Super Magic Surgery System

C1483 Don't Eat Your Food

C1483 Don't Eat Your Food

"Ms Xin, Ms Xin, we brought the food here. Do you think it's enough?"    


A crisp sound came from behind. The two little girls each carried a small basket filled with all kinds of fruits and vegetables. There were all kinds of things. They handed it over together and stood in front of the big miss. They raised the small basket high and held it in front of the little monkey.    


However, the little golden monkey was very quiet and elegant. It didn't reach out to take it. It just jumped lightly and jumped into Dongfang Wenxin's arms. With a trace of vigilance, it looked at Yang Yiyun and Du Ya in front of it. Then, it turned sideways. He wrapped his arms around Dongfang Wenxin and hugged her. She hid her head and looked shy and obedient. It hurt and loved everyone.    


When Professor Pang saw the depressed looks of the two young ladies, he also laughed and explained the situation to Yang Yiyun.    


"Xiao Jin is a little shy and does not like children. You guys need to spend some time before she will pay attention to you guys. As for your things, you guys have taken too much. This baby only likes carrots, cabbage, and tender leaves. I'm afraid she won't pay attention to anything else. Alright. Take the things to a room and put them on the table for it to eat. She won't ask anyone to feed it, you give it to her. She won't take it either. "    


Zhao Xue who just walked over took the small basket from Little Yiyun's hands and instigated the little girl.    


Give her a cut carrot and see if she wants it or not. "    


Little Yiyun immediately did as she was told and passed the carrot to the mouth of the golden silk-lined monkey. However, the little golden silk-lined monkey still looked at her warily and kept its mouth shut tight. It just did not want it.    


Yang Yiyun pouted and passed the carrot piece to Dongfang Wenxin.    


"Ms Xin, this baby likes you. Come and feed it!"    


Dongfang Wenxin also handed the carrot over with a smile, but this little guy still ignored it. His elegant and noble appearance made everyone laugh.    


Chen Qun laughed the loudest, making fun of Eldest Miss and the two little girls.    


"She already knew her identity. If she doesn't eat something she doesn't want, then don't worry. Come, let's go to the small meeting room in front and put the food on the table to see if she will eat it herself."    


Little Yiyun saw that Ms Xin had also suffered a loss and her heart immediately felt comfortable. This baby really liked it more the more she looked at it. Compared to the big Panda Baby that acted cute all day long, it was more dignified and elegant and each had their own advantages.    


Under the escort of a group of people, the little golden silk-lined monkey was brought to the small meeting room by the Eldest Miss. A young nurse even pushed a baby bed over. The Eldest Miss put the golden silk-lined monkey in and Zhao Xue placed the two bamboo baskets beside the little monkey's feet.    


After the little monkey sat down elegantly, he slowly stretched out his furry little hand and took out a cut carrot from the bamboo basket. He flipped his hands and placed the yellow core beside his mouth. He gently took a small bite and elegantly ate it.    


Under the gaze of the group of young nurses, the little golden silk monkey started to eat the carrot piece as if there was no one else around. It ate with a gentle and elegant manner while chewing slowly and slowly, and it was like a young lady from a noble family. Every single move it made was filled with an air of nobility, and it had a completely different feeling when compared to the naivety and charm of medicinal Panda Babys commonly seen by young nurses.    


Little Yiyun watched with great interest, and she even noticed a problem with surprise, and she immediately cried out.    


"This baby ate carrots all because he ate the yellow core in the middle before eating outside. The two pieces are the same, so very particular!"    


Professor Pang gently rubbed the cute little girl and continued to act as an commentator.    


"This baby eats some tender leaves every day. I'll take you guys to pick some later. She's very smart. "Who's going to feed her? She remembers. Feed her a few more times. Only then did she allow herself to touch her. Otherwise, she would not be satisfied. "    


While speaking, the little golden silk monkey picked up another piece of green and sparkling cabbage, tore it into two pieces, and began to eat it in small bites. It was extremely elegant.    


At this time, Chen Qun crossed his arms and seriously looked at this little fellow, silently pondering what kind of illness it had caused low blood pressure. In any case, the most important thing was the heart, and the second was the blood. As for sending the little guy over to do CT later, it seemed that he only needed to give her food.    


Thinking of this, Chen Qun immediately ordered Zhao Xue and the two little girls.    


"Alright, the national treasure is eating. We will send it over for an MRI scan. Because it is a national treasure, you can enjoy special treatment and eat in the examination room."    


Dongfang Wenxin rolled her eyes at her husband and retorted back.    


"If the golden silk monkey does not lie down, how can it take an MRI scan? Who else can I be? Aren't you the same?"    


Chen Qun replied with a smile.    


"I am used to seeing giant pandas who act cute all day long. Now that I look at the dignified and noble Golden Silk Monkey, I naturally find it rare. " As for the MRI scan, don't forget that we have portable MRI scans. Let's use that to take a look first. If we can't find anything, we'll anesthetize the baby and give it a full-body check-up. "    


"It's still a full-body check-up. The baby is a national treasure. I think we should cut you into pieces."    


As the Eldest Miss scolded her husband, she ordered the two little girls to act as nurses and send the national treasure to the examination room. In any case, the Golden Silk Monkeys in the protection area were never afraid of people. In winter, they had the habit of going down the mountain to hunt for food. The wildlife conservation station also had its own feeding points there. Now that the baby was here, in the sealed center, they were not afraid that it would run away.    


Moreover, the baby was too obedient and very humane. Even if they let it go, it would not run around. Humph, since it was sent over, it just happened to be sent to the bear and cat restaurant. Then, they would open up a Golden Silk Monkey House and raise it here together. It could also be called "caregiver." The baby sent over by Professor Pang would not be able to return.    


It was only at this moment that the young lady thought of Chen Qun's surgery and asked casually.    


"How is Mr. Fengshui?"    


Chen Qun was a little happy to show off.    


"He has a bad tumor in his head. It took me more than ten places to find the incision point. " However, because the surgery was too difficult, he performed well today. " Maybe he improved his skills a little bit. Even Zhao Xue had probably learned a little bit of your skills because the surgery was done relatively slowly. She was no longer so nervous. She had gained something today. If you don't participate, "But your losses."    


Zhao Xue heard it clearly from the side. She knew that for Chen Qun, she had improved a lot. She knew that she was actually completely forced out. These two years of hard work were worth it. Most of the nurses probably wanted to have the same kind of improvement. He was well aware that he did not reach Ms Xin's level, but he was afraid that he was compared to the best scrub nurses in the hospital. She wouldn't be much worse.    


In short, if the scrub nurses wanted to improve their standards, the key was to have a good doctor. The standard of a doctor determined the level of a nurse, not the other way around.    


Almost at the same time, Professor Pang suddenly asked.    


"Dr. Chen, my lover is also a brain tumor, but it is benign. Do you need to perform a surgery here to completely eliminate all future troubles? "After all, the attending physician and professor on our side also said that there is a certain probability that it will turn into a malignant tumor. " But there is no need to perform the surgery now. "    


Chen Qun knew that the eldest miss had taken a fancy to the golden silkskin monkey and was prepared to intercept it directly. He also needed his help to speak up, so he simply gave an answer.    


"Bring him here and I'll see for myself. Only then can I come to an accurate conclusion!"    


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