System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1018 Scapegoat

C1018 Scapegoat

The policewoman quietly looked at Wang Zhihui, who was roaring like a wild beast, and answered faintly, "It's the law that gives us this kind of power, sir. As policemen, the police law clearly states that we have the right to prevent, stop, and investigate illegal activities. We have the right to maintain social order and stop actions that endanger social order! Thus, we act according to the law, and there is a legal basis for doing so. Please don't point fingers at me."    


"What? Hmph! Then what you mean is that we are guilty? We are criminals? " Wang Zhihui couldn't help but laugh," What kind of joke is this? We are entrepreneurs, we are businessmen! In Beijing, even officials who are much older than you wouldn't dare to speak to me like that. I say, Miss Police Flower, you, a mere rank 3 police officer, dare to speak so rudely. You must have eaten a leopard's guts!"    


"My name is Tang Yiyi. You can also call me Officer Tang." As if she did not hear Wang Zhihui's threatening words, the Police Officer Tang Yiyi stretched out her hand and showed her identification. Then she took out another document and continued solemnly, "The Major Crimes Division of Beihai City received a report today. They are investigating a secret murder case. The evidence has already been collected, and many suspects have been arrested."    


"Based on the progress of the case, we can infer that Miss Yang was involved in the planning of this murder. So please cooperate with us and make a trip to the police station. You have the right to remain silent. Otherwise, every word you say will be used as evidence in a court of law. You have the right to invite your lawyer to defend you. This is an arrest warrant. "    


Tang Yiyi's words immediately stunned everyone on the platform. Even Zhuge Yuyan could not help but tremble slightly. Her beautiful eyes stared straight at Tang Yiyi. Her eyebrows gradually furrowed and she said coldly, "Sorry, I think you must have gotten the wrong person, Officer Tang. I have never participated in any murder cases, and I don't need to kill anyone. There must be some misunderstanding. "    


"Is that so? Miss Yang, I'm afraid it's not just a misunderstanding, right?" Tang Yiyi put her ID on her chest and took out a recording pen from her pocket. She then said to Zhuge Yuyan, "Whether there is a misunderstanding or not, you will know once you hear this."    


When her small hand pressed the play button of the recording pen, the sound of the recording immediately rang out.    


"Okay, I admit it. So what if I want to kill Xue Qiang? Didn't you all see it? He snatched away the woman I like. Is it wrong for me to snatch back the woman I love? Didn't you want me to die because you wanted to know the details? Alright, I'll tell you everything. Anyway, I know I'm finished. There's nothing to hide."    


" That woman called Yang Yuyan is the worst. She's cruel and merciless. She told me to get close to Fann Binn on purpose and then poison his tea while we were teaching. She tried to poison him to death! The matter of me poisoning and killing Fann Binn was completely ordered by that woman, Yang Yuyan. Because she said that as long as I help her kill Fann Binn, she can help me kill Xue Qiang. And she would also give me money to take back my woman. Let me live happily with my woman Liu Haiyan! But... "    


" Kacha. " Tang Yiyi turned off the recording pen at this moment and said to Zhuge Yuyan who was standing on the platform, "How is it Miss Yang? Do you have anything else to say now?"    


Zhuge Yuyan was currently covered by a veil and outsiders could not see her emotions. But from her eyes, one could still see a trace of surprise and anger that could not help but flash. Obviously, she knew who the voice in the recording came from. So when the voice finished speaking, even someone as calm as her could not help but have a slight change in expression.    


However, these few undetectable expressions quickly disappeared. Zhuge Yuyan took a deep breath and said steadily, "I'm sorry, Officer Tang, although I don't know why my name would appear in the recording. I'm sorry, Officer Tang. Although I don't know why my name would appear in the recording, I want to tell you that there must be an inside story. I can follow you to the police station, but I won't admit everything that is said in the recording. "    


" Fann Binn and I are very good friends. I also feel very sad about his disappearance. I am also investigating why it is like this. I can't say that the statements in the recording are not correct, but if my men did this... I will definitely not be lenient! However, I really don't know anything about this."    


"Is it really like this?" Tang Yiyi stared at Zhuge Yuyan as if she wanted to see through her heart. She said in a playful tone, "This is the testimony of the criminal Jie Donglai after he was arrested. He knows you. You don't know him? This is really a little strange. Miss Yang, I hope you're not saying these words for yourself, right?"    


Tang Yiyi could not help but admire Zhuge Yuyan in her heart. She was indeed worthy of being the young miss of a big family. In just a short period of time, she was able to extricate herself from the shock and calm down. Moreover, she said these words that were trying to completely disregard relationships. This kind of quick thinking and quick reaction, as well as the attitude of not being shocked when dealing with matters. It was indeed filled with a calm temperament that only a young lady from a noble family would have.    


Actually, Zhuge Yuyan's words just now already contained a hidden problem, which was that although Jie Donglai's statement mentioned the name Yang Yuyan, it also mentioned the name Yang Yuyan. But this did not mean that Fann Binn was murdered by Zhuge Yuyan. The reason why she said this was... She wanted to push the responsibility to her servants. It made people easily have an illusion that this was not done by Zhuge Yuyan. It was her servants who did it in her name. This way, the nature of this crime was naturally very different!    


"Of course I'm not making excuses for myself." Zhuge Yuyan's eyes revealed a hint of a smile, as if she was very calm and casual as she said. "Officer Tang, I think just a statement can prove that I am the mastermind behind Fann Binn's murder. This is really too far-fetched, isn't it? I am also investigating this matter. Unfortunately, I still don't have any good evidence and excuses. "    


" Alright, even if what Jie Donglai said in his statement can't be completely used as evidence... Then what about the millions of dollars you privately transferred to him, and the villa that he bought that belongs to your subordinates? " Tang Yiyi counterattacked step by step, "According to the captured Jie Donglai's subordinates, they all admit that they are members of a security company under your family!"    


"What? Did such a thing really happen? How could I not know? " Zhuge Yuyan's face was full of shock and surprise. She opened her mouth in a daze and urgently said, " Does this mean that Fann Binn was really murdered by my people? Did he really die in the conspiracy of my men?"    


Tang Yiyi could not help but frown and said after a while. "You have to ask yourself this. Didn't your subordinates do things for Mistress? Could it be that there are still some subordinates who dare to claim to kill in your name and make you take the blame?"    


At this moment, Zhuge Yuyan suddenly turned her head and looked at her subordinates on the platform with a cold gaze. She said in a delicate and angry voice, "Who is it!? Who was the one who wanted to murder Fann Binn? Who is the one who wants to kill Fann Binn in my name!? Whoever had a grudge with Fann Binn, who wanted to kill him! Now, stand out right now!"    


Everyone on the stage lowered their heads. No one dared to speak. Tang Yiyi naturally knew that Zhuge Yuyan was acting. What kind of joke was this? This was the crime of murder. Who would not have the leisure to live a carefree life? Want to go to the prison to play?    


"Wang Zhihui, among all the people here, you are the only one who seems to have some conflicts with Fann Binn in the past. Is that right?" Unexpectedly, Zhuge Yuyan saw that no one answered. She directly called Wang Zhihui's name, which immediately made the stage tremble. Everyone who was afraid of calling out their names revealed looks of disbelief.    


Who was Wang Zhihui? Everyone on the stage knew very well that he was the young chief steward of Zhuge family. Zhuge Yuyan's right-hand man! But now, Zhuge Yuyan actually wanted him to be the scapegoat? This was really too unbelievable!    


Not to mention others, even Wang Zhihui himself did not dare to believe it when his name was called. He blankly raised his head and looked at Zhuge Yuyan. Looking at her face that was covered by a veil, he clearly had not recovered yet...    


"I am asking you a question. Are you trying to murder Fann Binn?! What is your motive?!" Zhuge Yuyan frowned and said angrily, "Don't you want to listen to me?"    


Tang Yiyi's eyes lit up. Even she could feel the waves of killing intent emitted from Zhuge Yuyan's body! It seemed that this Wang Zhihui was undoubtedly going to become Zhuge Yuyan's scapegoat. Sometimes, his subordinates also had to be prepared to be betrayed by their master...    


"I... I..." Wang Zhihui's face instantly turned pale. His stuttering words were accompanied by his gradually dispirited eyes. It was as if he instantly aged ten years and became as haggard as before. Yes, his heart had completely shattered at this moment. Although he had lived together with this young lady in front of him since he was young, deep within his heart... He also had feelings of love that he did not dare to express to the young lady, and had long since thought of bravely appearing for her. However, when this moment truly came, he felt an inexplicable sadness and sorrow.    


This was not an appearance, but an act of being abandoned, like being the most heartless scapegoat! He would rather die blocking bullets for the young miss, than be abandoned as a target. From then on, he would be expelled from the Zhuge family and become a cripple who spent half his life in prison! However, the young lady mentioned him and he did not want to be a scapegoat. Was he really going to let the Eldest Miss go to prison?    


But soon, he thought about it and felt that something was wrong. Everything that was happening right now was very disadvantageous to Eldest Miss, but with Zhuge family's background and strength, it was not like there was no turning back for this matter! As long as he admitted that Fann Binn was murdered by him, the young lady would be able to successfully acquire the Soaring Dragon Group. As long as she had absolute power in the family, it would be easy for her to save him.    


Instead of letting the young lady take the risk, it would be better to... replace the young lady with himself, and perhaps make up for the two mistakes she had made. She could make Eldest Miss, who was very dissatisfied with her, feel the importance of her again!    


Thinking of this, Wang Zhihui finally made up his mind. Gritting his teeth, he suddenly knelt down in front of Zhuge Yuyan with one knee. Lowering his head, he shouted in pain, "I'm sorry Eldest Miss! All of this... All of this was done by his subordinate, I'm sorry! It was really because this subordinate saw that the young miss wanted to purchase the Soaring Dragon Group. The reason why I secretly lured Jie Donglai to cooperate with me and conspired to assassinate Fann Binn... I, in order to mobilize the family's resources, I used your name to command the planning and arrangements. So..."    


"Pa!" Before Wang Zhihui could finish his words, Zhuge Yuyan fiercely slapped him. Her beautiful eyes revealed a look of disappointment as she spoke in pain. "Housekeeper Wang, Wang Zhihui! How can you be so stupid? Yes, I want to purchase the Soaring Dragon Group, but that's just my idea. Because Fann Binn and I are good friends, I am not willing to touch anything that belongs to my friend! How could I believe that you would actually think of something for me? You, you really pissed me off!"    


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