Marry You Again

C76 Prison

C76 Prison

Ye Shaoting had a bad feeling in his heart. When he thought about Mo Yawen and Han Yuanjun's performance that day, His heart felt a little bitter and painful.    


"Wife, what are you thinking about?" Ye Shaoting saw Mo Yawen standing on the balcony. He walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist, whispering softly into her ear.    


"Thinking about the baby. " Mo Yawen answered absent-mindedly. She stared blankly into the distance, not knowing what she was thinking about.    


"Don't worry. Your performance just now was very good. Didn't Ji Qingyi also call? Tomorrow, the baby will return to our side. " Ye Shaoting tried his best to calm her down.    


"But I have a bad feeling in my heart. I always feel that something will happen!" Mo Yawen said what she really thought in her heart. Ever since they came to City M, her heart had never been at ease. Her eyelids kept twitching. A few days ago, she did it to prevent them from worrying. Not to mention now, she was starting to lose her composure.    


"Don't worry, you still have me! When the baby comes back, we can live our happy lives. Our family of three will definitely be very happy. " Ye Shaoting was looking forward to their future life happily. He did not expect that this would be the beginning of their nightmare.    


"I'm still living a happy life! Didn't you hold Ji Qingyi's hand tightly?" Since she was worried, Mo Yawen should settle the score with Ye Shaoting.    


As she spoke, Mo Yawen even pouted.    


Looking at Mo Yawen's slightly pouting lips, Ye Shaoting actually felt a little happy in his heart, "I don't know who it is, holding hands with that person and walking happily on the road. "    


Finished, finished, Ye Shaoting became tsundere again!    


"Hmph, not self-reflection, but only talking about me. "    


"Alright, alright, it's my fault. It was all an act that day. Let's not blame each other, alright?" Ye Shaoting pulled Mo Yawen into his arms and hugged her tightly. He buried his head in her hair and felt the gentleness in her hair.    


After this incident, Ye Shaoting also understood a lot of reasons. He did not want to pursue any further. He only wanted to be with his little girl and the baby. Then, their family would live happily together.    


Time passed quietly like this. Soon, it was evening. Time was really hard to endure. To Mo Yawen, she was really anxious. She would only see the baby tomorrow, and she definitely wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.    


Ye Shaoting went to see Ji Qingyi.    


When he went in, she was eating and wolfing down food. She did not have any image and her hair was also messy. When she heard the door open, she looked up at him.    


When their eyes met, a trace of heartache flashed across Ye Shaoting's eyes, but it disappeared in an instant.    


"What are you doing here? Are you here to see me make a fool of myself?" Ji Qingyi did not expect that the person who came was Ye Shaoting. For a moment, she did not know what to say and could only say this.    


Ye Shaoting did not say anything. He just looked at her quietly and walked into her step by step.    


Ji Qingyi also stopped what she was doing and looked up at Ye Shaoting. He was still so handsome. Every movement he made had the demeanor of a king. His golden proportional body and the well-cut suit made him look even more extraordinary.    


The funniest thing in the world was that the most perfect man was standing beside her, but she could only look up to him.    


"If you have something to say, say it quickly. We might not be able to meet often in the future!" He watched Ye Shaoting push forward step by step. Ji Qingyi was somewhat flustered in her heart and could not help but remind him.    


When he heard this sentence, Ye Shaoting stopped his steps and raised the corners of his mouth to look at Ji Qingyi.    


"I don't want to say anything. You are right. I just came to see you make a fool of yourself. I also came to tell you. Stop dreaming. The identity of the young mistress of Ye family will always belong to Yawen. You, don't even think about it, "Ye Shaoting said and paused for a moment. "Of course, you don't deserve it either. A person like you isn't worthy of entering my Ye family! "    


After listening to Ye Shaoting's words, But he had thought too much. As long as she wanted something, she would definitely get it.    


"Then let me tell you, as long as I, Ji Qingyi, don't die, Ye Shaoting won't be happy. I curse you all for generations. Of course, I will not let Mo Yawen go either. All the women who steal my things must die. "    


"You. . . " Ye Shaoting walked to her side and lifted her chin with his hand. He held her tightly. "If you break her wings, I will definitely destroy your entire heaven! If you don't believe me, we will wait and see. " After saying that, he threw Ji Qingyi onto the ground and left the room.    


Only Ji Qingyi was left. Her roar echoed in the empty room. Finally, it was the second day. When the sun rose, the two groups of people made a deal on the top floor of the hotel.    


Ye Shaoting and the others were standing across from each other. Behind them, their subordinates were holding Ji Qingyi. On the other side, there were only two men. One of them was holding a sleeping child.    


"Bring the child over!" Ye Shaoting said.    


Just as he finished speaking, the man carrying the child walked over. Mo Yawen saw this and quickly went over to receive the baby.    


The baby was still sleeping soundly. Her small lips were still pouting and her hands were also not very obedient. Mo Yawen looked at the child in her arms and smiled knowingly.    


But her heart still did not calm down. She still felt that something was wrong but she could not say it.    


Mo Yawen carried the child over and stood beside Ye Shaoting.    


The most incomprehensible thing happened. After the two men returned the child to Mo Yawen, they left and did not care about Ji Qingyi's life or death.    


At this moment, Ji Qingyi's eyes were wide open and her face was filled with disbelief. She did not believe. Why? How could it be!    


"Look, your people don't want you anymore. Don't worry, we will find a place for you to eat for the rest of your life. " After Ye Shaoting said those words coldly, the group of them left.    


Ji Qingyi was also taken away, but until she was taken away, she did not realize what Ye Shaoting meant. By the time she realized what he meant, it was already too late. Of course, that was the latter part.    


Ye Shaoting and the others returned to the hotel and looked at the sleeping child in their arms. The group of people smiled knowingly.    


It seemed that their long efforts were still useful. At least, it was not in vain.    


They quickly packed their things and rushed back to City A overnight. They had an ominous feeling that if they continued to stay in City M, something bad would happen.    


This time, when they went to City M, they always felt that someone was watching them from the dark. They felt an indescribable sadness in their hearts.    


"Let's discuss what to do with Ji Qingyi!" Just as they got off the plane, Ye Shaoting was going to discuss the punishment for Ji Qingyi.    


"You guys can discuss it. Since the baby has been found, I will leave first. " Han Yuanjun left after saying that. He did not want to stay here and watch Mo Yawen. The happy life of the three of them!    


"Thank you, Yuanjun!" Mo Yawen and Han Yuanjun thanked him. After all, he had done a lot to find the baby this time.    


"No need, as long as you are happy!" Han Yuanjun heard Mo Yawen's words and felt a little bitter in his heart, but he did not turn back. He just waved his hand symbolically and left!    


Actually, it was not that he did not want to turn back. It was just that he did not dare to look back. He was afraid that he would not be able to bear it!    


"Since the child has been found, I will also leave first. Tomorrow, bring the child home for a meal and tell your parents that you're safe!" Mo Ziyan said some precautions and left.    


"Okay, brother, take care! We'll go back tomorrow. "    


Mo Yawen was really grateful to his brother. He spoiled her since she was a child and always followed her. Now that she was married, she still needed her brother to worry about her. Thinking about this, she felt a little sad. She handed the child to Ye Shaoting and walked over to hug Mo Ziyan.    


Feeling her brother's broad shoulders, Mo Yawen's tears could not stop flowing. "Brother, thank you!"    


"Silly girl, what are you thanking me for!? I am your brother to begin with. I will help you! Of course, don't cry. You're already a mother. Remember, your brother has always been by your side. " After saying that, Mo Ziyan wiped Mo Yawen's tears. At the same time, he pampered her by scratching her nose.    


In an instant, Mo Yawen broke her tears into a smile.    


Seeing Mo Yawen smile, Mo Ziyan felt relieved and left the house just like that.    


Ye Shaoting looked at Mo Yawen who was standing in the yard and looked at the sleeping baby in his arms. He felt a kind of happiness in his heart. Was this happiness?    


The next day, Mo Yawen and Ye Shaoting sent Ji Qingyi to the police station.    


Ji Qingyi had not realized what Ye Shaoting meant when he said he would eat free rice. It was not until now that she entered the police station that she found out that they were going to send her to jail.    


"Ye Shaoting, you bastard! I already gave you back the baby, but you still want to send me to jail. Ye Shaoting, you will die a horrible death. " Following her loud scolding, she was brought into the interrogation room.    


A few days later, Ji Qingyi was charged with the crime of child trafficking by the court. She was sentenced to life imprisonment and was sentenced to death prison.    


Ji Qingyi's heart broke when she heard the outcome of the sentence. She was now laughing loudly in the prison and her throat had become hoarse for a long time.    


"Are you happy now? Wife?"    


"I'm in a much better mood! At least, the baby is by our side now! "    


"Mm, that's good. In the future, the three of us will be able to live happily!" Ye Shaoting was very satisfied. He felt as if everything had fallen to dust, and his happy life was about to begin.    


In the ancient castle of M City.    


"Boss, Miss Ji has been sent to prison and sentenced to life imprisonment. What should we do next?" A man in black stood beside a mysterious person and asked in a low voice.    


"What do you think? Let's look at the situation first. I never do anything that makes me lose money. " It was still that hoarse voice, and it was still as magnetic as before.    


"Yes, boss, I got it. " The man in black already understood what the boss meant and quickly left. He knew that the boss didn't like people who talked too much.    


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