Super Magic Surgery System

C230 Private Physician's Ambition

C230 Private Physician's Ambition

Private physician's ambition    


As a senior throat doctor and professor in several medical schools, Daniel was also the authority of the North America and throat department. But she had never dreamed that she would be fired after serving as Ameera's health care consultant for so many years. If he didn't have another identity as Ameera's personal health doctor, he would only be walking around in fear right now.    


However, what made him slightly more at ease was that after Ameera announced the termination of the contract with Insurance Company, she then used her personal identity to invite him to stay behind and act as a consultant for this operation.    


That was what Ameera's manager had told him.    


"Ameera is just in a bad mood right now. From a legal perspective, she has no right to fire you. She can only terminate the contract with Insurance Company. You've been Ameera's personal health doctor for many years and you've been doing well. I hope you can stay as a personal doctor and give her the most professional analysis and advice on her medical program. "    


With that, the broker handed over a cup of coffee and explained the situation leisurely.    


"This operation is very important to Miss Aimila, so as for the specific Surgical Project, they asked the Mayo Clinic Hospital, Royal College of Medicine Hospital, and Charlutte Hospital for a network consultation at the same time. I hope that you, in your capacity as Miss Aimila's private health doctor, can participate in this contact inquiry."    


Although Daniel was displeased, he knew that the broker was telling him that if he messed up again, he wouldn't even have the identity of a private health care doctor. He would only be kicked out and lose two million dollars a year. As long as Ameera waved her hand, the other doctors would be more than happy to accept the job.    


Daniel didn't want to accept this result, so he had to accept it. Whether it was the Mayo Clinic, the Stanford University Medical Center, or the Mai Province General Hospital that was one of the top ten major hospitals in the world, none of them had been able to completely diagnose Miss Aimila's illness.    


Most of the length of the tuber in her throat was stuck to the larynx, not found on various CT scans, and the new growth was so short that it was almost impossible to see any trace of it in any examination.    


Even if she was diagnosed on this side of China, it was due to luck that the doctor who came up with the correct diagnosis guessed that the symptoms might have been caused by the stem pressing against the carotid sinus when she turned her head and fainted.    


This was not because the hospital of North America was not good or perhaps the level of the doctors were not good enough, but the last time he tested it, the stem was even smaller, almost impossible to detect. Now that he was a little too big, his symptoms had surfaced. That was why the doctors from the Far East had picked up such a cheap deal. It had also caused his wallet to be under the greatest threat in his life.    


However, after holding a video consultation, Daniel's mind was suddenly active. He understood the contradiction in Miss Aimila's mood. If he was really sure, then he wouldn't need to ask for the opinion of other hospitals. And it was still necessary to let a few of the world's most famous hospitals participate in the discussion, so the result could be imagined.    


A styloid process operation, no hospital in the Far East can compare with a Western hospital. He was under the threat of being fired. In order to maintain his sky-high salary, he had to give Miss Aimila the best surgery possible. There was no hospital or doctor in the East who could do this.    


Besides, the three hospitals would try their best to seize this opportunity.    


Daniel quickly calculated. It was true that Mayo Clinic was the number one hospital in the world, but to Miss Aimila, it had been a long time since she had last diagnosed her illness. It was just like how she had completely swept away the treatment group of Insurance Company.    


Hence, choosing a hospital with North America was impossible. What was left were the Royal British Hospital and the German Charlutte Hospital. These two hospitals had similar standards, but at the same time, they were enemies. They disbanded each other, and it was common for patients to fight over them.    


If he was still a consultant on Insurance Company, he would naturally do everything he could to persuade Miss Aimila to choose the Royal Hospital, and at the same time, make the inner circle of Insurance Company negotiate with the Royal Hospital. Since he had sold a favor to the Royal Hospital and also given the boss an opportunity, he would naturally have more money to spend.    


But as a private doctor, he naturally did not need to consider the interests of Insurance Company. He only needed to consider Miss Aimila's interests and follow Miss Aimila's thoughts.    


In any case, Miss Aimila's initial plan was to pay a visit to the Charlutte hospital in secret. All he needed to do was to give some face and leak the news to the Charlutte hospital in advance. Presumably, the people at the Charlutte Hospital would immediately know what to do. will give you the best Therapeutic Regimen.    


At that time, all he needed to do was to give a fair evaluation of the hospitals and persuade Miss Aimila to change her mind. Now, Miss Aimila was probably angry and was in a hurry to perform surgery to cure the patient. As long as she calmed down a little, she would be able to determine which hospital could provide better surgery.    


Daniel was not worried at all. Far East could have any hospital, could provide any hospital that was higher than the top ten in the world, and could give out Therapeutic Regimen that was safer and more advanced.    


Half an hour later, Dr. Daniel entered the video-link diagnosis. Before the hospital directors could speak, Ameera's assistant rushed into the modern remote video conference room provided by the hotel. With a tablet in hand, she apologised apologetically to the doctors attending the consultation.    


"I'm very sorry, it was Miss Aimila's last decision to undergo surgery. I was in a hurry. So the Surgical Project was also temporarily prepared, and with the addition of a brand-new technology, it was finally done. "I will broadcast this proposal in my room and send it to your email. I will browse through it before giving my opinion."    


Daniel shrugged his shoulders, "Don't the doctors here know the simplest truth? The newer the technology, the more risks there are." Medical surgery is not like cell phones, the newer the better, but the more mature the better. I don't think there's any need to continue the discussion. I'm against anyone taking Miss Aimila for an experiment. "    


He was afraid that there would be pig-like teammates in the other hospitals. When he heard about the new technology, he immediately forgot about his position. He was so stupid that he ran over to support it.    


"Any surgery in the mouth can be done in two ways, one non-invasive but slightly more difficult; the other is cervix surgery, which is safer but leaves scars. In Miss Aimila's case, it was obviously impossible to operate on the cervix. She would only choose another non-invasive method. According to statistics from the world's guards and medical organizations, most of the non-invasive surgery was done in advanced places such as Europe and the United States. And the medical standards of the Far East is at least twenty years behind that of the West! "    


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