Super Magic Surgery System

C1462 Work Maniac

C1462 Work Maniac

Dongfang Wenxin waited until she walked out of the diagnosis room before whispering to Chen Qun.    


"This is your idol. From a certain point of view, he is your piano teacher. You actually left quietly. It doesn't seem to be the attitude of a fan meeting an idol. " Are you afraid that I'll get jealous? "    


Hearing the last sentence, Chen Qun knew it was a question. But if he didn't choose, it would be "no proposition. Of course, when Eldest Miss openly asked this question, it was clear to his wife that she didn't need to worry about him changing his love or anything. She just wanted to embarrass him.    


Chen Qun held Eldest Miss' hand and nodded vigorously.    


"Yes, I'm afraid. I'm afraid you're jealous. Alright, this is not convincing. I'm just afraid that you'll take the opportunity to beat up your husband. "That's why I won't give you any chance. "How about I increase my contact with my idol every day and give you this chance?"    


The big miss understood her husband's thoughts too well and immediately started mocking him.    


"Even if I put a super DNA test lab in front of you and made a bet with you... You don't even have the ability to harass your idol, I'm afraid I'm the one who whipped him. You'll find excuses to avoid it. If you want to approach other girls, it is only possible if you are a child. "Otherwise, as a Taoist, you do not have that intention, let alone courage."    


Chen Qun held the young lady's wrist and did not speak. There seemed to be an inexplicable communication between the two of them. They both felt a wave of affection coming from each other's wrist.    


Dongfang Wenxin took a few steps before jumping up and yelling at Chen Qun.    


"You still have someone's surgery tonight. The nurse came over twice just now and said that that old man wants to see you and talk to you alone! Maybe he has preoperative syndrome! The more a doctor is, the easier it is for him to get it!"    


Chen Qun patted her wrist.    


"Okay, I will take a look," the young lady said. Don't mess around here. Don't alert the enemy!"    


The young lady kicked Chen Qun to show her response, then ran away like a wisp of smoke. Eldest Sister and her old friends had passed, so she should at least be a qualified host and arrange a feast to reward herself. No, it was to receive a vacuum for his friend.    


Chen Qun arrived at the ordinary ward upstairs and saw Ichiro Ashiyama sitting on the sofa reading a book. His straight body vividly displayed his stubbornness and impoliteness, and when he looked at the door, he seemed to have a trace of the sorrow of an old man and a hero at the end of his life.    


"What exactly is the matter that Mr. Ashiyama is looking for me for? Could it be that he changed his mind and didn't want to continue this surgery that was definitely dangerous?"    


It was funny, too. Ichiro Shoushan's condition was exactly the same as Ling Hongyu's, but the mechanism that caused the disease was completely different. Of course, if it was really true, the same phenomenon must have been triggered by different neurological diseases.    


"On the contrary, I invited you here because I wanted to sign an agreement to authorize surgery first so that I could decide my future on my own instead of deciding my future in the hands of others."    


Chen Qun naturally knew what he was talking about. The others were actually referring to the young miss of the Houzyou Family, Houzyou Yangling. If there was an accident during the operation, Houzyou Yangling would definitely use her identity as an agent to stop the operation and ensure that he would be able to keep his life. Even if Chen Qun wanted to continue, it was impossible.    


"Why does Mr. Shoushan think so?"    


"If you are interested, you can sit down and listen to him. I've heard a lot of interesting stories about you from my old friends these days, even though I've always been old-fashioned. He didn't laugh, but he couldn't help laughing. So I was still worried. You will walk on my old path and prepare to give you a piece of advice. Now it seems that I was worrying too much. "    


Chen Qun sat down on the chair opposite him and looked over with some curiosity.    


"Can you tell me what advice the old man wants to give me?" he asked. I think it has nothing to do with medicine. It has nothing to do with being a human being."    


"Exactly. Your mind is agile, but you can be as smart as a fool. Your sharpness is completely restrained. You don't even want to show it unless it's dangerous. " If I had been able to be as carefree and steady as you back then, I wouldn't have fallen to this stage today. Or perhaps, how much do you know about me? "    


Chen Qun faced this question and thought seriously for more than ten seconds. Then, he shook his head.    


"I know almost nothing about you. Other than knowing that you are Houzyou Yangling's medical teacher, I only know that you are a fair doctor. You are the moral model of Sanjing General Hospital."    


"You are indeed a very discerning young man. Your words are full of wisdom. It reminds me of a strategist with the same name as you in the Three Kingdoms Era of your country. " The first part of what you said is right. The second part is just like clouds and clouds. I am not really just. I also have all kinds of selfish thoughts. But because I was born in poverty, I wanted to stand out. I must abandon everything and concentrate on doing what I like the most. At the same time, I didn't leave any pigtails for others to catch, so I was forced to live like this. Of course, "I don't regret it, and I even have a trace of deeply proud emotion."    


Chen Qun understood a part of what he said. It was true that he had paid a lot to become a doctor respected by everyone in Sanjing General Hospital from a poor student. Moreover, the society in Japan was even stricter and more oppressive than in the country. They had to do their best in order to have a chance to stand out.    


How could he not be like this?    


Ichiro Oshanori knew that Chen Qun also came from a humble background. To be able to achieve what he had today, it was almost all earned through his own strength. As for obtaining Dongfang Wenxin's favor, It was just a beautiful accident, a rare example, not normal. Therefore, he could understand the course of his heart.    


Moreover, he had a surgery that would decide his future life and death at night, and he had no way out. He only had this half a day left to say anything. He would treat it as an exception and share some of the insights that he had accumulated for many years. Even if the surgery failed, he would not have any regrets.    


He just quietly listened here. Just treat it as psychological analysis for this foreign colleague!    


Chen Qun made a gesture of "please continue" and continued listening to the old man's heartfelt words from the bottom of his heart.    


"Do you know why I insist on surgery? It's because I have been trying to make a name for myself all these years. I've already provoked many enemies. " After all, there is only one position. You stand out. Those who were pushed down by you would always complain about you. In addition, I am a Surgery Doctor. I will always make mistakes. For so many years, Many irreparable mistakes have been made."    


Ichiro Oshanori was lost in his memories. He used a faint tone to review his life's gains and losses and came to a final conclusion.    


"The reason why I am still here is because I am the most experienced old man in Sanjing General Hospital and Miss Houzyou's teacher," Ichiro Ashiyama said. " It's because I've been saving the dying and helping the injured. I've been saving the patient. " So, Even if I have committed too many mistakes, people will still tolerate me. Let me continue with my essential work. If it wasn't for this, not many people would care about me. Even if I survived, I would still be a walking corpse. There is no value! "    


Hearing the last sentence, Chen Qun somewhat understood that Houzyou Guangyun would choose him as his daughter's teacher. This kind of work maniac who gave up everything for his career was worthy of respect no matter what industry he was in.    


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