System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1202 Fan Bin's Ambition

C1202 Fan Bin's Ambition

"Recently I've been thinking about one thing." Fann Binn looked at the baldy and said with confidence. "I, Fann Binn, started from scratch and achieved what I have today. Business is undoubtedly successful. But for my own safety, it is undoubtedly a failure. Although the Dragon Phoenix Society is mine, it is, after all, a gang. Whether it is in terms of personnel quality or quality equipment, they are unable to keep up with the requirements of my enemies. Therefore, it is very easy for me to be attacked by other people's schemes. "    


"And because my own strength isn't strong enough, I often suffer some hidden losses I put myself and my woman in a dire situation. So recently, I have always had a plan in my heart. I plan to spend a large sum of money to train a team. A special team that belongs to me!"    


The baldy's eyes widened and he could not help but exclaim, "Boss! You, you want to create your own army? This, is this possible? I understand what you mean. Do you want to establish a quick response special force that can protect you and carry out your mission 24 / 7?"    


" You're right, to be precise, I want to build a mercenary special force " Fann Binn sighed and said, "This was not possible before. After all, in H Country, it was impossible for private people to have more than normal bodyguards, but now I have a new opportunity.    


If we gather the best retired special forces from all over the world and give them the most advanced weapons and equipment, secretly train and live in C Nation, once I need them, they will accurately attack all targets in the world. They can also use war as support, allowing them to gradually become famous for their private jobs. I think this mercenary group will definitely become a famous army in the world! "    


Fann Binn's words undoubtedly gave Baldy and the others a deep shock. Baldy could not help but ponder. "Boss, I support your idea. If there is a group that can be moved at any time, if there is a powerful force that can reach you to protect you, of course I will raise both hands in agreement. But C Nation... will they agree that there is such a powerful force in their own country that does not belong to this country? "    


" This is exactly what I need to do, when there are no conditions. I need to create conditions, in this world, anything is possible. Let's see if you can seize the opportunity and face the difficulties. " Fann Binn smiled and said, "So I think, Baldy, you are the best candidate to build this army and become the leader of this army. I hope you can stay in C Country, are you willing? "    


The baldy quickly grinned and said, "Although this country is very poor, I am alone. If you don't have anything to worry about, just stay in C Nation. It's nothing... It's just that Boss, hehe, this weapon and equipment must be given to me whenever I want. Also, if this troop wants to react quickly... If you don't have heavy equipment... "    


"Small to grenades, special firearms, to fighter tank transports. As long as you want it, I will be responsible for everything! And I can also give this mercenary the best reward, also, I'll arrange a holiday for you, how about it?" Fann Binn laughed lightly and said," Your boss, I have the Soaring Dragon Group's weapons? Isn't that a piece of cake? In the future, what this army will use will be the best weapons and equipment produced by the Soaring Dragon Group! "    


" Hehe. Hehe..." The baldy had a foolish smile on his face. When others saw his appearance, they would think that he was about to drool. When he thought about how he could lead an absolutely well-equipped special force to carry out various missions in the future, his heart was undoubtedly filled with joy. He didn't even know how to speak.    


Upon hearing this, Xiao Huo's face turned red. He grinned like a resentful wife and stuttered, "That... Boss, why don't you let your recklessness become the boss of the Beihai City branch? I'll go with Baldy. Hehe, let's do this together? "    


Before Xiao Huo could finish, the reckless man beside him couldn't help but shout with a red face. “ I love C Nation, I love this country, I love everything here! Boss, I've decided, let me be the director of that whatever office here. I'll definitely do very well!"    


Fann Binn did not know whether to laugh or cry as he looked at the two fellows in front of him. He patted one of them on the head and glared at them. "Look at you two disappointing things. Just now, when I asked you to stay, each of you had a depressed look on your face as if you owed someone tens of millions of yuan. But now, you are fighting to stay? Let me tell you, there's no way! Obediently give me what I should do and do what I have to do! "    


Xiao Huo and reckless, who were scolded and scolded by Fann Binn, could not help but completely deflate. Both of their eyes fiercely stared at the bald man who was excited and pleased with himself at the same time. They could not help but press him down on the bed to take revenge. The envy, jealousy, and hatred in their hearts burst out. They did not get such a good thing. Of course, they had to take revenge on the baldy.    


"Hey, don't be too violent and bloody. It won't have a good impact. I know baldy is most ticklish. Don't hit him too hard. Hehe." Fann Binn smiled and didn't want to exaggerate his words. Suddenly, the baldy's scream and begging sound became even louder.    


About an hour later, two modifiers appeared outside the iron door of the room. They shouted into the room, "Fann Binn, come out with your three companions!"    


As they spoke, two modified people opened the iron door. At that moment, Cui Minyu, who was sitting at the side, could not help but speak nervously. " Mr. Fann, are you all leaving? You all, just like Boss He, are you all going to be dealt with? "    


Fann Binn couldn't help but roll his eyes. This guy clearly thought that he was going to be shot in the execution ground. He couldn't help but shake his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry." I'm not going to be punished, I'm going out to enjoy myself. Goodbye. "    


"Goodbye..." Cui Min Yu shook his hand in confusion. He naturally didn't understand what Fann Binn meant by having fun.    


After walking out of the room, Fann Binn, Baldy and the rest followed the modifier and walked towards the prison corridor. At this time, the modified man beside him suddenly and carefully stuffed a packet of cigarettes that looked pretty good to Fann Binn. He said with a flattering smile. "Mr. Fann, you are really awesome. I have never seen a criminal who is even more awesome than you. First, I saw Marshal Jin, and then General Zhang came to pick you up. Amazing, amazing. After we go out, I hope you can say good things for us. Just don't say bad things. Hehe. "    


How could Fann Binn not know the meaning of the modified officer's words? Didn't he want him to not say bad things about these modified people in front of the general? But speaking of which, Fann Binn had only stayed in this prison for a short day. He had never been bullied by the modified people. The existence of the Golden Mountain Road Prison was not the fault of these modified people. They were not bad to him, so why should he disgust them?    


He casually tossed the cigarette to the baldy as a way to accept the bribes of these two modified people. This made them instantly smile and finally drop their hanging hearts. Under their warm guidance, Fann Binn, the baldy, and the others walked into the meeting room arranged for them.    


Just as they entered the meeting room, Fann Binn saw Hsu Rann sitting there drinking tea at first glance. Before he happily called her, Hsu Rann ran towards him excitedly. She threw herself into his arms.    


"Hsu Rann, are you alright? Did those modified people bully you?" When Fann Binn saw that Hsu Rann was fine, the situation that he was most worried about disappeared without a trace. As long as Hsu Rann was safe and sound, then he was really relieved.    


Hsu Rann lightly shook her head and said with a slightly red face, "They did not bully me, even though there were a few female bosses in the prison who were not very friendly to me. But in such a short period of time, even if they wanted to bully me, they would not have the chance. Furthermore, later on, the reforger specially said that he received some kind of instruction from Marshal Jin to make those bosses stay away from me, so he won't be bullied anymore."    


" Alright, as long as no one bullies you. " Fann Binn smiled and nodded. He held Hsu Rann in his arms and then looked at a middle-aged officer who had stood up from his seat. He was wearing a golden military uniform. He said, "You must be the general under Marshal Jin, right?"    


The middle-aged general stood up straight. He saluted Fann Binn respectfully and said, "General Song Yuzhi, commander of the 3021st unit in C Country, has come to report to you."    


Fann Binn nodded and smiled. "Then I will have to trouble Major General Song to accompany me to do some things during this period of time. Time is a little tight, so we can leave in a while."    


"Okay. May I ask where Mr. Fann will go first after he leaves?" Song Yuzhi asked respectfully, "Marshal Jin has given me a death order. He has ordered me to fulfill all of your requests. Protect him. " Alright. " Your life is safe, so I sent the best scouts to protect Mr. Fann. Please rest assured, Mr. Fann, as long as there is an order from Marshal Jin in C Country... We will basically be able to do it smoothly, and the chances of encountering danger are almost zero. "    


Fann Binn was very satisfied with Jin Zhenhuan's arrangement. He let a major general follow behind him to protect him. He wanted to see who would dare to arrest them in the name of illegal entry. Although the military ranking system in C Country was very interesting and unique, a major general was only a deputy major general. However, this did not stop him from unimpeded travel in C Nation. With such a protective god by his side, everything was enough.    


"First, I have to go to a small fishing village in Huacheng, northeast of C Nation. It's called Huattai, and then I have to go to Zhong Town. I'll have to trouble General Song to accompany me. " Fann Binn set a route for Song Yuzhi. He had his own plans. The small fishing village called Flower Platform was the village where He Zhenhua and his clansmen were originally at. The jade box he was hiding was there. After taking the jade box, Fann Binn went to Zhong Town to deal with the traitor, Zheng Wuxi, who had betrayed the Aid Association. He had said that he would make him pay the price for what he had done. He, Fann Binn, would do what he said!    


Actually, it was not that Fann Binn had to personally take revenge on this guy. It was that he had to wait in C Nation anyway. He had to wait for He Zhenhua's revenge to come, and that was the only way. His secret plan with Jin Zhenhuan could only be carried out during this period of time. He had nothing to do anyway. There was a general by his side to protect him. Therefore, going to Zhong Town naturally became a set trip.    


After listening to Fann Binn's words, Song Yuzhi thought for a while, then nodded and said. "Alright, I know how to go to these two places. Later, I'll ask the reconnaissance company to contact the troops there and inform them in advance. Since the procedures have been completed, we can set off now. "    


Of course, Fann Binn wouldn't be willing to stay in the Golden Mountain Road Prison. When he saw Song Yuzhi request to leave, he walked along the corridor towards the exit of the Golden Mountain Road Prison. Although he had only lived in this place for a day, it was still unforgettable to Fann Binn. Everything in this Death Prison had made him experience the coldness and warmth of human relationships, as well as the cruelty of survival. It was the Golden Mountain Road Prison. He was afraid that he would never come again in this lifetime.    


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