Marry You Again

C88 Dejected

C88 Dejected

Ye Shaoting took out his phone and quickly pressed the eleven familiar numbers. As soon as he picked up the phone, he said in an unyielding tone, "I want you to pull out all the surveillance cameras at the South City Airport today in ten minutes. "    


Secretary Wang felt strange when he received the phone call. He did not know why Ye Shaoting wanted the surveillance cameras in the airport, but when he heard his strong tone through the electric current, Secretary Wang quickly said, "Yes, I will contact the airport immediately. But how can I send the surveillance camera to you? "    


"Send it to my computer. I will return to the company in a moment. " Ye Shaoting turned around and strode towards the airport door. The airport manager, who was standing far away and waiting for orders, heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Ye Shaoting finally leave.    


"Mo young master really has foresight. " She had just received a call from Mo Ziyan. Mo Ziyan had told her to get rid of the scene of Mo Yawen boarding the plane today. She wanted to ask why, but when she thought about how much trouble the Wealthy Class had caused, she did not ask too much.    


From the looks of it now, it was because of Ye Shaoting. The manager immediately informed all the staff members who went to work on that day to make sure that they did not tell anyone about Mo Yawen's exit record.    


When Ye Shaoting returned to the company, Secretary Wang had already downloaded all the surveillance videos from the airport that day and stored them on Ye Shaoting's USB drive.    


When Secretary Wang heard that Ye Shaoting wanted the airport surveillance videos, he knew that Ye Shaoting had gone to the airport today. Other than Mo Yawen, who else could make Ye Shaoting panic in such a hurry?    


Ye Shaoting looked at the computer silently. He didn't say anything. He leaned back on the chair tiredly. Mo Yawen, oh Mo Yawen, why are you so cruel? You left decisively, but why didn't you leave any hope for me?    


Ye Shaoting was in despair. He stared at the picture of Mo Yawen on the table and did not say anything for a long time.    


During the week Mo Yawen left, Ye Shaoting shut himself in the room and rarely went out. Ye's mother could not bear it anymore and could only find a locksmith to pry open the door of Ye Shaoting's room. Ye Shaoting closed all the windows in the room and closed the curtains. Ye's mother smelled a stench the moment she entered.    


Ye's mother felt sad when she saw the dispirited Ye Shaoting. She walked to Ye Shaoting's side and lifted the blanket off his body. Ye Shaoting was furious.    


"Mo Yawen has already left. You did not go to look for her but stayed at home like a dead person. What's the use of hiding in the room every day? Can you let Mo Yawen come back?"    


"Yawen left with determination and did not leave any news for me. " Ye Shaoting did not get angry and said listlessly.    


"Then you go and guard Mo family. Mo Yawen doesn't want you as her husband. She can't possibly not want her parents. Yawen is a filial child. " Ye's mother saw that her son's words were harsh but her eyes were full of heartache. She was also worried that Mo Yawen was alone overseas and hoped that he could come back soon.    


Ye Shaoting sighed and stood up. He changed his clothes and planned to go out. What his mother said was right. Mo Yawen could be ruthless to him but he would not abandon her parents. Ye Shaoting drove to the Mo family. Before he got off the car, he tidied himself up before getting off the car.    


The maid saw Ye Shaoting's car and walked over to Mo Ziyan. If Ye Shaoting came, she would bring him to Mo Yawen's room to prevent Mo's mother and Ye Shaoting from bumping into each other.    


"Son-in-law. " The maid walked in front of Ye Shaoting and called him. The maid looked up at Ye Shaoting and was shocked. It had only been a week since she saw Ye Shaoting. How did he become like this?    


His face was haggard and his hair had grown very long. The collapsed hair covered his eyes. The beard on his lips was already densely packed because he had not taken care of it for a week. Under his eyes, there was a thick green color. If it was on the road, He would definitely not recognize this man as Mo Yawen's husband, Ye Shaoting. How did the dignified President of Ye's Group become like this?    


"En, is your young master home?" Ye Shaoting stopped and looked at the servant in front of him and asked.    


"young master went on a business trip. " The maid replied, "But young master already told me yesterday before he left. If Young Master comes, I'll bring you to Miss's room to rest. "    


Ye Shaoting smiled when he heard that. Mo Ziyan understood what he was thinking. "Sir, let's go. I'll take you to Miss's room. " The maid said with a smile.    


Ye Shaoting smiled and refused. He had already memorized everything related to Mo Yawen. He let the maid go and went to Mo Yawen's room with familiarity. In Mo Yawen's room.    


Ye Shaoting stood in the middle of the room. Mo Yawen's breath was still there. Ye Shaoting looked at the picture of Mo Yawen on the wall. He did not receive any information about Mo Yawen during the week Mo Yawen left. He repeatedly looked at the surveillance cameras at the airport to suppress his longing for Mo Yawen.    


Mo's father heard that Ye Shaoting had come and specially walked out of the study. As soon as he reached his daughter's room, he saw Ye Shaoting sitting on Mo Yawen's bed in a daze. Mo's father was an experienced person, so he could understand Ye Shaoting's current feelings.    


Mo's father walked to Ye Shaoting's side. Ye Shaoting saw Mo's father and quickly stood up. He slightly bowed and called Mo's father, "Dad. "    


Mo's father nodded and patted Ye Shaoting's shoulder. "I heard that you haven't been to the company for a long time. " Ye Shaoting felt ashamed and lowered his head without saying anything.    


Mo's father knew that Ye Shaoting had become like this because of his daughter. Mo Yawen had called him every day to tell him that she was safe and sound. Mo's mother had been talking to Mo Yawen about a lot of things every day until late at night when Mo's father came to urge her to hang up. She reluctantly hung up. He knew more or less about the conversation between the mother and daughter. Mo Yawen had never mentioned that Ye Shaoting deliberately did not contact him. She also told Mo Ziyan. . . She also asked him not to tell Ye Shaoting her contact details in London.    


Ye Shaoting had also investigated Mo Yawen's bank account records through his personal connections and tried to track Mo Yawen's location through the consumption records. However, Mo Yawen had not touched a single cent of the card in the past week. She wanted to cut off all contact with him.    


"I know Yawen wants to divorce you. I think. . . " Mo's father looked at Ye Shaoting's pain and understood his daughter's stubbornness, so he wanted to persuade Ye Shaoting.    


Ye Shaoting knew what Mo's father wanted to say, so he said, "Dad, don't say anymore. I won't divorce Yawen. I have already torn the divorce agreement in front of Mo Yawen. No matter what, I will not divorce her. Even if she escaped to the end of the world, I will find her one day!"    


Ye Shaoting's tone became heavier. He firmly believed that one day Mo Yawen would come back, and one day Mo Yawen would forgive him!    


"Dad, if there's nothing else, I'll go back first. " Ye Shaoting and Mo's father bowed again and left. Ye Shaoting drove the car away from Mo family. He stepped on the accelerator in frustration and the car flew out like an arrow without a string.    


Ye Shaoting headed towards the bar that he often went to. He got out of the car and walked towards the bar in big strides. During the day, the bar had just opened and there was no one there. Ye Shaoting found a dark corner and called a waiter to order a few bottles of strong liquor.    


Ye Shaoting let the waiter fill up the glasses in front of him, then poured the liquor into each glass.    


The pale yellow liquid slowly flowed out as the bottle tilted. It filled up the glasses in front of Ye Shaoting bit by bit, just like Mo Yawen filling up his heart bit by bit. When he thought of Mo Yawen, his heart felt like it was tearing apart.    


"Why? Why are you so cruel to me?! Why did you leave me?!" Before the waiter could fill his glass, Ye Shaoting picked up a glass of wine and downed it in one gulp. He looked at the empty glass in his hand with a dazed look.    


One glass after another, pale yellow liquid flowed down his throat and into his stomach. There was a bloody sweetness in his throat. His stomach was stimulated by the alcohol and began to overturn.    


"Mo Yawen, because I don't want to divorce you, do you want to use leaving to punish me?! Ye Shaoting drank another glass of wine. He held the glass tightly and threw the glass onto the ground with force.    


The moment the glass touched the ground, it broke into pieces. The broken glass splashed on the bottom of the waiter's pants. The waiter jumped and sped up the pouring of the wine.    


In the past, Ye Shaoting was a frequent customer of the bar. Almost every waiter in the bar knew him, but no one had never seen Ye Shaoting being so rude. In the eyes of the world, he was gentle and refined. His gestures showed that he was a noble. Others did not need to look to know that he was a person of status.    


After the waiter poured the wine, he left. In the corner, he was alone. Ye Shaoting drank alone. He drank painfully. He hoped to numb his nerves with alcohol so that he would not miss Mo Yawen so much.    


Bottles after bottles, Ye Shaoting's consciousness soon blurred. After he was drunk, he lied on the table in the bar. When he woke up, he continued drinking.    


There were many people coming and going in the bar at night, but no one dared to approach this drunk and sad man.    


Han Junheng heard about the matter between Ye Shaoting and Mo Yawen, so he rushed to Ye family to comfort Ye Shaoting, but Ye's father told him that Ye Shaoting had not been home for a long time. He looked at the worried Ye's mother and promised her that she would find Ye Shaoting and bring her home safely.    


Han Junheng drove to the internet cafe that he often visited with Ye Shaoting and wanted to try his luck. He didn't expect that there would be a waiter coming to greet him as soon as he arrived at the bar. Young Master Han, you're finally here. Go and see Young Master Ye!"    


Ye Shaoting had been drinking in the bar for a few days. A waiter went up to ask if he wanted to take him home, but he was scolded harshly. Han Junheng heard the waiter say this and quickly asked the waiter to take him to Ye Shaoting.    


In the dark corner, Ye Shaoting was already drunk and collapsed on the sofa. The bottles of wine around him were horizontal and vertical. Han Junheng couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.    


He walked over and sat down next to Ye Shaoting. He called Ye Shaoting's name softly, wanting to see how drunk he was. "Shaoting, it's me, Junhuan. Wake up. "    


Ye Shaoting heard Han Shuhuan's voice and opened his eyes slightly. His vision blurred, and two or three Han Shuhuan appeared in front of him. Han Junheng sighed. He really wanted to punch him, but seeing how drunk he was, he felt helpless. He could only think of a way to drag him back.    


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