Super Magic Surgery System

C129 Demonstration Teaching Operation

C129 Demonstration Teaching Operation

demonstration teaching operation    


"Cerebral arteriovenous malformations are very dangerous for the brain. If the blood vessels burst, it will lead to cerebral hemorrhage. If …"    


Chen Qun was listening to the Iron Army prattling on and on in the lecture hall. He felt that this fake northern burly man probably shouldn't be able to catch up with the silent Female Bookworm beside him.    


Although he didn't know why, he still felt that the gap between the two of them was too big. Chi Hong maintained the same attitude toward any male student. She seemed kind and amiable, but in reality, it was just a subconscious professional habit. That was, she had been accustomed to the style and habits of a class monitor since she was young. He had the ability to bring everyone together.    


No wonder when he was forming his team, the team leader was still Female Bookworm, not a rookie like him, who couldn't even be a team leader.    


There were more and more students in the lecture theater, and the corridor and windows were gradually filled with people. Chen Qun just realized that they could sit at the back of the lecture theater because Female Bookworm had already taken over the seats a day earlier.    


To Xiangyun Hospital, a professional teaching demonstration surgery was like having a specialized lecture theater, which was much larger than the demonstration operation room. With the development of modern technology, the operating table was directly separated by a standard glass suite. There was almost no air circulation at all. It was a completely different world compared to the classrooms outside.    


In a hundred years and earlier era, the demonstration was conducted in a large classroom, and the probability of various infections could be said to be much higher.    


All of these scenes exceeded Chen Qun's expectations. He even saw a lot of VR virtual glasses at the very front. Two young nurses were visiting them one by one behind nameplates with names written on them.    


This was a qualification that only professors, experts, doctors, and leaders enjoyed. It was enough for the students to look at the big screen and the operating table later.    


More than ten specialists and professors from other countries accompanied the six or seven foreign students into the lecture theater. On the teaching operating table below, a fully bearded, red foreigner with a messy red beard walked in as well, making him look more like a pirate captain or robber than a doctor.    


Especially his two thick arms and the hairy palms, Chen Qun had a big question rise up in his mind. This kind of physical structure was very different from the one the system modified for him. If his agility was the System's highest rating of 10, then the structure of his palm would only be 4 or 5 points of agility.    


Even through 10,000 hours of law training, the agility to reach 7 or 8 was unparalleled.    


Thomson Henry, professor of interventional medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital, brain and nervous system specialist, one of the world's most famous doctors, was one of the symbols of the international medical exchange.    


However, for Chen Qun, he completely overturned the system's impression with a single glance. He couldn't help but ask the system in secret, "This doesn't seem to be in accordance with physiological theory. Why can you embroider even though you are clearly a blacksmith?"    


The System kept silent, disdaining to give any answer.    


After a short introduction, a forty year old Patient was pushed onto the operation table. For some reason, a patient was sent up.    


The root cause of the disease was immediately apparent on the moving CT.    


Cerebral venous malformation ruptured bleeding, interventional embolization has not started to end, if not repair rupture, the patient will have permanent brain injury or even death.    


However, for Prof. Thomson, who was the master of the sabre this time, although there were some small accidents, it was still not a big deal. His red beard throbbed as he introduced the sabre with a loud voice.    


"On the operating table, no one can guarantee what will happen in the next moment. It seems that our patient has given me a small problem, which has made simple small surgery into a slightly more complicated brain operation. I have changed the name of today's model tutorial to 'the removal of the brain following the failure of the embolization operation.' This was something I should have mentioned in my next lesson. It looks like God thought the operation was more important, so he let me show it ahead of time. "    


Hearing the gorilla's relaxed tone, the entire lecture hall burst out in laughter and the atmosphere became heated. Knowing that an accident had occurred did not affect or confuse the world's surgical experts at all.    


Under Prof. Thomson's series of urgent orders, the surgical team that he brought along quickly completed the transformation and preparation of the operation. A seven-centimeter diameter skull was slowly removed by the assistant with tweezers. It revealed a milky white brain membrane with traces of blood.    


Thomson lightly picked up the scalpel and drew a cross on Patient's cerebral dura mater. The Operating Forceps in his left hand gently ripped off a piece of the dura mater, revealing a piece of the cerebral cortex. There were traces of blood stains on the milky white brain.    


Chen Qun looked at this familiar scene and remembered the first time he performed a craniotomy on a patient. At that time, he didn't think too much about it and the only thing he was worried about was drilling into the patient's brain and killing the patient.    


The feeling of nervousness and apprehension once again welled up in his heart.    


Back then, he had been busy trying to save her, ignoring everything else. But now, when he thought about it, he felt a trace of nervousness and lingering fear.    


Chi Hong, who was focused on the big screen, suddenly noticed Chen Qun's nervous expression. She couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "You have had a craniotomy?"    


Chen Qun blurted out without thinking, "It was done as a last resort, using the electric drill to decompress the skull. The first time, I didn't find the right place, and the second time, I drilled the right place. I don't know why, but at that time, I wasn't afraid, but now I'm somewhat trembling. "    


Hearing Chen Qun's answer, Chi Hong was stunned for a moment. On the other hand, she felt unconvinced and reserved, sweeping it all away with only one thought in her mind.    


So it turned out that Psychiatry Doctor was pretty much the same as him. It's just that the nerves of a psychopath are thicker, so they perform better. As long as he worked hard, he wouldn't lose much to him.    


If he didn't feel anything, then it meant that they were not of the same species, and that he was actually afraid, which meant that this guy was a real human.    


Perhaps, he needed to do some physiological tests before he could confirm that he was a real human, and not a Transformer or an alien disguised as one.    


When Female Bookworm thought of this, she also felt a little mentally ill.    


[Is this what it means to be near the dark?] After staying with Psychiatry Doctor for so long, she also became a lunatic. She actually thought that he wasn't a human?    


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