System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1192 Wind and Cloud in Prison(4)

C1192 Wind and Cloud in Prison(4)

"A bunch of useless trash!" The big guy cursed and rushed towards Fann Binn. A punch full of strength was aimed at his head and smashed down without any hesitation! If this punch hit an ordinary person, even if it was not a concussion, he would be completely knocked out. Even the air produced whistling sounds. It was enough to show how powerful the strength was!    


Unfortunately, this big guy met Fann Binn. He didn't even dodge. He tilted his head and his fist brushed past his ear. Just as the big guy was stunned, Fann Binn's leg was aimed at his lower body. The big guy, who was unprepared, was kicked in the lower body. It hurt so much that his eyeballs almost popped out!    


Seeing the big guy's tightly shut legs and his pale face from the pain, the other big guys who were watching by the side couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air at the same time. They subconsciously used their hands to protect their lower bodies. What part of this man's body is more painful than a wound on his lower body? This kick of Fann Binn might be the powerful ability to cut off all children and grandchildren!    


"Big guy, you actually dare to go back on your word in front of me? You simply don't want to live anymore!" He Zhenhua saw the big guy taking the initiative to attack, although he didn't get any advantage in front of Fann Binn. However, just now, the two of them had agreed not to get involved in this battle. Apparently, the big guy didn't give him any face by doing this. This undoubtedly made He Zhenhua feel humiliated and furious. Taking advantage of the big guy's lower body being attacked, he grimaced in pain and kept jumping around. He roared angrily and raised his fist, which he took out from his clothes. His fist seemed to be holding something, and it was aimed at the back of the big guy who was unprepared!    


At this moment, the fight in the crowd quickly attracted the attention of those modifiers. They quickly raised the sentry and stopped the moving prisoners. They waved their batons and squeezed into the group of prisoners. With the intervention of these modified people, the surrounding prisoners quickly became chaotic. The originally neat formation became a mess because of this.    


It was estimated that these prisoners had long had experience and deliberately caused chaos to stall for time for these modified people to catch people. Thus, when the modified people who rushed into the crowd were attacked by this chaotic situation, it immediately became very difficult to enter and catch people. And at this time, Fann Binn just threw away the big guy's subordinate who was about to attack him. At a close distance, he looked at the big guy who was not far away from him. Soon, the big guy trembled and his face began to turn blue. Then, blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth and his eyes turned white as he fell to the ground.    


This was obviously a sign of being poisoned! Seeing the big guy lying on the ground and twitching, Fann Binn immediately focused his eyes on He Zhenhua's hand. It was fine if he didn't look, but when he saw He Zhenhua, he immediately revealed an incomparably shocked expression. Because in He Zhenhua's fist, there was a silver weapon that looked like a needle! It was likely that this kind of weapon was the main culprit that caused the big fellow to be poisoned!    


However... The small piece of mysterious item that was thicker than a needle was revealed in He Zhenhua's fist. Why did Fann Binn feel that it was so familiar?    


"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and run, you idiot!" At this moment, He Zhenhua, who had pulled his hand out of the big guy's body, hurriedly pulled Fann Binn, who was in a daze. As he cursed, he squeezed into the crowd. Obviously, he had done this kind of thing many times. So, he brought Fann Binn into the crowd with familiarity. Naturally, he wanted to cut off the connection with this matter. When the baldy, Xiao Huo, and reckless saw that Fann Binn was pulled into the crowd by He Zhenhua, they quickly squeezed in as well.    


Very quickly, around the big guy's body lying on the ground, the prisoners consciously created an empty space. The subordinates who had followed the big guy and were beaten by Fann Binn had already disappeared. For them, once their boss died, it was obvious that there was no need for them to continue following him. Escaping for their lives would probably save them more than exposing the truth.    


When the modified man whistled as he desperately squeezed into the crowd from the periphery of the crowd and arrived at the area in the middle of the group, other than the big guy who was lying on the ground and had stopped breathing, they did not find any clues. After the exasperated modifiers squatted down to confirm that the big guy was dead, they roared at the prisoners surrounding them. " Who is it? Who killed him? Hurry up and tell me! Otherwise, your entire battalion will starve today! I'll punish you for not having any food to eat, and only half a portion of food for dinner!!"    


It was obvious that the threat of the modified personnel did not catch the attention of the prisoners. Hiding in the crowd, He Zhenhua looked at the flustered and exasperated figures of the modified people asking questions and roaring, and said in a low voice to Fann Binn, who was beside him, with a sneer. "Don't worry. Fighting to the death is a necessary process to survive in the Golden Mountain Road Prison. No prisoner would tell the truth for a few meals, because if they dared to say it... They will be surrounded and attacked by all the prisoners from the Golden Mountain Road "    


"Hehe, there was once a boss' subordinate who confessed to the other boss because the boss was killed in a fight. But the next day, his entire body was pierced by a sharp toothbrush and turned into a scarecrow. In the Golden Mountain Road Prison, there was the law of survival for the prisoners. Fighting and dying can only be decided by fate, no one can be blamed"    


Fann Binn took a deep breath. He finally understood why the Golden Mountain Dao had become a death prison. If it wasn't for the big guy's death just now, Fann Binn would have died. No one would care about him anymore. This was the cruelty and ruthlessness of the Golden Mountain Path. No power could change this rule. Survival of the fittest, death could only prove that you don't have the strength to survive in the Golden Mountain Path. No one will sympathize with you, pity you. Death is death, no value at all...    


No one stands out to testify, there is only a cold corpse, it was clear that these modified people waving their batons to coerce them was useless. The entire team of prisoners stood there for more than half an hour. These modified people could only give up and ask the two prisoners to move the big corpse away. Once again, they had the prisoners organize the team and proceed towards the farm.    


Fann Binn walked in the crowd of prisoners and had the result of the big guy's provocation. All the bosses in the team seemed to have quieted down. Obviously, each of them wanted to enjoy the tragic outcome of being kicked and then killed by poison. The fight just now had made everyone understand that Fann Binn and the others were not people to be trifled with.    


"Brother He, you just used poison to kill the big guy. How did you poison the big guy?" Fann Binn thought for a while as he walked, but he still couldn't help but ask He Zhenhua in a low voice. " Can you tell me what poison you used?"    


He Zhenhua was obviously stunned. He turned his head and glared at Fann Binn. A surprised expression appeared on his face. Obviously, he might not have thought that he could hide it so well. The object in his fist was actually seen by Fann Binn? He could not help but ask with a gloomy face, "Kid, what's wrong? Want to meddle in other people's business? I advise you not to think that I was helping you just now. I was just angry that the stupid big guy did not give me face. If you make me impatient, I will also inject poison into your body. I will let you taste the taste of death!"    


"Brother He, just now when you used poison, what was that thing in your fist? I seem to have seen it somewhere before. Can you let me see it?" Fann Binn really felt that the thing he used to inject the poison was very familiar. He couldn't help but ask again.    


Actually, he had something to rely on to not take He Zhenhua's warning seriously, because from the way He Zhenhua poisoned the big guy earlier, it could be seen. This He Zhenhua might be very good at using poison, but his skills were not very good. If He Zhenhua really attacked him, Fann Binn was confident that he could subdue him. So naturally, he no longer cared about the threat he posed.    


Not only did He Zhenhua see that Fann Binn didn't seem to be afraid of his poison, but he also seemed to be very interested in it. He couldn't help but feel a little strange. He snorted coldly and said, "What is it? I don't know what you're talking about at all! Besides, why should I explain it clearly to you? Young man, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have good skills. Be careful that you might lose your life!"    


Seeing that He Zhenhua was still unwilling to take out the poison item and not acknowledge the existence of the item, Fann Binn could only force a smile. He did not ask any further. He recalled the moment he saw He Zhenhua poison the big guy to death, the scene of him clenching the needle-like mysterious item in his fist.    


What made Fann Binn feel more and more strange was that logically speaking, before entering the prison, everyone had to undergo an inspection. It was impossible for them to bring anything with them into the prison. But how did He Zhenhua bring that mysterious item with him? Moreover, this mysterious item was clearly the true murder weapon he used to poison his opponent!    


What kind of weeds could create poison? What kind of poison expert was that? This was an extremely absurd statement. It was precisely because his speed and movements were fast that those convicts were unable to clearly see the truth that he fabricated these things, right? Fann Binn was already certain in his heart that the reason why He Zhenhua could use poison to kill these fellows who opposed him. It was most likely because he had this needle-like poisonous object. And this thing should be a kind of poisonous object!    


"Hurry up, today I must clear all the weeds in this garden! Aren't you all very good at fighting? Then use all of your fighting strength on weeding! F * ck, another person died today. If I find out who killed him, I'll skin him and pull out his tendons! Hurry up and work for me!!"    


The modified man's dissatisfied roar came from behind. The whip in his hand would whip the criminals who were lazy and did not work from time to time. The whole plantation was filled with screams. It was not known whether it was because Fann Binn's move last night had stunned these modified people, or it was because they were instinctively afraid of He Zhenhua. Therefore, not only did the modifiers not pay much attention to the area where He Zhenhua was weeding, but also the area where He Zhenhua was weeding. Furthermore, the whip would not land on anyone else. It was very comfortable.    


Those big shots who could go into the plantation to weed were clearly the most powerful big shots in the Golden Mountain Dao Prison. That was why they had such a simple job. Even so, they had to remove the weeds themselves. Help the fruit trees here grow better. Compared to the jobs that were assigned to the mines that could endanger their lives at any time, this kind of work was obviously the best. It was simply effortless and not dangerous.    


While weeding, Fann Binn's gaze was fixed on He Zhenhua who was not too far away from him. He Zhenhua was very serious in weeding at the moment. He even seemed to be especially interested in some weeds. This made Fann Binn a little surprised. Could it be that this guy really used weeds to make poison? But if that was the case, then what was that needle-like item that he just took out?    


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