System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1182 An Unexpected Change

C1182 An Unexpected Change

Hsu Rann, who was hugging Fann Binn, tried her best to hold back the grief in her heart. She choked with a faint grief in her heart. "Jin Dawu schemed against you, but he didn't think that the one who would die would be him. Fann Binn, I am not sad for him. I am sad for the refugees of C Country who could have lived a happy life. They had escaped to H Country after many difficulties, but they were sacrificed at this critical moment. I feel sad and sad for them. "    


" I know, and I understand it too. However, all of this has become a fact. Cheer up. We still have to work hard to survive. " Fann Binn touched her hair and said seriously, "Don't worry, as long as I can return to H Country smoothly, I will definitely settle the score with those fellows who tried to assassinate me!"    


Hsu Rann nodded lightly. Just as she was about to say something, suddenly, the bald man who was standing guard beside the window turned his head and said in shock, "Boss, look outside the window. Damn it! There were soldiers everywhere rushing towards the Agricultural Bureau! Damn it, the C Nation army that suddenly appeared out of nowhere... They have completely surrounded this building!!"    


Fann Binn was stunned and quickly walked to the window with a frown and looked down. He saw several groups of soldiers armed to the teeth, quickly passing through the gate and courtyard of the Agricultural Bureau. Not only did they quickly surround the entire courtyard, but there were also several groups of soldiers quickly entering the building!    


"Prepare for battle. Let's quickly leave this place!" Fann Binn decisively gave the order. Baldy and the rest instantly took out their pistols and rushed towards the office door with solemn expressions.    


Hsu Rann stared blankly at the C Nation soldiers that were everywhere outside the window. She muttered in disbelief. "Fann Binn, I, how did we get discovered? Is it Zheng Wuxi? He... is the enemy that attracted us because of the secret report? "    


" I don't know the exact situation, but Zheng Wuxi is very suspicious. Isn't he an undercover agent of the Relief Society in C Nation? How did he find so many soldiers and soldiers to harm us? What benefits does this have for him?" Fann Binn was also very puzzled. Up until now, he still did not understand why those soldiers had suddenly discovered his whereabouts.    


He said anxiously, "Now is not the time to discuss these things. We have to find a way out of here. This building is backed by a huge mountain. We have to escape from the mountain before they arrive. Maybe there is still a chance!"    


Hsu Rann quickly followed Fann Binn out of the office and appeared in the empty corridor. When she heard what Fann Binn said to the crowd, she could not help but exclaim. " The mountain behind them? But the passageway downstairs is already blocked by soldiers. How can we rush out?"    


"Who said we're going down? I just checked carefully. If they jumped into the mountain behind them from the roof, the distance shouldn't be too far. It should be possible." Fann Binn said and said to his subordinate beside him, "We must stop the enemy first. If we really can't do it, we can only take the risk. Let's go upstairs! "    


The bald men had no objections. If they really could not stop the attack of the soldiers and were forced to jump from the sixth floor to the opposite mountain, they naturally had no other choice. They immediately rushed along the corridor towards the stairway, wanting to occupy the stairway as soon as possible. It would give everyone an advantageous time to escape.    


However, before Baldy and the others could reach the stairway, a large group of armed soldiers rushed out from the stairway. Both sides almost met face to face. In a short moment of daze, it was Baldy and the others who reacted even faster. They raised the handguns in their hands and fired at the soldiers in front of them!    


The deafening sound of gunfire and the whistling of bullets immediately rang out in the building. Many of the soldiers who had just rushed up to the third floor were instantly riddled with holes and fell to the ground one by one while spurting out blood. This was simply a battle of life and death. There would definitely be no mercy or mercy. It was either the enemy died, or the enemy died!    


Very soon, Baldy and the others' superb marksmanship instantly repelled those soldiers who rushed forward with their heads lowered. They were very smart and ran towards the stairway while shooting. They conveniently picked up the submachine guns in the hands of the soldiers who were killed. They raised them up and shot wildly at the stairs!    


Compared to the accuracy of the handguns, the continuous firing of the submachine guns was not as accurate. However, the firepower had increased by a whole level. The baldy, Xiao Huo, and the reckless trio fired at the same time. Instantly, a large number of soldiers on the stairs were swept down like straws. Blood flew everywhere. The ruthless bullets took the lives of many soldiers in an instant!    


"Boss, quickly go upstairs!!" The baldy turned his head and shot at the soldiers who were rushing downstairs. He yelled at Fann Binn, who was hugging Hsu Rann tightly in the tunnel, "Quick, it will be too late if we are late!"    


Fann Binn knew that the bald man and the rest were under a lot of pressure. After all, the soldiers downstairs had recovered from their initial panic. They started to organize several effective counterattacks. They were soldiers, and soldiers themselves were the products of war. They didn't care much about the sacrifice, as long as there was a commanding officer, the fear in their hearts would be suppressed to a large extent, and what replaced it would be the killing intent of completing the military order and looking at death with no fear. Baldy and the others could still control the initiative at the moment, but the initiative would obviously disappear very soon.    


He hugged Hsu Rann's body, afraid that she would be hurt a little, "Hsu Rann, we will rush upstairs in a while. We have to be fast and cannot drag things out, understand?"    


Hsu Rann shook her teeth and nodded, "Okay, with you around, I am not afraid of anything. Jin Zheyuan, come with us. "    


Fann Binn naturally agreed. He turned his head and looked at Jin Zhe Hua, who was nervously covering her ears. After giving her an encouraging look, he said loudly, "Let's go!"    


With Fann Binn's order, he carried Hsu Rann and Jin Zhe Hua and got up. He passed through the border guards and shot at the three bald men downstairs. Then he rushed upstairs with big steps.    


At that moment, the officer downstairs seemed to have seen Fann Binn and the others who were about to go upstairs. He hurriedly ordered the soldiers loudly. He pointed at Fann Binn and the others who were walking upstairs. Suddenly, the soldiers raised the submachine guns in their hands. They turned sideways. A wave of bullets flew towards the stairs leading up to the fourth floor.    


At this moment, the baldy shouted loudly and raised the submachine gun in his hand. He aimed at the soldiers who were crazily sweeping towards the stairs on the fourth floor and madly shot out bullets. The bullets instantly pierced through the soldiers' bodies! At this moment, Xiao Huo aimed at the junior officer who was continuously giving orders below the stairs and shot straight through the officer's skull. It immediately caused him to fall to the ground with his eyes wide open.    


Fann Binn and Hsu Rann could only hear the sound of bullets whistling through the air upstairs. He hurriedly used his body to protect Hsu Rann. There were a few crisp and dull sounds on Fann Binn's back. He immediately grimaced in pain. Although he had a super alloy bulletproof vest to protect himself, it would be a lie to say that the bullets at close range did not hurt. Fortunately, Fann Binn had determined the direction of the bullet. All of them accurately hit his body, although it hurt a little. However, he was not hurt at all.    


After a round of gunfire, the soldiers at the bottom of the stairs were suppressed by Baldy and the others' firepower. He gave Fann Binn some more time to catch his breath. Just as he was about to carry Hsu Rann and run up again, out of the corner of his eye, he shockingly found that Jin Zhehua, who was following behind him, had been shot at least three times. Blood was flowing out of the wound. He could not live anymore.    


Hsu Rann's body trembled and her face revealed a sad expression. But she still gritted her teeth and did not let the tears flow out. Regarding the death of the Golden Zhe Flower, she was very sad, but there was nothing she could do about it. Right now, they were also lambs waiting to be slaughtered. What ability did they have to protect her? Perhaps death was the best release for her...    


Fann Binn, who had successfully rushed up to the fourth floor, made a hand gesture to Baldy and the rest who were downstairs. Baldy and the rest immediately understood. They began to resist and retreat to the fourth floor. The death of so many comrades in C Nation had obviously made their eyes red. They even used grenades! Luckily, Xiao Huo was agile enough to throw the grenades they threw back into the air one by one. Otherwise, the bald man and the rest would have exploded into minced meat!    


"Boom! Boom! Boom! An earth-shattering explosion sounded and the entire building began to shake violently. The power of several grenades could be seen from this. Fortunately, these grenades were of the early model. The power was not very great, or else the building would have been trampled. Everyone had to be buried here together!    


Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the grenade explosion among the C Nation soldiers, Baldy and the rest immediately retreated to the fourth floor. These few grenades really made the C Nation soldiers miserable. Not to mention the casualties of the soldiers gathered downstairs, for a short period of time, they could not make any more effective attacks because they were all completely stunned by the explosion of the grenades.    


"Quick, take advantage of this moment. Let's go!" When the baldy saw that the situation had reached an advantageous time, he immediately turned his head and shouted to his subordinate beside him, "Insolence. You and Xiao Huo go first. I will cover the retreat!"    


"No, Boss baldy, you guys go first. The terrain here is good for covering the rear. Insolence shook his head and took the initiative to ask the baldy to cover the rear. Without any hesitation, he raised his submachine gun and crazily swept towards the chaotic soldiers at the bottom of the stairs.    


When Bald Man saw that Bald Man had made up his mind, a trace of appreciation and gratitude flashed across his eyes. He pulled Xiao Huo, who was also about to stay behind to guard the rear, and ran towards the fourth floor. At this time, the chaotic C Nation army, after a short period of confusion, once again began to organize an effective attack. Gunshots gradually became more concentrated and quickly suppressed the reckless firepower.    


One. In the midst of the rain of bullets, a person's strength quickly became insignificant, facing the bullets that blotted out the sky and covered the earth, he recklessly hid behind the wall next to the stairs, not even able to stretch his head out. The soldiers downstairs were completely bloodshot with killing intent. They roared madly and pounced on the stairs. Very quickly, they rushed to the upper half of the stairs.    


"Insolence, come up quickly. Xiao Huo and I will cover you!" The baldy really did not want to be reckless and die here for nothing. He and Xiao Huo went to the fourth floor of the stairs. After hiding, they shot at the soldiers who rushed up again.    


The baldy gritted his teeth. He knew that he had to rush up to the fourth floor from the rain of bullets to have a chance of survival. He didn't have many bullets left on his submachine gun, so he only had one chance. If he didn't die, then he would live!    


At this moment, Fann Binn, who had already gone up to the fourth floor, settled Hsu Rann down. He turned around and went to the baldy's side. He took out his gun and shot at the soldiers downstairs. Seeing his subordinates fighting with their lives on the line, if he and Hsu Rann were to watch from the side, they would be able to live and die. Would they still call him boss? It was more like calling him a coward!    


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