Marry You Again

C164 Little Ye Mo's New Name

C164 Little Ye Mo's New Name

"I think we should change the name of the child and call him Ye Qingmo. Qing is the same as her relative. " Mo Ziyan thought for a while and felt that the name Ye Aemo was inappropriate, so he suggested changing the child's name.    


"Qing has the same voice as her father. It means that when the child grows up, regardless of whether his surname is Ye or Mo, he will treat the Mo family as his own home. " Mo Yawen looked at Mo Ziyan and said.    


"As expected of my Mo Ziyan's younger sister. She can understand it with just a little bit. " Mo Ziyan snapped his fingers and looked at Mo Yawen with a smile.    


"That's it then. The child will be called Ye Qingmo in the future. How about Little Ye Mo?" Ye Shaoting heard this name and felt that it was a good name. He decided to call the child Little Ye Mo in the future. However, he was worried that the child had called him Little Ye Mo for three years. If he suddenly called him Ye Qingmo, he would not be able to get used to it. Therefore, he wanted the child's nickname to be Little Ye Mo.    


"We will call the child little Ye Mo after the child grows up. When the child gets used to it, we will call him Ye Qingmo. " Ye Shaoting continued.    


Mo Yawen nodded. Ye Shaoting was very careful and thought of all the problems she had thought of.    


Just like that, Little Ye Mo had a new name. He played until midnight. Mo Ziyan left. Jason wanted to call Hsu Qianqian Ye back, but Hsu Qianqian carried Mo Yawen and refused to let go. She said, "Why don't we sleep in Yawen's room tonight? Anyway, this room was also the presidential suite. Besides the master bedroom, there were also a few small bedrooms. You and Ye Shaoting can sleep in one room each. "    


"Hsu Qianqian, I am not happy. " Ye Shaoting was unhappy when he heard that he wanted to sleep in separate rooms with Mo Yawen.    


"Oh, Yawen, I beg you. I have not slept with you ever since I married Jason. I really miss the time when I slept with you and chatted until dawn!    


"Yawen, I have a lot of things I want to talk to you about. Just sleep with me, okay?" Hsu Qianqian knew that Ye Shaoting would definitely not agree to let her sleep here, so she could only start with the soft-hearted Mo Yawen. It would be easy to persuade Mo Yawen to do anything!    


Mo Yawen looked at Hsu Qianqian who was acting spoiled and looked at Ye Shaoting with difficulty. She said haltingly, "I think we should let Qianqian stay here tonight. Seeing that Qianqian has taken care of me for so long, we can't be ungrateful, right?"    


Ye Shaoting looked at Mo Yawen and was not willing to make things difficult for Mo Yawen. He sighed and said, "Okay, but we will not do it again. "    


Hsu Qianqian saw that Ye Shaoting agreed and quickly nodded her head. Then she pulled Mo Yawen back to the room.    


Only Ye Shaoting and Jason were left in the living room. The two men stood in the middle of the living room and looked at each other. Finally, they both shook their heads. Ye Shaoting looked at Jason and said, "You can sleep in any room. You can have everything you want in the fridge. If you are hungry in the middle of the night, go get it yourself. You are welcome. "    


" Got it. Thank you. " Jason smiled and said, "Shaoting, I'm really sorry to bother you. "    


Jason watched Ye Shaoting helplessly walk into the house. After thinking for a while, he still apologized to Ye Shaoting. After all, Hsu Qianqian did not care about other people's feelings and insisted on living here.    


"It's alright. I just hope that Qianqian won't always occupy my and my wife's beds in the future. " Ye Shaoting walked straight to the room. He waved to Jason with his back facing him. He knew that Jason was just as helpless as him, so he understood what Jason meant.    


When Ye Shaoting returned to his room, Jason also casually walked into a room. After taking a shower, he went to bed.    


In Mo Yawen's room, a warm yellow wall lamp was still on. Hsu Qianqian laid by the bed and carefully looked at the sleeping child. Mo Yawen, after you have finished bathing, She felt much more comfortable and looked at Hsu Qianqian. She walked to her side and said, "Since you like children so much, why don't you have one with Jason?"    


"Yawen, look at how cute little Ye Mo is when he sleeps!" Hsu Qianqian pointed at the sleeping Mo Yawen's child and said happily. She was like a child who had gotten her beloved doll.    


"That's not right. I can't call you Little Ye Mo now. You have a new name. You are called Ye Qingmo. " Hsu Qianqian minded her own business as she talked to the child. "Hey, Ye Qingmo, do you like this name?"    


"Didn't Shaoting say that the child's nickname is Little Ye Mo? If you are not used to it, you can still call him Little Ye Mo. " Mo Yawen sat beside Hsu Qianqian and looked at her with a smile. She said, "Hsu Qianqian, you cannot avoid my question. Why don't you give birth to one child with Jason if you like the child so much?"    


In the past, Hsu Qianqian always worried about her. It was not to give Ye Shaoting suggestions or to rack her brains to arrange a blind date for her. Now Mo Yawen finally found an opportunity and could worry about Hsu Qianqian for a while. So Mo Yawen asked.    


"Yawen, don't tease me. How long has it been since Jason and I got married? We are already preparing to have a child. " Hsu Qianqian looked at Mo Yawen in disbelief. Now she calculated the time she and Jason got married. It was only a month. Although she saw that Ye Qingmo liked her very much, Hsu Qianqian indeed did not have any plans to have a child.    


"And how could I possibly take care of a child!" Hsu Qianqian looked at Ye Qingmo and could not help but pull his hand. She pouted and said self-deprecatingly.    


Mo Yawen heard Hsu Qianqian's words and shook her head. Today, seeing Hsu Qianqian taking care of Ye Qingmo for a day, she felt that Hsu Qianqian was actually quite good at taking care of people. In the future when she and Jason have children, Mo Yawen felt that Hsu Qianqian would definitely be a competent mother.    


"By the way, when we returned to the hotel just now, did you see the look Han Yuanjun gave you and Ye Shaoting when he looked at you?" Hsu Qianqian carefully helped Ye Qingmo to lift the blanket. She got up and sat on the bed. She remembered the time she met Han Yuanjun and Mo Ziyan at the hotel entrance when she came back.    


"No, but I heard from my brother that he left without saying goodbye. " Mo Yawen recalled that when she entered the hotel, her eyes were all on Ye Qingmo and did not even have time to look at Han Yuanjun. When she raised her head, she only saw Han Yuanjun's leaving figure.    


"Of course, in your eyes, only your son and Ye Shaoting are left now. Who else can catch your eyes?" Hsu Qianqian heard Mo Yawen's words and stretched out her hand and said. "To think that Han Yuanjun did his best to take care of you for more than a month. You didn't pay attention to it, but when Han Yuanjun saw you, Ye Shaoting and your son, I have a panoramic view of the changes in his eyes. "    


"Yawen, actually, I think Han Yuanjun is a good man. If you didn't have Ye Shaoting, I believe you would be with Han Yuanjun. "    


There were many people who pursued Mo Yawen, but most of them were not remembered by Hsu Qianqian. Those who were able to enter Hsu Qianqian's eyes could not be remembered. Only Mike and Han Yuanjun. She thought about the first time Han Yuanjun saw Mo Yawen's eyes filled with love, and she was amazed. However, following the appearance of Ye Shaoting holding Ye Qingmo's hand, the love in Han Yuanjun gradually turned into despair.    


That look of despair was still fresh in Hsu Qianqian's memory. That look made her heart ache when she looked at it.    


"What are you talking about? Shaoting has already returned. Just tell me in front of me. Don't tell Shaoting about it. " Mo Yawen looked at Hsu Qianqian, afraid that she would bring unnecessary trouble to them if she spoke without restraint in front of Ye Shaoting. She warned Hsu Qianqian. "If Shaoting is unhappy, he will do anything. "    


"If you say that Ye Shaoting was not afraid of anything when he was alone, I would believe you. But now, Ye Shaoting has you and your child. Is it possible that he isn't afraid of anything now? All of you are Ye Shaoting's weakness! " Hsu Qianqian looked at Mo Yawen and said. To Ye Shaoting, Mo Yawen and Ye Qingmo were his true love. Because of this, they were also Ye Shaoting's weakness.    


Mo Yawen suddenly became silent. She thought that the business world was like a battlefield. Just like what Hsu Qianqian had said, she and Ye Qingmo had become Ye Shaoting's weakness. She believed that Ye Shaoting would have a harder time in the business world in the future.    


"Yawen, when do you plan to return to China?" Hsu Qianqian asked Mo Yawen probingly. If Mo Yawen did not want to return to China in the past because she did not want to remember those sad memories, then now that Ye Qingmo had returned to her side, those sad memories no longer existed. Hsu Qianqian thought that Mo Yawen should also go home.    


Speaking of returning to China, Mo Yawen became silent again. Ever since Ye Shaoting's accident, She understood that Ye Shaoting was still very important to her. After Ye Shaoting returned, her relationship with Ye Shaoting seemed to be much better than before. Mo Yawen was happy for Ye Qingmo's return. She wanted to give the child a complete home. So Mo Yawen chose to forgive Ye Shaoting.    


In fact, Mo Yawen knew very well in her heart that there would be a day when she still had to return to China. It was only a matter of time, so Mo Yawen looked at Hsu Qianqian and said, "Let's talk about it again. Shaoting has not told me about returning to China. Maybe he has other plans. "    


"So, are you waiting for Ye Shaoting to bring up returning to China now?" Hsu Qianqian heard Mo Yawen's words and understood what she meant.    


Mo Yawen did not speak and only lightly nodded her head. Then she climbed onto the bed and looked at Hsu Qianqian and said, "Going to the amusement park today really tired me out. Today I cannot accompany you all night to chat. I want to sleep. "    


"Okay, you go ahead and sleep. Good night. " Hsu Qianqian also climbed onto the bed and slept on the other side of Ye Qingmo. She smiled and said good night to Mo Yawen.    


Mo Yawen fell asleep not long after. Hsu Qianqian, who was not sleepy, heard Mo Yawen's steady breathing and felt happy in her heart. She felt that everything was slowly getting better.    


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