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C152 See You Again in a Thousand Raindrops

C152 See You Again in a Thousand Raindrops

Lee Wanning also didn't know where Xiu Er's words came from. Although it made some sense, she thought that perhaps the Emperor didn't think this way.    


The Emperor should also know what the nation of Xiliang was thinking. The reason he did this was not because he wanted two backers, but because he wanted them to scare each other.    


However, if Ann Tan comes …    


Thinking up to here, Lee Wanning immediately packed up the things in her hands. If he really could take care of her later in Yingjia, then whatever the emperor of Wusun wanted to do would have absolutely nothing to do with her.    


Although what Princess Changle said before made Lee Wanning a little afraid of Ann Tan, but if he could really bring her back, she didn't want to think about anything.    


While Lee Wanning was thinking this, she had already reached the entrance of the palace.    


On the white bricks of the palace, Ann Tan and the others slowly walked over.    


He was wearing a long black robe with a golden dragon crown on his head. His appearance looked a little different from the man in Lee Wanning's memories.    


At this moment, Lee Wanning was standing on the balcony. When she saw Ann Tan, she stopped in her tracks.    


She did not dare to approach him.    


Ann Tan slowly raised his head as if he felt her gaze.    


Their eyes met and Lee Wanning couldn't help but frown. Ann Tan, on the other hand, replied with a smile full of satisfaction.    


"Princess, this Emperor of Yingjia sure is good-looking!" Xiu Er said.    


Lee Wanning glanced at her and shook her head. It was as though she could drive away all the messy thoughts in her head this way.    


Lee Wanning thought that what Princess Changle said to her that day must have had a psychological effect. No matter what, the reason why Ann Tan was able to reach his current position was largely because of Zhou Qu.    


So, no matter what, it was impossible for him to have any ill intentions towards her, right?    


Just as Lee Wanning was thinking this, she heard the palace maid's voice from the front, "Princess Liuli, the Emperor wants you to meet his guests in the front hall!"    


Only then did Lee Wanning turn around and walk back to the main hall.    


Since he was the emperor of Yingjia, Ann Tan did not refuse when the emperor let Ann Tan sit in the front of the throne.    


Princess Changle sat opposite him. When she met Ann Tan's eyes, her face was full of smiles.    


Ann Tan only smiled and said, "Princess Changle, you can be considered to be acquainted with her."    


Princess Changle naturally knew what he was talking about, but she naturally could not reveal the matter of her going to the palace of Yingjia. She only smiled and said, "Your Majesty has really praised me, I wonder where we met before?"    


Hearing that, Ann Tan immediately understood what she meant. He smiled and said, "When I was young, I came here once with Royal Father. I'm afraid Princess Changle forgot."    


Princess Changle really did not remember this matter anymore. Her eyes looked at the emperor, who had already said, "There was indeed such a thing. Back then, when His Majesty was young, our nation of Wusun was still in a flourishing state, but she did not expect that in the future …"    


Not long after that, it was the troops of the Yingjia that traversed the entire land of the Wusun.    


Such a grudge, even if both countries appeared calm on the surface, it did not mean that they had forgotten about the past.    


Hearing the emperor's words, Ann Tan's expression didn't change. He only said, "It's been so many years since I've been here. Seeing it now, I really can't recognize it."    


The emperor was about to reply when he heard a voice in front of him. "Princess Liuli has arrived!"    


Ann Tan's expression changed slightly. Then, he slowly turned around.    


Lee Wanning walked in slowly with the support of the people beside her.    


Lee Wanning wore a moon-white dress. Her hair was tied up, revealing a fair neck. Her eyes were bright.    


Ann Tan's pupils shrank when he saw her.    


Princess Changle narrowed her eyes slightly at the sight of such a reaction.    


Ann Tan hadn't seen Lee Wanning for a long time. Previously, he only thought this woman was very interesting, but now, looking at her well-dressed self, he felt that she was even more charming.    


Lee Wanning knew that Ann Tan was looking at her as if nothing had happened. She slowly kneeled down and saluted the emperor, as well as towards Ann Tan.    


The emperor told Lee Wanning to sit beside Princess Changle. Ann Tan could see her as long as he turned his head. Ann Tan was a calm person after all. After looking at Lee Wanning, he slowly said, "Princess Liuli is quite charming."    


He looked at Lee Wanning and said, "This child's parents are both people with hardships. Even going back to the imperial court has changed a lot. Now that the Emperor is able to see her, it could be considered fate."    


The two of them exchanged polite words, but Lee Wanning's eyes had already looked around the entire hall. Zhou Qu really didn't come.    


Lee Wanning's face showed unconcealable disappointment. Ann Tan also saw it in his eyes, but he remained calm and collected.    


He had people bring the birthday presents to the Emperor of Wusun one by one, as well as two gifts for Princess Changle and Princess Liuli.    


Princess Changle was wearing an extremely beautiful and resplendent robe. Lee Wanning, on the other hand, was wearing a flute.    


When Lee Wanning saw the jade colored flute, she looked at Ann Tan.    


His face was full of smiles.    


Lee Wanning immediately frowned.    


Ann Tan stayed in the palace for a while before returning to the Inn. Just as Lee Wanning was about to leave the palace to meet him, she saw Princess Changle enter first.    


"It seems that the Emperor of Yingjia is rather concerned about you." Princess Changle said with a smile.    


Lee Wanning understood the meaning behind her words and frowned slightly. Just as she was about to leave, the long-haired princess said, "If you go and find him like this, then it would be a bit strange. You are the princess of our Wusun, so finding a man like that is not proper."    


Lee Wanning paused for a moment and said, "Last time, didn't you also ask me to look for Prince Siliang?"    


"That's not the same. The crown prince wants to marry into our Wusun, but the emperor hasn't said anything, and he's still saying that you want to …"    


Hearing Princess Changle's words, Lee Wanning's expression immediately turned cold. She said, "Princess Changle, this joke isn't funny at all."    


Seeing her like that, Princess Changle smiled and said, "Look, look, this is serious. I know you only have Zhou Qu in your heart, but this Ann Tan is obviously interested in you. If you go like this, won't it just be perfect for him?"    


"Impossible, he's the emperor. What kind of woman does he want? How can he be interested in me?" Lee Wanning immediately said.    


Princess Changle shook her head. "So, do you want to try?"    


Lee Wanning didn't want to discuss such a boring matter with her. Right now, she just wanted to ask Ann Tan about Zhou Qu. Seeing her like this, Princess Changle could only say, "How about this, I'll go with you. How about that?"    


If Lee Wanning didn't agree, Princess Changle probably wouldn't even let him leave through the palace gates. Therefore, Lee Wanning could only agree and let her go along with him.    


The two of them changed clothes. Princess Changle wore a lake-green dress, while Lee Wanning was blue. Both of them wore veils.    


Lee Wanning said, "Why did you do that?"    


Hearing Lee Wanning's words, Princess Changle laughed softly and said, "What do you mean?"    


"I thought you just wanted a nation with Wusun …"    


After saying that, the smile on Princess Changle's face froze for a moment. Then, she slowly said, "I don't want anything, but in this chaotic world, no one can kill themselves."    


Lee Wanning looked at her. Previously, she had told her that everything she had done was for the citizens of Wusun, and Lee Wanning believed it.    


Lee Wanning could see a heroic air coming from Princess Changle, but Lee Wanning felt that no matter what, she shouldn't use this method to step on someone else's corpse.    


Just as Lee Wanning was thinking this, the Inn had already arrived.    


Seeing the two of them, the guards at the entrance immediately bowed. Just as they were about to go up and report to them, they heard a voice from in front of them. "Princess, it's been a long time."    


Lee Wanning raised her head and saw that Ann Tan had changed out of his black robe and changed it to a dark red. The gold crown remained on his head and he was looking at Lee Wanning with a big smile on his face.    


Lee Wanning bowed slowly. "Greetings, your majesty."    


Ann Tan went up to help her. Just as the tip of his shirt brushed past Lee Wanning's fingertips, Lee Wanning stood up as if she had touched something amazing.    


Ann Tan couldn't help but be shocked.    


Lee Wanning also cursed herself in her heart, but she didn't show it on the surface. She just said, "Your majesty, this makes Wanning feel a little … "Terrified."    


Ann Tan was at last certain that she was, and was about to say something when Lee Wanning continued, "Your Majesty, forgive me, but Wanning came out this time to ask your Majesty a question. Where is Zhou Qu?"    


Ann Tan knew that Lee Wanning and Zhou Qu had a good relationship, but when he heard Lee Wanning's straightforward words, his expression was still a little stiff.    


Then, he slowly said, "What? Are you afraid that I will kill him?"    


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