Super Magic Surgery System

C1477 Extreme Yin Yang

C1477 Extreme Yin Yang

While Huang Haitao was assigning tasks to the interns, Chen Qun was in another room. He was also answering the patient's family's questions. The situation in front of them was very strange. The patient's family members were also patients. And the situation was even stranger. What made people speechless was that the unlucky fellow who really ascended to this world could be said to be from a certain point of view. It could also be considered a "work-related injury," so Qin Fang had to come out and find out.    


As for what had happened, it had to be a bit ridiculous. Because the Feng Shui bureau that Mr. Qin Fang had set up had just been completed, he had been sent to the hospital. The task of taking care of the Feng Shui arrangements naturally fell on the few disciples. That uncle was the person in charge of checking the Feng Shui decoration today.    


When he saw that the hydrogen balloons bound outside had been moved to the wind and water area, he naturally had to find a way to move these things away. He even went up to help them move together. The thickest chain had an accident after he had released it. The steel pipe that was originally fixed fell off, and in an instant, he was brought up to the sky by the balloon. It was probably something that he had never dreamed of coming up to the sky in broad daylight.    


"Dr. Chen, you are a little disciple with a hereditary disease, similar to blood cancer. This time, he was making a ruckus in the air. His injuries were not serious. What was serious was the condition caused by his hereditary disease. Did it corrode his bones and scrapped them? This... This is the first time I, this old man, have heard of this, and I don't know what to say. "Is it a disaster or a blessing in disguise?"    


Chen Qun tried his best to put on a sincere look that had nothing to do with him. He told the fortune teller and his unlucky nephew about the situation. Within three days, his girlfriend and uncle were sent to the ward. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was retribution.    


After all, there was definitely a price for his uncle's hundreds of thousands of requests for his girlfriend to cooperate with his plans. However, he had always thought that this was not an immoral matter. It was just a mysterious scam. Even the boss and financial backer of his girlfriend's company did not take much money. Most of it was to turn the situation around.    


In the end, the master-disciple duo, the master-disciple duo who were involved in this matter, the two master-disciple duo who benefited from it. In addition, the girlfriend who had received the money had all been hospitalized. They agreed to a joke on the Internet. "A family needs to be neat and tidy." Then the next one who got into an accident would be counted as thinking with his toes. I knew it was definitely him.    


The three of them were sent to the hospital for different reasons. There was no sign at all. The two of them had almost lost their lives in an accident. Only Master Qin, who had the highest magic power, was better. However, this was of no use, because the first person to suffer was Master Qin, who was like a god on land.    


Then, regardless of what they offended, it was most likely something that Master Qin could fight against.    


If this was called a blessing in disguise, then there was really heaven watching over this world. Perhaps they should consider going to the police station to turn themselves in. As for who was apologizing to them, it was no longer something to consider seriously. Perhaps... Before he turns himself in, he needs to meet another legendary land god. After all, this was related to him, and he was running a clinic here.    


If he could not see who was the best at this time, he might be able to buy a piece of tofu and kill himself. It seemed that the matter of Feng Shui was really as his uncle had said. They had never been evenly matched. As long as he got entangled with it, he wouldn't even know how he was going to die.    


This was more dangerous than any Feng Shui novel or online TV series. It was not something that could be said. If he still did not know what had happened, he would not know. He was afraid that if he walked down the street, he would be struck to death by lightning.    


Just as this nephew who thought he was smart started to tremble, Chen Qun told Qin Fang the situation clearly.    


"If we don't treat this disease," Qin Fang said. In three to five years time, it must be amputated. " We can't guarantee that there will be metastasis in other places. However, if the surgery was carried out, just the replacement of the tibia of the thigh and tibia would be required. There's still a 15 to 10 percent death rate in medicine, plus the patient's hereditary disease. The probability was higher. Even if our hospital's standards are a little higher, it is still a negative factor to offset the genetic disease. "Maintain the death rate to its original state."    


Qin Fang was an old man in the martial arts world. He did things very carefully. Although most of him did not understand what Chen Qun said, he knew that the situation was very bad. He thought for a while and then said his opinion.    


"Dr. Chen, you mean if we don't perform the surgery," Chen Qun said. It could be postponed for three or five years, and then the arms and legs would have to be amputated. " I am not sure if we can survive. If there was an accident in the surgery now, there was a seventy percent chance that there would be an accident. Even though I'm Xiao Cai's master, I can't make decisions for him. Leave the words to me first, and let him discuss it with his family. As for the fees and whatnot, Although I'm an old man, I don't care. There are thousands of savings. I can totally save him. "But how is my condition? Isn't it very difficult?"    


Chen Qun came here to solve this problem. He told this Feng Shui master very seriously.    


"The old man's condition is actually a brain tumor in his brain. It is connected to a horizontal sinew. " This means that this is a malignant brain tumor, which is more invasive than a normal brain tumor. " It is a relatively dangerous brain cancer. There are less than ten hospitals in the world who have the ability to perform surgery. Of course, I can guarantee that our center is ranked first, and perhaps the old man can use your method. To confirm that. "    


Qin Fang looked at Chen Qun. As an old man, he naturally knew the purpose of Chen Qun's words. Suddenly, he seemed to have figured something out. The problem in front of him was solved instantly and he smiled.    


"Actually, I don't need to confirm it. I know Dr. Chen is my only savior. Is it because the surgery is very difficult and cannot guarantee the success of the surgery? " I don't think you need to tell me those medical terms. I've made up my mind to agree to the operation. At least I can confirm it. This surgery is easier than the surgeries you performed. Then pass me the documents and ask Dr. Chen to arrange the surgery as soon as possible. I will soon be 70 years old. This should be a big hurdle for me. Even if the surgery fails, Actually, it's a good thing that I can use Dr. Chen's scalpel to remove the wound. In the next life, there will be a time. "    


Cough, cough, cough, cough!    


Chen Qun coughed loudly. He felt that this old man was indeed paranoid. At first, he was still speaking in human language, but after that, he was speaking from another plane. Army dissolution? Do you want to ruin the reputation of our medical center?    


"How about this? I will ask Doctor of Impatient Department to bring the documents over later. The old man will think about it and give me an answer in the morning. " As for your surgery, I'll arrange for it to be at one o'clock tomorrow at noon. It's December 24 of the lunar calendar, and it happens to be the Great Cold. Maybe it will also give birth to the Great Cold and save you. "    


After Chen Qun finished speaking, he turned around and left the ward.    


Instead, he left behind a shocked fortune-teller. He looked at Chen Qun's back in disbelief, and his heart was filled with huge waves.    


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