly, "Thank you for your kindness, but I will not adopt this method. "    


Did he guess it?    


Zhao Weier widened her eyes. She had not even said it.    


Her mood fell once again. He was so smart, it was not strange for him to guess it!    


"Then, alright then!" Zhao Weier got up from the sofa. "Then I have nothing to say. I, I'm leaving!"    


Su Qiyang did not keep her. He just called Wu's assistant to come in and help him send Zhao Weier over.    


Zhao Weier wanted to dawdle for a while, but she was still sent away very quickly.    


After she left, Su Qiyang leaned against the back of the chair and closed his eyes to think.    


Although there was no evidence at the moment, he knew that Peng Yichen was the mastermind behind the disruption of the media and tarnishing the Su's Group, but he did not know that his dark hand had actually infiltrated the prosecution.    


Zhao Weier had indeed helped him a lot by telling him these things. He naturally knew what Zhao Weier had guessed. Even if he got the evidence to prove that it was Peng Yichen's scheme, there was no way to convict him. At most, he could take revenge in the business field.    


But this was too much of a bargain for him!    


Furthermore, the Su's Group could not even protect themselves now. They could not spare any energy to deal with him.    


Su Qiyang punched the handle of an office chair in frustration. He knew very well what Zhao Weier did not say about the method, and also knew that it was the only way at the moment!    


So, should he agree to it?    


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