Ancient Ancestral Gods



There was still one more day until the engagement day, and the whole of Heavenly Palace had already reached its peak.    


The streets were packed with people and it was very lively. There were sounds of laughter everywhere.    


This day was destined to be an extraordinary day because all of the top ten powers of the Great Immortal Domain, such as the Situ Family, the demon clan, the Immortal pavilion, and the Heavenly God Academy were all gathering here.    


The only one of the top ten forces that hadn't arrived was the Divine Sect. Due to their current special relationship, they weren't suitable to come.    


If not, wouldn't he be mocked by others? After all, the Divine Sect had been rejected in their relationship, and they still had to find trouble with Xiao Fan and the Ancient Court.    


If the Divine Sect really did come, then they were not here to send their blessings, but to seek revenge.    


The Heavenly Palace's guest area was bustling with noise and excitement. The guests who had come to attend the banquet did not forget to communicate with each other.    


In the courtyard of the demon clan guests, the golden-winged demon king, Fang Jian, was wearing a golden robe. His usually serious and dignified face had a nervous expression as he paced around the courtyard, appearing restless.    


"Uncle Fang, there's no need to be in such a hurry!" At this moment, a twenty-year-old girl wearing a long fiery red dress appeared in front of Fang Jian.    


The woman was elegant and ethereal, as if she exuded a light and agile aura. Her skin was tender and delicate, and her pair of watery eyes were brimming with vitality.    


"Little Phoenix, you might not understand Uncle's feelings, but you've waited for this moment for too long!" Fang Jian stared at the little phoenix and said.    


"That's true. Our royal bloodline has always been scarce. It has been a long time since the bloodline of the Golden-winged Great Peng has had any fresh blood!" The little phoenix nodded, understanding Fang Jian's feelings.    


Of the demon race, the Royal Bloodline was the strongest. It was a bloodline that was born to be a king.    


It was precisely because the royal bloodline was too strong that the descendants of the royal clan were much rarer compared to the other demon clans.    


Just like the Golden-winged Great Peng, it could have evolved from the Grand Roc's mutation.    


Unfortunately, if the Grand Roc wanted to evolve or transform into a Golden-winged Great Roc, it was truly too difficult. Even within the billions of great Roc, there might not be a single one that could transform into a Golden-winged Great Roc.    


Fang Jian was the only Golden Winged Peng among the demons. If there wasn't another newborn baby, after Fang Jian leaves, the line of Golden Winged Peng would be severed.    


"Not bad, not bad. According to the report from the Sea Clan's Dragon Palace, this son-in-law of the ancient courtyard has a disciple who is a young Golden-winged Great Peng. This is a descendant of my Golden Winged Great Peng!" Fang Jian said excitedly.    


More than a month ago, news had arrived from the Dragon Palace that the young of the Golden Winged Peng were present.    


At that time, the demon clan headquarters was in an uproar, especially Fang Jian. Another little demon king appeared among the demons, the royal bloodline of the Golden Winged Peng.    


However, the young Golden Roc was taken in as a disciple by a human, and it was the current Xiao Fan.    


This time, besides going to the banquet, the most important thing for Fang Jian was to meet his clan's youngest son.    


That was the future of the Golden-winged Great Peng bloodline. It was rare for one to appear, so how could he not make Fang Jian interested and strive to represent the demon race to participate in the banquet?    


"Reporting to the Demon King, the person you wanted to see has arrived!" A demi-human walked in and reported.    


"Quick, invite him in! No, I will personally welcome him!" Fang Jian excitedly took the initiative to walk towards the door, wanting to personally greet them.    


Outside of the courtyard was a small plaza with many other courtyards. Many people were looking at the entrance of the courtyard where the Monster race resided.    


When Fang Jian just reached the door, he saw Xiao Fan and Fang Hong.    


"Hahaha, welcome, welcome, welcome! I've heard that you are not as good as us. Your temperament is indeed extraordinary. You are truly brilliant and powerful, a natural born king!" Fang Jian laughed happily at Xiao Fan, and praised him greatly.    


"Demon King is too kind. You're a true king, your body is constantly emitting the aura of a king!" Xiao Fan smiled and replied modestly.    


"Hahaha!" This little fellow is your disciple, little gold peng Fang Hong! " Fang Jian had a cordial expression on his face as he looked to the side at the obedient Fang Hong.    


"That's right, I'm Fang Hong!" Xiao Fan said, "Disciple, hurry up and greet the elders from the Golden-winged Great Peng bloodline!"    


"Fang Hong greets the elder!" Fang Hong bowed and greeted Fang Jian.    


"Good, good, good! "Good girl, let's talk inside!" Fang Jian said.    


Just as he entered, Little Phoenix walked in as well, and a sweet and stunning face appeared in front of him.    


"This is Little Phoenix, Qing Er!" Fang Jian introduced.    


"Hello!" Xiao Fan smiled slightly.    


"Hello!" Little Phoenix Qing'er returned Xiao Fan's greeting, then waved her hand towards Fang Hong. "Little brother, come, come to Big Sis's side, let Big Sis have a good look at this little golden peng of yours!"    


"Go!" Xiao Fan said to Fang Hong.    


"Come, let's talk inside!" Fang Jian said.    


"Please!" Xiao Fan made a gesture of courtesy, and said.    


At this moment, outside the big gate, a lot of people had already started discussing about it, because a lot of people saw Xiao Fan bringing Fang Hong into the Goblin's side courtyard.    


"See that? That person who just entered is the new son-in-law of the ancient courtyard. The little boy that he is holding onto seems to be a golden-winged roc!"    


"I heard that little golden roc is his disciple. It's really not simple. With the Little Demon King as his disciple, the demon clan must respect him even if they had to pay their respects to him!"    


"It seems like he has formed a relationship with the demon clan. The only demon clan member with golden wings, the Roc Demon King, is here to welcome him!"    


"Of course, it's hard to say how far things will develop. After all, the current son-in-law of the Ancient Court and the Ancient Court, Xiao Fan, is also a powder keg that can be ignited by the Divine Sect at any time!"    


"But there's one thing for sure. Xiao Fan's relationship will be very broad, and if no accidents happen, he might be able to become a new Overlord!"    


Xiao Fan brought Fang Hong into the Goblin's courtyard, immediately causing a heated discussion.    


With Xiao Jin Peng, Fang Hong, as a disciple, the Spirit Demon Race and Xiao Fan had a relationship.    


This kind of relationship would also change along with the development of the current situation.    


Xiao Fan and the Divine Sect had a tense relationship with the Ancient Court and the Divine Sect. It was hard to say whether the Monster race would get closer to the Ancient Court because of Fang Hong or not.    


On one hand, it was because of the pressure and threat from the Celestial Sect. On the other hand, it was because of the royal bloodline.    


Even so, Xiao Fan had already cast down his network of connections.    


As long as he had the chance, Xiao Fan had sufficient strength to become the new hegemon of the Great Celestial Realm.    


Inside the courtyard of the demon clan, Xiao Fan and Fang Jian were deep in conversation while the little phoenix girl and Fang Hong were playing around in the courtyard.    


"I won't hide it anymore. You should know how much importance our demon clan attaches to the royal clan. Fang Hong is a disciple of the Golden Roc Clan, so I humbly request that you hand Fang Hong over to me. Let me bring him back to the demon clan so that we can properly nurture him!" Fang Jian and Xiao Fan exchanged a few words of greeting and then went straight to the point.    


One of the important goals of this trip was to bring Fang Hong back to the demon race. That was the Golden-winged Great Peng, the only other member of the demon race apart from him, the Golden-winged Great Peng.    


As such, he did not need to describe how noble Fang Hong's identity was. He needed to bring Fang Hong back to the demon race and properly nurture him.    


"I can understand your feelings, but Fang Hong has always been following me. He's my disciple, so it doesn't seem right for me to let him follow you back to the demon clan!"    


"Furthermore, my relationship with the Divine Sect is very subtle. If the Divine Sect finds out that you brought my disciple, Fang Hong, back to the demon race, they might not be happy!" Xiao Fan said with a troubled expression.    


It was indeed difficult to get him to let go of Fang Hong so easily and bring Fang Jian back to the demon race.    


After all, bringing Fang Hong out this time wasn't just about getting him to return to the demon clan. He wanted to get a promise from the demon clan, a clear stand.    


Before he received the demon clan's promise, he would not let Fang Hong leave.    


Moreover, his relationship with the Divine Sect had already reached the point where it would explode at any moment.    


At this moment, the demon clan's attitude was especially important. If they were on the side of the Celestial Sect, there was no reason for them to send Fang Hong back to the demon clan.    


"I know this, but your relationship with the Divine Sect is indeed very subtle. However, Fang Hong is a member of my Golden Roc Clan, so he must be brought back to the demon clan. Even the Divine Sect can't take advantage of this!" Fang Jian insisted.    


Fang Hong had to bring the demon clan and he had to bring them back.    


He was one of the future successors of the demon clan, and was also a symbol of the future imperial power. He definitely could not allow the descendants of the royal clan to be left behind, nor could he bear the threats from others and not bring Fang Hong back to the demon clan.    


"Spirit Demon King, you are not afraid of the Divine Sect, you are only afraid of them interfering. If you use this place to your advantage, it will bring your Demon Clan a lot of trouble. Xiao Fan explained.    


"Humph!" If that's really the case, then our demon clan will at most fall out with the Celestial Sect. Fang Jian snorted coldly and said disdainfully to the Divine Sect.    


"That's what you say, but the other sects don't care about that much. Domineering is one of their ways!" Xiao Fan said to Fang Jian.    


"Overbearing! The Celestial Sect is indeed overbearing, but to want to use overbearing tactics to suppress my Monster race is just a pipe dream!" Fang Jian said confidently and resolutely, "Let's be clear, are you saying that you want us demi-humans to promise not to associate ourselves with the Divine Sect, to be friendly with you and Gu Ting, so that we can bring Fang Hong back?"    


"Good, the Demon King is straightforward enough. Since you've already said this point, I won't ask for your Demon race and the Celestial Sect to fall out and ally with the ancient courtyard. However, you can't be a part of the Celestial Sect." Xiao Fan explained.    


"It's that simple?" Fang Jian looked at Xiao Fan seriously and confirmed.    


"That's right, it's that simple!" Xiao Fan laughed, and nodded.    


"Alright, I understand. Don't worry, we Monster race won't get together with the Celestial Sect!" Fang Jian gradually revealed a smile and promised Xiao Fan.    


He already understood Xiao Fan's intentions. Although he did not force the Goblin Tribe and Divine Sect to turn hostile and join hands with the Ancient Court, Xiao Fan had kept a trump card in hand.    


As long as the Goblin Tribe wasn't part of the Divine Sect, even if they stayed neutral, it was very possible that the Goblin Tribe would still be on the side of Xiao Fan and Gu Ting.    


Because of the existence of Fang Hong, there was a relationship between Fang Hong and Xiao Fan's apprentices.    


When the ancient courtyard slightly gained the upper hand, the Monster race could let nature take its course and stand on the side of the ancient courtyard.    


Furthermore, the Divine Sect's attitude made many powers unhappy, and the demon race was no exception.    


Even if they did not have a relationship with Fang Hong, the Monster race would not easily associate with the Divine Sect.    


Since Xiao Fan's demand was not high, just maintaining the Demon Clan's neutrality was enough to agree, and even bring little gold peng Fang Hong back, why not?    


Furthermore, Jiang Jingyuan must have thought through everything before choosing Xiao Fan, and not Ao Wuhen, of the Divine Sect, as his son-in-law.    


Or it could be said that Jiang Jingyuan and Gu Ting had seen the enormous potential and guarantee from Xiao Fan.    


Since even the Ancient Court dared to do such a thing, why wouldn't the Demon race who had formed good relations with Xiao Fan be willing to do so?    


If one day the Divine Sect really got turned over by Xiao Fan and the ancient courtyard, the days of the demon clan would also be much easier.    


"That's good. Fang Hong, you can bring the demon clan back, but let me put it bluntly first. If you dare to bully Fang Hong and make him suffer, I'll personally pay you a visit!" Xiao Fan reminded her with a smile.    


"Hahaha!" We don't even have enough time to love him, so how could we bully him? If something like that really does happen, then we welcome you to the demon race at any time to support your disciple! " Fang Jian was very happy, Xiao Fan had already agreed to let him bring Fang Hong back to the Goblin Tribe.    


When Fang Hong returned to the demon race, he would only receive strict protection and love, and would definitely not suffer any grievances.    


"Alright!" We will talk here today. We still have to prepare for tomorrow's big event. Xiao Fan said.    


"Good!" "Then let's talk at the banquet tomorrow!" Fang Jian nodded in understanding.    


"Then I'll go back first. Fang Hong will stay here for the time being. Seeing as he's having fun with Little Phoenix, I don't think he'll be willing to come with me!" Xiao Fan warned Fang Jian in a low voice: "Be careful not to be fooled by this brat's cute appearance. He is very good at swindling people, simply a swindler, a swindler who is big and small!"    


"No way!" Fang Jian said in disbelief.    


How could a well-behaved child be called a cheat by Xiao Fan?    


"Anyways, relax a bit in the future. Who knows when this brat will dig a hole for you to jump into!" Xiao Fan reminded again: "I'll be leaving first!"    


Xiao Fan left the Goblin Tribe courtyard alone, leaving Fang Hong behind.    


Just as he walked out of the courtyard, the surrounding people also greeted Xiao Fan as they tried to get close to him.    


Xiao Fan welcomed the people who surrounded them with a smile on his face.    


"Young Master, Young Master!" Amongst the crowd, a disciple of the ancient courtyard squeezed his way through the crowd and arrived in front of Xiao Fan.    


"What is it?" Xiao Fan asked.    


"Here is a letter for you!"    


"I do!" "Give it to me!"    


Xiao Fan took a small piece of crystal from the disciple's hands and sent a strand of immortal power into the crystal, immediately revealing a few words.    


"Old friend, I request a meeting with you. We're at the Weak River Pavilion outside the city!"    


"What kind of old friend is he?!" After Xiao Fan finished reading the contents, he was somewhat suspicious. However, he still directly left the city and went to the bank of the river.    


Xiao Fan was very suspicious of his old friend who wanted to see him, and had even specially arranged to meet him at the river bank outside the city.    


After exiting the city, Xiao Fan found a small pavilion by the river. There really were two people waiting for him inside the pavilion, and they even seemed to be familiar with each other.    


"Situ Ao, your Situ Family has received an invitation to meet with me at the Heavenly Palace. Why have you not agreed to meet me here?" Xiao Fan said in puzzlement: "And you, Ao Xu, why are you here too? The Dragon Palace also received the invitation!"    


Xiao Fan did not understand the actions of the two as they were both invited, why did he not meet them at the Heavenly Palace but chose to meet them in a pavilion by the river bank outside the city instead.    


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