Super Magic Surgery System

C289 Zombiosis

C289 Zombiosis



"Wait, why is my foot unconscious now? What exactly is the reason? "    


The girl in green, who was under Chi Hong's examination, moved a little and became more anxious.    


When Chen Qun saw that Chi Hong was doing a knee-jerk test for the girl, he didn't react well. The other girl also held her thigh with both of her hands, as if she wanted to squeeze the blood out of it.    


"Why don't I call an ambulance for you?"    


"Don't call an ambulance!"    


The three girls cried out in unison.    


"Miss Jenny, can you walk? Another two steps and I'll take a look? "    


Chen Qun made a small request to the foreign girl called Jenny. The girl with a pair of blue-grey eyes immediately took two steps forward with ease.    


"Are you two related by blood, or have you touched anything of the same kind?"    


Even though Chen Qun knew that this situation wasn't caused by the numbing of his Qi and blood, he couldn't say it out loud. Thus, he could only ask about the situation from somewhere else.    


Jenny shook her head, "We went on a trip from England and spent two days in Argentina before we came here to visit Jessica's grandfather. Jessica's grandfather is a doctor. He will help us. Ambulances here are the most expensive in the world, and the three of us can't afford it. "    


Evil's capital world, Chen Qun thought of many overseas Chinese who went back to their country to do surgery on Xiangyun Hospital. They all said that foreign hospitals couldn't afford to pay for an ambulance, and the price for an ambulance was one thousand dollars. Just looking at a cold was another one thousand five hundred, and after spitting a mouthful of phlegm in the hospital, the cleaning fee was another five hundred.    


The three girls didn't want to call an ambulance, which was why.    


At the same time, Chi Hong knocked on Jessica's calf tendon near her knee with her hand. After four or five continuous knocks, she couldn't help but frown.    


"Deep tendon reflex loss. OK, I need you to close your eyes and not peek! Let's do another small test! "    


Jenny immediately stretched out her hand to cover her friend's eyes, "Jessica likes cheating the most. I'll cover her eyes so that she won't be able to see anything."    


Chi Hong saw that the three girls were young and full of innocence and liveliness. They had an expression of being elated and a little emotional. If he stayed at home, he wouldn't be able to get to know these exotic girls.    


"The test is very simple. When I hit your thigh, you point out which leg I hit."    


"OK, that's no problem."    


Chi Hong lightly tapped the position of Jenny's left ankle. Jenny pointed out the correct position with her hand, then she tapped the ankle of her right leg again. Once again, Jenny pointed in the correct direction.    


"Hey, what is this? What's the use of this? Is Jenny's legs good or bad? "    


Chi Hong hesitated for a moment before explaining to the other three girls.    


"It's at least going in the right direction, and this test shows that your touch perception is normal, which is that you're not sitting in a chair for a long time and your legs are numb. Next you can lie down on the bench and see if you can lift your legs. "    


Jenny lay down on the bench and moved her ankle a little. She raised her palm a few feet away and stopped.    


"This is all I can do!"    


"Well, you may have numbed your legs from nerve compression, but you may have had some kind of rash or mosquito bite. When you guys go back later, check your skin for any strange little pimples or wounds, and then call me or send me an email! "    


"Perhaps we can send you on your way. Are you going home or to a hotel?"    


Suddenly, a voice came from the side. Chen Qun and Chi Hong turned around and saw Lee Bing walking towards them with a metal army with two cards with their names on it.    


"Thank you so much. Please send us to the 73 Violet Road."    


In the blink of an eye, the three girls got into a low-key black business car and started shouting at the same time.    


"Cadillac!" "We are so lucky, this is the first time we are riding in a car that's worth millions!"    


Lee Bing, who was the driver, turned his head, "Don't randomly shoot, this is a violation of privacy. If you can't do it, then please get off!"    


Chen Qun looked not like a driver at all, but more like an Indian Lee Bing, and couldn't help but shake his head. This Veterinarian Lee was able to integrate himself into society wherever he went. Moreover, he had always been out of the mainstream, so it was really hard for him.    


When the three girls heard this, they immediately sat back down and stopped boldly taking pictures. They guessed that it was probably because they met some invisible rich people in Asia that they drove such low-key luxury cars around.    


After sending the three foreign girls to their designated addresses, Lee Bing immediately left with the three young men. He even used the tone of an elder to teach the two nosy young men a lesson.    


"You all need to remember the most important thing, which is to practice medicine abroad without a license, the punishment is very heavy. So, in any case, it's best if you just make a call. Most of the time, it was possible that you saved someone, but instead, you were sent to prison and even incurred a huge fine! Even if the patient doesn't report you, there will be others who will cause trouble for you. "    


Seeing that the two young men nodded in agreement, he didn't continue to criticize them.    


The Iron Army asked curiously.    


"What's the matter with them? It looks like you just have a numbness in your feet, is there a need to meddle in other people's business? Especially since the two of you have just arrived in the United States and you don't have to call to get in touch with each other.    


Chen Qun noticed that Chi Hong almost ignored that eager guy. In order to prevent the awkward situation, the two quickly cut in and said, "It's not a common case of blood loss or nerve compression. It's more like a situation caused by some poison or other external factors. Maybe he's infected with psittacosis. "    


"This is what Hu said. Nautilus doesn't cause paralysis!"    


Chi Hong could not help but scold him. The moment she opened her mouth, she knew that Chen Qun had been tricked. This guy was purposely luring her to refute him. However, since they had already spoken, there was no need to continue showing off to that bastard, and they began to discuss the two girls' illness.    


"What makes you think it's not a physical injury?"    




Chen Qun said calmly.    




Both the Iron Army and Chi Hong began to curse at the same time, instantly dispersing the awkward atmosphere in the car.    


Chen Qun's intuition became one of them. It was all because of Chen Qun's unwillingness to explain or to explain. The excuses he used had never been convincing at all.    


Seeing Chi Hong's usual expression, the Iron Army didn't have the leisure to discuss this issue. "Could it be that the mosquito bites or something sinister caused the symptoms of zombies?"    


"Why didn't you say that you were infected with the T virus? I think it might have been the sea jellyfish or something like that that bit at the tentacles, causing the muscles and nerves to be unable to cooperate. This kind of neurotoxin is a common attack method used by molluscs, and it's similar to the symptoms of a few girls. "    


"Stop making wild guesses here. I'll have them check for traces of wounds on their bodies. They should have their results soon. When that happens, we can discuss it later." For the first time in my life, I feel that taking a long flight is so tiring and I want to take a good rest. "    


Chi Hong rubbed her forehead and realized that Chen Qun, who was sitting at the very edge of the room, was still lively and full of energy. He was using his cell phone to send some messages and she became more and more confused.    


This fellow was usually full of energy, and after more than twenty hours of surgery, he was completely fine. However, he would also mysteriously faint and produce hypoglycemia. "After being taught a lesson by Teacher Huang and Elder Yang a few times, he still didn't go to look for a doctor to treat him. He really is a stubborn donkey.    


What impressed him the most was Chen Qun's good attitude. Even though his girlfriend was very rich and had already surpassed everyone's imagination, he was still able to treat her normally. Nobody knew how crazy he was!    


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