System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1606 Ancient Tomb Treasure Hunt(2)

C1606 Ancient Tomb Treasure Hunt(2)

"Cough cough..." Fann Binn seemed to be embarrassed by his seemingly unconvincing explanation. He coughed twice and smiled. “ Anyway, I will be very careful when entering the ancient tomb by myself. There won't be any major problems. If there is any danger, I will ask you for help. Is that alright?"    


"If you really insist on going in yourself, I have no objections" Lian Zhide knew that he couldn't persuade Fann Binn. After thinking for a while, he said. " But before you enter the ancient tomb, I will try my best to tell you all the mechanisms and topography that I know. You won't object to letting you avoid danger as much as possible, right? "    


"I can't ask for more." Fann Binn smiled and said to Lian Zhide, "As long as I have Uncle Lian's support, my expedition in the ancient tomb will be very successful. I want to see if there are any treasures hidden in the eight stone rooms that you haven't entered yet. If there is, of course I will be able to make a profit. If not, I will just treat it as an exciting adventure. "    


"You'd better not have too much hope. Even the largest stone room only produces ordinary items. What other treasures can exist in other small stone rooms? Anyway, I have no interest in that ancient tomb. You should just treat it as an exploration. " Lian Zhide shook his head helplessly. Obviously, he was afraid of the silver hairpin. But how could he know that the silver hairpin wasn't a cheap item? It was a genuine priceless treasure! Fann Binn could only be like a fish in water in this society if he had it. Without it, Fann Binn would probably still be a pauper who fretted over food!    


Fann Binn knew the inside story, so of course he would not be as pessimistic as him. He could not help smiling and said, "That's not necessarily true. Maybe I can really take out some treasure?"    


"If you really have that ability, then I can only congratulate you. Blame my bad luck." Clearly, Lian Zhide's eyes revealed disbelief. That was true. A guy who was good at tomb raiding didn't take out any treasures. He was just a newbie who went in to explore out of curiosity. How could he have such luck and ability? This was obviously impossible!    


Fann Binn did not mind Lian Zhide's disdain. He said, "Then when do you think we should leave?"    


"That's up to you. If you want, you can do it tonight." Of course, Lian Zhide didn't mind. In any case, he had already promised Fann Binn that he would bring him to the ancient tomb. What difference was there between going early and going late to the ancient tomb?    


Fann Binn's eyes lit up when he heard that. "That's right. Why didn't I think of that? It's better to strike while it's hot. How about we go there tonight?"    


"Ah? We're really going?" Lian Zhide was a little stunned. He quickly said, "No, that Fann Binn. It takes more than two hours to drive from Tianping Village to the destination. He still had to walk on the mountain road. It would take him three hours to reach the valley under the ancient tomb. It was already early in the morning. Do you still have the strength to climb the iron rope into the ancient tomb? How about we wait a few days and go out with you? "    


" I have no problem with my energy. I'm quite energetic. Even if I drive for another four or five hours, it won't be a problem. " Fann Binn thought for a while and said," Uncle Lian, do you think Tianping Village is close to that place? Is it close to ___ or the county town? ”    


"I think it's closer to the Tianping Village..." Lian Zhide paused for a second and smiled bitterly. “ Fann Binn, do you really want to leave this place overnight to the ancient tomb? This, this is too urgent. You didn't even prepare for it. "    


" What else do we need to prepare? We have to make a move when it's time! There are still three hours of journey and a walk in a while. Can't you just slowly tell me everything about the ancient tomb along the way? " After saying that, Fann Binn immediately turned to Lian Zhide and said. " Hurry up, Uncle Lian. Let's go back as soon as possible. We have to make it back in the morning. This way, no one will know where we went, right?"    


Lian Zhide thought for a moment and could not help but smile bitterly." Are you really willing to go tonight? "    


"Of course. I have already prepared myself mentally and physically. I guarantee that there will be no problem." Fann Binn patted his chest and said confidently.    


"Alright. Then I will accompany you once. Who asked you to be the benefactor of the Lian family and me?" Lian Zhide knew that Fann Binn had already made his decision. He could only obey the decision of his benefactor, whether he liked it or not.    


Soon, the two of them got up and simply put on their clothes and pants. Then, they quietly slipped out of the room. Last night, it was Fann Binn who slipped out by himself. Tonight, it was him and Lian Zhide. Since everyone was tired and had rested early, it was not past nine o'clock at night. The entire Lian family seemed very quiet.    


Fann Binn and Lian Zhide were very careful when they walked out of the Lian family's house, mainly because they were afraid that they would wake the people who were sleeping. They were afraid that their plan to go to the ancient tomb at night would be known by others. Fortunately, the situation was smooth. No one noticed that the two of them had left the Lian residence. The surroundings were still silent. Fann Binn brought Lian Zhide to the side of the small bridge outside the Lian residence. After unlocking the car's lock, Fann Binn took the initiative to get into the car and start the engine.    


Lian Zhide got into the passenger's seat and looked around at the interior of the car. He could not help sighing. "Fann Binn, you are really rich. This car is really high-end."    


"Don't envy it. In the future, when you go to the city to develop, you only need to work hard. I can also drive a car like this." Fann Binn drove along the village road and started to drive away from Tianping Village. He said to Lian Zhide, who was next to him. "You will know when you go to my company in the future. In fact, there is another way to live in life."    


"Look at what you said. It makes me more and more expectant. In my life, I'm afraid of poverty. I grew up in a ravine. I haven't seen much of the world, but I dream of earning money. With money, I'll build a four-story house for my family. With money, I'll buy a good car and run back and forth to the village just like you. That day, how happy... " Lian Zhide said longingly, "When I was young, my family was poor. I always thought that if I had money, even my family wouldn't have to starve anymore, but now my life is better. I still want money. I want my family to live a better life. Say, do you think I don't know how to satisfy myself?"    


" People will never be satisfied, their desires will only rise higher and higher. It is because of this that human society is able to develop quickly. If no one has desires, then this society is abnormal " Fann Binn smiled at him and said, "It's normal for you to have such thoughts. I am the same as you. That's how it came about. Uncle Lian, we are out of the village now. You can tell me about what happened in the ancient tomb now."    


" Okay. Drive carefully. I will tell you in detail. " Lian Zhide nodded in agreement. He took the initiative to talk about the structure and topography of the ancient tomb.    


Fann Binn looked at the dark road in front of him that had no street lights, but his heart was full of palpitations. The ancient tomb of Mystery Sect, the place where the golden needles were stored, he, Fann Binn, was finally going! He really didn't know... Would there still be some treasures of Tang Sect that had not been taken away?    


"I really didn't expect that this ancient tomb would be hidden so deeply... When you told me about it, I thought that it was just a remote place. But this place is deep in the mountains and forests. " Fann Binn looked at the vast valley not far away. He followed the lights and continued forward. He let the stream by his feet flow through the valley. He could not help but let out a sigh. “ We drove all the way here until there was no longer a path. We walked for more than an hour. This is indeed a good place to hide a tomb. "    


"Yeah, ancient people usually choose tombs very well. Not only does it have to be a precious land of good fortune, but it also has to be a place where no one lives for tens or even hundreds of years. This way, the ancient tomb will obtain the most complete protection. However, the ancient people did not know that in this modern world, the real threat of the ancient tomb was actually more and more tomb raiders. As long as tomb raiders steal a cultural relic from the ancient tomb and sell it, I'm afraid that money will be enough for the rest of my life. "    


Lian Zhide bitterly mocked himself," Unfortunately, my luck isn't good, so I haven't been able to make a fortune. Instead, I'm getting poorer and poorer. Hehe. "    


"You can say that, but in other words, if you really steal the cultural relics... You have to be careful, because the government will keep an eye on you at any time. If you get caught, then it won't be a matter of how much money you earn. It's a matter of how many years you'll be in prison. " Fann Binn said lightly, "Selling the cultural relics of the country is a very serious problem."    


" Hehe, you came to the ancient tomb when you knew it was so dangerous? " Lian Zhide smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid of being arrested by the government?"    


"I am different from you. You are a tomb raider and I am an explorer. Even if I find treasures and relics during the exploration, I will only collect them and not sell them for money. So there is no such thing as selling national relics."    


Fann Binn explained, "Of course, if I really found any cultural relics, I don't mind giving them to the national museum. That depends on how I feel."    


"So that's how it is... Hehe, rich people are rich. " Lian Zhide helplessly shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Comparisons are really infuriating. We can't compare, we can't compare."    


At this moment, Fann Binn was thinking that even if he really found some treasure in the ancient tomb... It was impossible for him to take the initiative to hand it over, because everything in the tomb belonged to the Mystery Sect. As the new Sect Master of the Mystery Sect, everything in the ancient tomb should belong to him. Wasn't it?    


"Fann Binn, we have entered the valley along the mountain path. Do you see the cliff in front of us? The ancient tomb of Xuanji is right above the cliff. " After walking for a very difficult path, they finally walked into the valley below the cliff. Lian Zhide pointed at the cliff that reached into the clouds in the distance and said, "If you keep climbing up the cliff, you will be able to see the entrance of the ancient tomb."    


Hearing Lian Zhide's words, Fann Binn looked in the direction he pointed. He couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. He saw that the high cliff had extended all the way up, and he couldn't see the end of it. Not only was it steep, but it was also cut flat like a mirror. It was very difficult to find a foothold.    


Without the help of the iron chains, climbing up was simply impossible! Although there were some trees and weeds growing on the cliff, the cliff was too long after all. There were pitifully few trees that could be squeezed out of the cliff, so if they fell down... They would probably not even have bones left. There was no second possibility.    


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