Marry You Again

C165 The past Is Gone

C165 The past Is Gone

The next day, Mo Yawen only woke up at nine o'clock when Hsu Qianqian and Ye Qingmo were still sleeping beside her.    


Mo Yawen quietly got up and quickly walked out of the room. Mo Yawen walked to the living room and saw Ye Shaoting who had already woken up and was reading the newspaper in the living room.    


"It's rare that you slept for so long today. " Ye Shaoting heard the noise and put away the newspaper. He turned around and smiled at Mo Yawen.    


Mo Yawen was frightened by Ye Shaoting's stare. She quickly walked to the sofa and sat down. "How did you know it was me?"    


"I am your husband. Of course I know it was you. " Ye Shaoting put his arm around Mo Yawen's shoulder and gently said to her.    


Mo Yawen, who was held by Ye Shaoting in his arms early in the morning, heard Ye Shaoting say something so overbearing and gentle. She felt very sweet in her heart. She leaned against Ye Shaoting and said, "Why did you get up so early today?"    


"Because you're next to my pillow. I'm not used to it. " Ye Shaoting held Mo Yawen's shoulder more tightly. It seemed that he was using his actions to prove that he was not lying.    


"Alright, I'm going to prepare breakfast. The baby should wake up soon. " Mo Yawen looked at the clock on the wall. It was already 9: 30. Mo Yawen guessed that when Ye Qingmo woke up, he would definitely complain about his stomach, so she planned to go to the kitchen to make breakfast.    


Mo Yawen just got up and was pulled down by Ye Shaoting. She said, "Ziyan called me just now. He saw that we played quite late last night. He told you not to trouble yourself to make breakfast. Later, when everyone wakes up, Let's go downstairs and eat breakfast together. He has already reserved a table. "    


"What about my brother now?" Mo Yawen did not expect Mo Ziyan to get up so early today. She looked around the living room and did not find any trace of Mo Ziyan. She looked at Ye Shaoting strangely.    


"Ziyan said he has an important meeting to attend. He went back to his room to have a meeting after he gave the instructions. But I think his memories will be over soon. Go and wake Qing Mo and Hsu Qianqian up first. " Ye Shaoting looked at the time and directly arranged the time.    


"Okay. I will wake Hsu Qianqian up. Go and call my brother over. " Mo Yawen got up and walked back to the bedroom.    


In the room, Hsu Qianqian was sleeping in all directions but she did not touch Ye Qingmo at all. Seeing Hsu Qianqian sleeping by the bed, Mo Yawen was really worried that she would fall off the bed if she flipped over.    


"Qianqian, get up and eat breakfast. " Mo Yawen bent down and whispered into Hsu Qianqian's ear.    


The hot air that Mo Yawen spat out when she spoke made Hsu Qianqian's ears itch. Hsu Qianqian, who was still sleeping, frowned and scratched her ears. She turned over and hit Ye Qingmo with her hand.    


Mo Yawen saw that she could not wake Hsu Qianqian up and changed her strategy. She wanted to wake Ye Qingmo up first. Mo Yawen bent down and gently called Ye Qingmo's name. Ye Qingmo opened his eyes not long after.    


Mo Yawen saw the sleepy Ye Qingmo carry him to the bathroom and walked over. At this time, Ye Qingmo had woken up. Mo Yawen put him on the soft wool pad and helped Ye Qingmo brush his teeth and wash his face. When Mo Yawen carried Ye Qingmo to the bed and wanted to help him change into new clothes, Ye Qingmo reached out his little hand and took his clothes from Mo Yawen's hands. He put them on himself.    


After a while, Ye Qingmo put his clothes on by himself. He jumped off the bed and put on his shoes. Mo Yawen quietly looked at the sensible Ye Qingmo. She could not help but reach out and touch his head. Mo Yawen did not know. All these years, how did Ye Qingmo live? How could he be so capable that he could wear his own clothes? Change his shoes.    


Mo Yawen looked at Ye Qingmo and was lost in her thoughts. She fantasized about Ye Qingmo's growth over the past three years. When she thought about how she missed the most important three years of Ye Qingmo's growth, Mo Yawen felt that it was a pity.    


Not long after, Hsu Qianqian also got up from the bed. When she saw Ye Qingmo sitting by the window and drawing, she could not help but go over. Hsu Qianqian looked at Ye Qingmo's drawing book and said with a smile, " Good morning, Qing Mo. What are you drawing?"    


Ye Qingmo, who was painting, ignored Hsu Qianqian and continued to draw.    


"Why are you ignoring me? "Hsu Qianqian saw that Ye Qingmo was ignoring her and showed a wronged expression.    


"Who is Ye Qingmo?" Mo Yawen had not mentioned the new name to Ye Qingmo yet, so at this time, Ye Qingmo still thought that his name was Little Ye Mo and did not know who Ye Qingmo was.    


Hsu Qianqian was stunned. It turned out that Mo Yawen did not tell the child that she had already given the child a new name. Hsu Qianqian looked at the pure Ye Qingmo and did not know how to speak for a moment.    


"Our Little Ye Mo has a new name. " Mo Yawen happened to walk in from the living room and saw the puzzled Ye Qingmo. She then remembered that she forgot to tell the child her name.    


Mo Yawen walked to the child's side and smiled at him. "Father and mother have given Ye Mo a new name. From now on, our name will be Ye Qingmo, okay?"    


Ye Qingmo did not know why Mo Yawen wanted to give him another name, but he still nodded obediently.    


Soon they finished washing up and went out. Ye Shaoting led them straight to the restaurant downstairs. Mo Ziyan was already waiting for them in the restaurant. When they got closer, they found Mo Ziyan and Han Yuanjun at the dining table.    


"Han Yuanjun, why are you here?"    


Mo Yawen was a little surprised when she saw Han Yuanjun. She smiled. Hsu Qianqian, who was following behind Mo Yawen, called out in surprise when she saw Han Yuanjun.    


"Yes, I called Yuanjun over. They were all friends. What's wrong with having a meal together?" Mo Ziyan looked at Hsu Qianqian and said. He thought about how Ye Shaoting had brought Ye Qingmo back. Han Yuanjun always went in alone to eat. It was very lonely. This morning, he suddenly came to Mo Ziyan's room and told him: He was about to return to China.    


Mo Ziyan was surprised. He wanted to ask why he suddenly wanted to go back, but when he saw the loneliness on his face, he seemed to understand something. He no longer asked Han Yuanjun to stay. He patted Han Yuanjun's shoulder and said thank you to Han Yuanjun. Then he invited him to have breakfast with him.    


"Good morning, Yuanjun. " Ye Shaoting saw that Han Yuanjun's expression did not change. He and Mo Yawen were sitting in the same direction. In the middle of them sat a little Ye Qingmo.    


The food would be served soon. Mo Yawen took care of Ye Qingmo to eat. Han Yuanjun looked at Mo Yawen. Seeing her so happy, he couldn't help but feel happy for her. However, as he didn't know why he was happy for Mo Yawen, at the same time, he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.    


Other than Mo Ziyan saying a few words before dinner, no one else said anything. They quietly ate breakfast. After eating, Han Yuanjun looked at Mo Yawen, who was helping Ye Qingmo wipe his mouth, and said, "Yawen, can we talk alone? I have something I want to talk to you about. "    


Mo Yawen's hand, which was wiping the child's mouth, paused for a moment. She subconsciously looked up and saw Ye Shaoting's expression. After that, she looked at Han Yuanjun. A trace of a smile appeared on her face and she said, "Of course you can. "    


Then, Mo Yawen handed the tissue in her hand to Ye Shaoting and followed Han Yuanjun out.    


"Aren't you going with her? Aren't you worried?" He watched Mo Yawen leave with Han Yuanjun. Hsu Qianqian moved closer to Ye Shaoting and teased him on purpose.    


"I believe in Yawen. " Ye Shaoting smiled slightly. They had already worked together to manage so many things. They had formed a mutual understanding a long time ago.    


Hsu Qianqian nodded and leaned on Jason's shoulder and did not say anything else.    


"What is it? What did you call me out to say?" Mo Yawen followed Han Yuanjun out. He found an empty table and let Mo Yawen sit down. He also poured a cup of water for her.    


Han Yuanjun looked at the anxious Mo Yawen and smiled. "It's nothing. I'm going back to China soon. I just want to have a chat with you. "    


"Return to China? So soon. Don't you want to go back with my brother?" Mo Yawen was a little surprised when she heard Han Yuanjun say he was going to China. She thought Han Yuanjun came with Mo Ziyan and should be going back with Mo Ziyan.    


Mo Yawen seemed to have understood why Mo Ziyan suddenly asked Han Yuanjun to eat with her. He did not say anything during the meal. But he should know everything.    


"I came to England because I heard something happened to Ye Shaoting. I don't trust you. Now that Ye Shaoting has returned, and your child has been returned, there seems to be nothing left for me here. Seeing that you are so happy, I can leave without worry. "    


Han Yuanjun thought of Mo Yawen holding Ye Qingmo's hand and entering the restaurant like a spring breeze. He smiled knowingly. He looked at Mo Yawen and said sincerely, "All this time, My feelings for you have never changed. But Yawen, no matter who you are with, I hope you can be happy. A month ago, I saw your sad face. I really want to take care of you and stay with you for the rest of my life. But now, Ye Shaoting had returned. I sincerely wish you all happiness. "    


"Thank you. I just want to accompany the baby well. I have already missed three years of his growth. I want to make it up to him when I have missed a lot of his time. "    


Mo Yawen looked at Han Yuanjun and smiled. After she finished speaking, Han Yuanjun got up and hugged her. Mo Yawen was stunned at first, then she also returned the favor to Han Yuanjun. Mo Yawen knew that this was a friendly hug. Mo Yawen smiled. She thought that all the bad things that happened in the past would become a fleeting cloud.    


About half an hour later, Mo Yawen returned. Everyone did not leave. They sat around the table and chatted, waiting for Mo Yawen.    


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