Super Magic Surgery System

C1433 Vertebral Artery to Vertebrae

C1433 Vertebral Artery to Vertebrae

As a student, it was not convenient for her to say anything rude to the teacher. However, as the successor of the family, Houzyou Yangling had the right to give the most appropriate order.    


"Teacher, how about this? It is not convenient for you to perform this surgery in the General Department. It is too much of a commotion. " Just the people who came to visit you. Then why don't you go to the Yue City in China to complete this surgery? Not many people know about it. Even if they know, they can't come and disturb you. At the same time, At the same time, Dr. Chen could see you and give you a more accurate diagnosis. In addition, You can take this opportunity to enjoy China's New Year Festival. Over there, "You will meet a few unexpected colleagues."    


"The treatment can be rushed for now, but how can I treat my muscle tension disorder? Now we can discuss it clearly. "I thought about it just now. If I can't determine which part has problems, then... Then I can agree to do a spinal arterial capillaries test with a small thrombosis to block my arterial vessels. To determine where the symptoms are. Perhaps, as my Chief Doctor, "I really have a problem with my spine. How are you going to solve this problem?"    


Chen Qun snapped his fingers and gave a strange command to the computer.    


"Little Broom, if you can solve the muscle tension problem caused by the spinal nerve disease?"    


"We can consider medication and surgery..."    


The electronic voice immediately sounded on the computer. Before he could finish, Chen Qun immediately interrupted Little Broom, the super Computer Program, and asked a more precise question.    


"May I know how to treat it?"    


"You can consider it.    


" We can remove the abnormal artery and perform a bypass surgery from the vertebral artery to the vertebral artery. " The surgery is highly dangerous. There is a very high risk of stroke and bleeding. It is recommended that we consider this option in the end. "    


"Alright, Little Broom. You can shut up now. Mr. Shoushan, this is an answer from the smart computer in our hospital's database. But considering the history of your carotid artery, your chances of survival are very low. But this is also the best way to solve your problem once and for all. If you agree, Then when you get here, I'll arrange this operation for you!"    


"Which blood vessel are you going to use for the transplant?"    


"Considering the blood flow, the only option is to choose the radial artery!"    


"Thank you very much, goodbye!"    


The doctor turned off the video call, which caught Chen Qun off guard. While he was in a daze, a few people applauded beside him.    


The young lady's voice sounded above his head.    


"A certain Shaman performed very stunningly today. I began to suspect that you deliberately pretended to leave behind a problem, making everyone think that you're not good at remote diagnosis. In fact, you're also good at it?"    


Chen Qun held the eldest daughter's hand firmly and opposed it.    


"No, you are wrong this time. What I'm best at is fighting against some medicinal R Peoples. That's simply cheating! I have to find a reason even if I don't have a reason. Once I have a reason, I'll be able to display my full potential. If it was Little Princess from a certain country in Europe, I would definitely not say anything. I would quietly sit in the corner and draw circles. "    


Eldest Miss's brows jumped and lightly tapped his head twice with her finger.    


"Ya, have you improved or evolved? He has actually learned to confess to himself without beating around the bush. He has improved and improved. " However, I don't know one thing. Since you don't like him, why do you still operate on him?! "    


"As a person, I have compassion. As a doctor, I have morals. " So from these two perspectives, I am willing to operate on him. And... This kind of stubborn old man is definitely the kind of person who doesn't like to take advantage of a large number of enemies. That's why you risk your life to treat your wrists at the end of your life. Persisting in surgery. If he was alive, there would be a large group of people who would not be happy. "I like to see others unhappy!"    


The young lady directly laid on Chen Qun's head with a smile that did not have the demeanor of a lady. She placed her elbows on him and exposed his intentions while panting with joy.    


"You are simply a natural schemer. Tell me honestly. Why do you know this old man so well, like a confidant? Know that this old man has a lot of enemies?"    


Chen Qun could only give an answer in a low voice.    


"The truth is very simple. With the influence and strength of the Houzyou Family, If you want to find a teacher for your precious daughter, you must find the one with the best moral character. " Secondly, it is the medical skill, and it must be very old. Only then would he be at ease to hand over his charming daughter and learn the real thing. And this kind of person was upright and upright. There will definitely be many enemies. I am willing to see the bad guys over there get beaten up, even if I don't like this kind of old man. But I will still give him respect and treat his illness. In fact, it's also to treat all righteous doctors. "    


You are too bad! But I like it! "    


Eldest Miss directly looked down on Chen Qun and expressed her opinion very proudly.    


Chi Hong was just about to make fun of this little couple when she saw Zhao Xue rushing in like the wind and shouting at them.    


"There is a giant panda at the zoo whose cornea has fallen off. Can we make an artificial cornea for it? They just called and asked. I don't know how to answer them."    


Eldest Miss jumped off the table and stared straight at Zhao Xue.    


You mean the zoo? It's the provincial zoo, right? It's not our place!"    


Zhao Xue quickly nodded her head and immediately let the young lady heave a sigh of relief. She waved her hand and gave the order as if she was the leader.    


"Ask them to send the panda over. Let's take a look first!"    


Chen Qun knew that there were several panda gardens in the city. The two pairs of pandas raised by the zoo were considered small, but compared to the other private panda garden, it was more formal. However, the most famous one was naturally the bear and cat garden built by the Liyun Group. There were already nine pandas there.    


As for the four sub-adult pandas here, they were the smallest. However, with the young lady here, she took the best care of them. Their conditions were the best in the world, and they were prepared to raise another pair of babies in the summer. Of course, the goal was to be pets for the twin sisters and the other two little girls. However, the outside world didn't know either. In addition, the management was very standard. Naturally, no one said anything strange.    


Chi Hong knew Eldest Miss' temper. Only after she finished giving instructions did she reveal the doubt in her heart.    


"If it's just in terms of skill alone, it's not that difficult. But how to ensure that the giant panda doesn't rub its own eyes and remove the artificial cornea from its eye sockets?"    


Chen Qun thought about it and rubbed his head.    


"Maybe we need to change the formula of the artificial cornea so that the artificial cornea can be more flexible and adhesive to ensure the success of the transplantation. " Maybe we can ask Dr. Dudley. He is the real expert in transplantation. With the conditions of their research institute, they should have some research in this field. "    


"No. Our country's national treasure does not need foreigners' help. We will leave this task to you. You are not allowed to ask for external help. But I can ask a few experts from my sister's company to help you. See if they have any materials to satisfy your request."    


The eldest miss put forward her request righteously and sternly. The plan to get Chen Qun to find someone to throw the blame on was in her womb.    


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