System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1609 Treasure Hunt in the Ancient Tomb(5)

C1609 Treasure Hunt in the Ancient Tomb(5)

One. The mysterious symbol necklace was quietly placed on the stone table in the stone room filled with gold, silver, and jewels, as if it was waiting for people to pick it up. The more it was like this, the more vigilant Fann Binn became. Even a fool would know that this symbol necklace was not an ordinary item, but very few people would know that if they rashly took this necklace from the stone table... What will happen?    


Fann Binn took a deep breath. Everything around him was silent. Other than his breathing, there was no other sound. Everything seemed so natural, but it was even more so. For a moment, he began to hesitate. Whether or not he should take the seemingly worthless necklace on the stone table made his heart very conflicted.    


However, very quickly, he made a decision in his heart. Since he came to this ancient tomb, he naturally had already predicted that there would be danger. If he didn't take the risk to obtain the true treasure, how could he possibly obtain it out of thin air? Fann Binn steeled his heart. He gritted his teeth and slowly extended his right hand with full concentration. He grabbed the silver runic necklace!    


Silence. The surroundings were strangely quiet. Fann Binn looked vigilantly at the runic necklace in his hand. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he gently lifted the necklace from the stone table. Slowly... Slowly, in the end, the runic necklace was tightly held in his hand as he took it from the stone table!    


"Boom!" Just as Fann Binn was about to rejoice that he had made the right bet, a loud sound suddenly rang out from under his feet! Before Fann Binn could lower his head, a bottomless black hole appeared under his feet. His feet had already risen into the air, and he had lost the support of his center of gravity. Almost at the same time, he fell down!    


Fann Binn had always been on guard. He knew that this ordinary-looking necklace would definitely attract his death. That was why the moment he picked up the necklace, all the hair on his body stood up. His sensitive nerves were almost pointing at the entire stone room, waiting for the storm to come. As expected, Fann Binn guessed correctly. There was indeed a hidden weapon mechanism in this stone room. And the primer was the runic necklace on the stone table!    


With preparations in advance, this time Fann Binn was not as flustered and slow to react. However, he did not expect this mechanism to be under his feet. At this moment, his body was about to fall into the deep pit. Fann Binn reacted quickly and grabbed the edge of the hole. His legs pushed open the inner wall of the hole. He managed to control his body and did not fall down.    


As long as there was a place to support and grab, with Fann Binn's skill, he moved quickly and nimbly. He jumped and rolled after exerting force on the ground. With a few steps, he jumped out of the hole, his hand still tightly grabbing the symbol necklace that he had snatched from the stone table.    


Before Fann Binn could recover from the trap, the mechanism in the stone room came and went quickly. Soon, the trap was closed again, and the danger was automatically removed.    


After taking a few deep breaths, Fann Binn suddenly patted his chest. When he recalled the danger just now, he couldn't help but feel a lingering fear. If it wasn't for the fact that he already had a sense of crisis in his heart, he would have been vigilant. He was afraid that if he fell down, he wouldn't be able to come up again.    


Sure enough, the tomb of the Profound Truths Sect was filled with danger. This stone room was undoubtedly more dangerous than the previous one. This made Fann Binn feel even more tired after surviving the disaster. After all, he had come into contact with such traps and mechanisms. The consequence of being extremely nervous was undoubtedly the exhaustion of one's energy.    


Looking at the symbol necklace on his hand, Fann Binn even began to doubt his own feelings. Was this ordinary-looking necklace really useful? If it was useful, then how could it show its value? In this stone room, other than the symbol necklace being somewhat different, there was nothing else worth remembering for Fann Binn. Very quickly, he walked out of stone room number six with large strides.    


The exploration continued, even though Fann Binn had been scared twice. He was extremely nervous, but in order to obtain the treasures of the Mystery Sect from the ancient tomb... He had to continue searching. After thinking about it, he thought about it this time. He entered the second stone room.    


To his surprise, inside the second stone room... There was nothing but a memorial tablet! The memorial tablet was carved in the middle of the stone room, and it was clearly written on it. It was the memorial tablet used to worship the ancestors of the mysterious masters. The ancestor of Mystery Sect was also the ancestor of Fann Binn's master. Naturally, Fann Binn would bow three times to the memorial tablet. Then, he walked out of the stone room. He knew very well that nothing could be placed in the stone room where the memorial tablet was placed. This was because it was taboo to be disturbed and destroyed in such a stone room.    


Eight stone rooms arranged along the Eight Trigrams, plus the stone room in the center, there were a total of nine stone rooms, all the way down. Fann Binn entered the ninth, sixth, and second stone rooms one after another. Lian Zhide had already taken the golden needle from the first stone room in the center, which meant that there were five other stone rooms that he had not entered yet. He didn't know which stone room Master Tang had entered in the past. It might be the empty ninth stone room. It could also be another stone room, but no matter where he had entered, it was not important to him. What was important was that he hoped that in this Profound Theory Ancient Tomb... To find a treasure worthy of his arrival.    


Very quickly, Fann Binn once again entered the stone room. This time, it was the third stone room. In the third stone room of the ancient tomb, Fann Binn didn't receive the danger that he had expected. In the stone room. It was empty. There was no danger in the room. Why was Fann Binn so sure? Because he had already seen the traces of hidden weapons being shot all over the ground. In other words, someone had come to this stone room before, and there was a small box made of refined copper in the stone room. It was also opened by someone.    


Almost without hesitation, Fann Binn firmly believed in the third stone room. It was the stone room that Master Tang had entered in the past. The traces left behind in the stone room and the treasures in the bronze box that were taken away were most likely Master Tang's masterpieces. In the bronze chest, there was a high possibility that it was the secret treasure of Mystery Sect. That bottle of mysterious medicine!    


As for why Master Tang didn't go to the other stone rooms, he wasn't sure. Maybe Master Tang only knew the location of the tomb, but he knew it was the same as him. He didn't know where the switch of the hidden weapon was, so he gave up on exploring the other stone chambers out of fear of danger. It was also possible that he deliberately left it unexplored. Perhaps only Master Tang, who had entered the earth, knew all of this. No one else in this world could know about this.    


The treasure in the third stone room had already been taken away. Fann Binn helplessly came out of the stone room once again. He hesitated and did not encounter any situation. He simply turned around and went into the fifth stone room next to him. The situation in the stone room was similar to that in the third stone room. However, there were traces of the traps being destroyed. But the delicate copper case in Stone Room 3 is missing. In other words, the fifth stone room might only have traps but no treasures.    


The situation began to deviate from Fann Binn's original plan. Soon, there was only the fourth stone room left in the ancient tomb. Number eight and number seven hadn't entered yet, but they had already explored the other stone rooms. However, there was still nothing, except for the silver necklace in his hand that seemed to have no value at all. This made Fann Binn somewhat anxious. Could it be that he really wanted to return empty handed? Was there really no treasure left in this Profound Theory Ancient Tomb?    


Fann Binn wasn't willing to believe it, but he had no choice but to accept this fact for the time being. He gritted his teeth. Since there were still three stone rooms left, he had made up his mind to enter all the stone rooms in the tomb. If he still couldn't find any treasures of the Tang Sect, Fann Binn would have to admit his bad luck. He would treat it as an adventure!    


After figuring this out, Fann Binn quickly pulled himself together again. There was still a chance, so he did not give up his last hope. Almost without any hesitation, he walked into the seventh stone room. However, when he came out of the seventh stone room, he was still filled with disappointment. After making a turn, he entered the eighth stone room, unwilling to give up. However, he still returned empty handed. Originally, he thought that he could only enter three or four stone rooms at most. But now... Only the fourth stone room was left, and seven out of the other eight stone rooms had already gone through all of them!    


The last chance, the last chance, was in the fourth stone room not far away! Would Fann Binn return empty handed tonight? Would he really return empty handed? It all depended on whether there was a treasure of the Tang Sect that he hoped to see in the fourth stone room!    


Taking a deep breath, Fann Binn approached the fourth stone room step by step. In the eyes of the H People, the fourth stone room was a homophone, so it was usually a more dangerous stone room. This was also why Fann Binn chose to be the last one to enter the stone room. It was very likely that this stone room was filled with danger. It was a dead end, but this stone room was his only chance. He didn't want to give up, nor did he want to give up!    


Soon, he walked to the door of stone room number four. Looking at the darkness in the stone room, he finally made up his mind to reveal the secret to the last stone room of the mysterious tomb!    


The fourth stone room was the same as the other stone rooms, and it was also pitch black. Fann Binn walked in and cautiously moved his legs. The flashlight in his hand lit up almost at the same time as he entered the stone room, and in the light of the flashlight... Fann Binn saw the empty stone room in front of him, which made his heart turn cold.    


Yes, the fourth stone room was the same as many other stone rooms. It was empty, without any objects or decorations, not even a stone table. This made Fann Binn depressed. It seemed like he was destined to not be able to obtain anything from the tomb. He could only return bitterly.    


Sighing deeply, Fann Binn raised his flashlight and began to carefully search the stone room. He was still unwilling to give up. He was unwilling to spend so much effort to climb out of the canyon and into this place. There were so many tests of survival and death, as well as traps and hidden weapons. All of these dangers had passed, yet he'd obtained nothing after experiencing such painstaking hardships. Indeed, anyone would be very unwilling to accept it.    


It was precisely because of this unwillingness in his heart that Fann Binn still didn't give up on this last bit of hope. He tried his best to search in the stone room, hoping to find some hidden spaces. Or a hidden treasure. In fact, he also knew in his heart that this kind of effort was futile. The stone room in front of him was so ordinary that it could not be any more ordinary. The surrounding walls were also made of stone. So it was impossible for there to be any hard grids, not to mention... Even if there were hidden grids, he probably wouldn't be able to find them with just a few glances.    


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