Super Magic Surgery System

C1439 China Crown

C1439 China Crown

"Chen Jun, congratulations on completing another groundbreaking operation. But what I'm more concerned about is that your LOGO is very creative. For the first time, it's actually on the molecular level. I think that just this genius invention alone is enough to create a brand new era. "    


Houzyou Yangling, whom they had not seen before, appeared in front of Chen Qun and the others. She was dressed like a doctor, but it still could not cover up her natural beauty. She carried three parts of her beauty, three parts of her beauty, three parts of her arrogance, and four parts of her beauty. It made people's eyes light up unconsciously.    


Chen Qun did not dare to look at her. After all, his wife was by his side. If he was found to have a strange look in her eyes, he was afraid that she would be served by torture. But even with a slight glance, Chen Qun noticed that Houzyou Yangling's temperament and aura had undergone a qualitative leap. It was as if she had turned from a young and inexperienced student into an elite in society.    


As for where this difference came from, Chen Qun could not tell. However, he vaguely knew that this had a lot to do with Houzyou Yangling's improvement in her ability. After all, the system certification and the golden signboard were trustworthy.    


When Chen Qun heard Miss Houzyou's compliment, he knew that this poor girl had fallen into a big pit that some black-hearted big sister had dug long ago. She was prepared to jump down without hesitation and had to help count the money.    


"This is Xin's idea. I am just implementing it. There is no need to praise her. Eh, may I ask who this is..."    


As he spoke, Chen Qun noticed a young nurse pushing a short and fat woman in her thirties to the front of the two girls. She placed the wheelchair in the middle. It looked like she was a patient.    


"This is my patient. I can't lose control of my arm. I can't operate on her. So, I brought her here too. I asked you young people to complete this difficult surgery."    


Ichiro Oda, who had been talking to Cheung Yihfei the whole time, suddenly opened his mouth and explained in fluent English. He even stared at Chen Qun with an old lion's eyes, waiting for his answer.    


This is... buy one for one?    


Chen Qun muttered in his stomach, but he did not give any answer. Of course, he did not ask any questions. Instead, he casually glanced at the patient. Then, he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall of the operating theater. He sniffed lightly.    


"Nerve disease? The patient's face is a little abnormal. I don't think I saw wrongly, right?"    


In fact, to Chen Qun, the diagnostic panel was in his hand. He had all kinds of diseases in the world. Nothing could stop him. Therefore, when he saw the answer on the panel, he felt more relaxed. There was nothing scary about the disease that even the broken system disdained to give out missions.    


Or rather, if it wasn't for some training or special reasons, the broken system would not release a second mission.    


"Trident nerve pain, you should know that this is the most painful neurological disease in human beings. Of course, you've done this kind of surgery before. "So I asked Teacher Shoushan to bring this patient along and let you complete the treatment. Otherwise, if it were any other doctor, it would be a little too difficult. "    


As a qualified voice receiver, Kagawa Show immediately said the reason without any expression on her face. Although her voice was mechanical and emotionless, Chen Qun knew that it was actually another provocation from this wretched girl. It was even her idea.    


"Could it be that you have completed the microvascular decompression surgery or that the patient's lesion is very special?" Chen Qun asked. "That's why you didn't dare to attack the patient because you couldn't finish it."    


Chen Qun gave a small analysis in a casual voice. In the end, he even gave Kagawa Show a psychological analysis and directly refuted her.    


Kagawa Show knew that these small tricks and tricks could not be hidden from Chen Qun, so she honestly admitted it.    


"Yes, none of us can do it. We don't have enough experience, so we recommended it to you to complete. Of course, The other thing you have to know is that the patient has had a microvascular decompression surgery at the Imperial Affiliated Hospital. However, the surgery has failed, and the patient's facial symptoms have worsened. It was only then that the patient came to Sanjing General Hospital to ask for help. Unfortunately, the only person in our hospital who has experience in this surgery is Teacher Shoushan. Coincidentally, he also encountered a problem, which is why I recommended bringing him here to ask you to take care of him. Please! "    


When Xiangchuan Xiu said the last sentence, She bowed deeply to Chen Qun. The group of people who came over also slightly leaned forward fifteen degrees to complete a standard Japanese bow.    


There were already quite a number of reporters waiting outside. They were about to squeeze in after the surgery was completed, but they were blocked by a group of people in suits and shoes. They did not dare to step forward recklessly, but the camera in their hands did not stop. It still recorded everything in front of them.    


Although a few well-informed media knew whether the content could be broadcasted or not, it was decided by Chief Doctor and Chen Qun, but whether the recording was recorded or not was a question of their attitude.    


However, the group of people in front of them suddenly began to bow in unison. Needless to say, it was a special patient who came to seek treatment. A large group of subordinates began to bow. The most satisfying thing was that these people looked like they came from Japan. No matter what the reason was, they all came from Japan. The Japanese saluting the Chinese was something that everyone was happy to see.    


Thus, in an instant, the entire corridor became as quiet as a pin drop. The people behind them were holding cameras and phones to record this rare scene. However, the people in front of them calmly accepted it. They did not seem to feel that they could not bear it at all.    


However, Chen Qun nodded quickly and said, "Then I'll try my best. Send the patient to Operating Theater 3. I'll do two tests first."    


Seeing Chen Qun's neither servile nor overbearing behavior, a group of reporters at the back crazily recorded everything in front of them. They knew that this was another even more explosive piece of news after an explosive piece of news.    


Besides, Chen Qun, who had received the ceremony, acted neither servile nor overbearing. He was reasonable and reasonable, and he displayed the demeanor of a doctor in China. What was a crown in China? This was the temperament of a big country. This was also the fundamental reason why China's civilization had been established in the east of the world for five thousand years.    


Su Wantine, who had just come from outside, also stopped and instructed the secretary beside her.    


"Later, you should greet all the major television stations. The scene in front of you cannot be broadcasted. Whoever dares to mess around, just wait for our company's lawyer letter."    


Su Wantine's heart was as clear as a mirror. She knew that she was going to tie the Sanjing Consortium to a war chariot and bind it with benefits. It would definitely cause more trouble on both sides of the ocean. Not only was she happy to see it, but even the country was happy to see it.    


After all, at this stage of the world where cooperation was open, it was best not to ask everyone to stand in line. It was most suitable for China's interests.    


She could be considered to be at a lower position and would not dare to forget the country. She would use her own strength to make the contributions she deserved. Attacking was the best defense, regardless of whether it was on the battlefield or on the business side. Instead of joining forces to fight against the Sanjing Consortium and the seven Western sisters, it was better to rope the Sanjing Consortium in to fight the seven Western sisters. With one plus and one decrease in strength, even a three-year-old child would know the difference in strength.    


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