Super Magic Surgery System

C1494 Walnut Combination

C1494 Walnut Combination

Professor Rotruff had thought twenty years ago that nothing in the world could surprise him, but today he thought he was terribly wrong. The drone cluster that appeared in front of him was not comparable to the drone performances he had seen in the news and entertainment programs.    


The number of drones alone surpassed the known world record, reaching more than five thousand drones. Although the appearance of the drones did not change much, there were a few small lights of different colors on the outside. When they were lit up individually, there was nothing to be surprised about.    


However, these lights formed vivid images in the air according to different proportions and colors, forming the iconic patterns on the blue planet. He knew that these droid performances... And the drone shows from other countries have made a qualitative leap, They could completely form static or dynamic images in the air, just as the ancient electronic images were different from the modern high-tech electronic animation images.    


He was truly shocked. Just seeing such a wonderful performance was already worth the trip.    


Dongfang Wenxin stood on the lawn and looked at all the images that appeared in the air as she had expected. She knew that her hard work was not in vain, especially her husband's brilliant idea that allowed her to complete her breakthrough. She could totally beat up other similar types of performances.    


Of course, the reason why she had used the construction building outside to isolate the area was to avoid the interference of all kinds of cell phone signals. As for the performance at the thirtieth year of Lunar New Year, it had even set the venue on the shore. Only one side had set up the stands, the other three sides were the sea, and the coast was also set up to lower the interference of other electronic signals to the minimum.    


However, what was especially funny was that the old lady was afraid that someone would deliberately cause trouble. She used her influence to get the armed police to send out electronic signals to monitor cars to prevent people from bringing large electronic interference sources over.    


Dongfang Wenxin felt flattered by the old lady's concern, but she did not think much of it. She knew that there was really someone who was causing trouble. With Chen Qun's luck, perhaps the old master would be struck by a bolt from the blue and directly cut the mobile base station into pieces. Or perhaps he would just go out to sea and sink the ship. There would not be a second possibility.    


After all, it was Cheung Yihfei's fault that an uncle ascended during the day two days ago. He was even found out about the hereditary disease. All good people were crippled.    


This was the will of heaven!    


A certain medicinal Shaman who pretended to be a doctor said as such!    


When the Eldest Miss saw her first time acting and gaining a complete victory, As for a small error, she would directly hand it over to the engineering team and the program team under her to jointly eliminate it. She did not have any thoughts of going through it again. After all, the baby golden silkskin monkey in the nursery was running around in an arrogant manner. It preferred sticking to her every day. She wanted to go back and see this national treasure even more.    


Although many young nurses and personal assistants wanted to see if the Golden Thread Monkey and the panda were more adorable together, they thought that the baby Golden Thread Monkey had just undergone surgery and needed to rest quietly. They did not want to bring the big Panda Baby together so that they would not be national treasures. It would be difficult to deal with them in a fight.    


"Let's go, Dr. Chen. Go and solve your real-time imaging problem. Otherwise, you will say that I am not doing my job. I am a programmer in the center, but I am busy playing with drones!"    


Dongfang Wenxin poked the blame on Chen Qun and led him back to the center. As for the group of guests, they all wanted to personally control so many drones. They all stayed behind and continued to understand the operation process.    


When they returned to the center, The first thing the young lady saw was the baby golden silkskin monkey. At this time, the delicate baby was squatting on the fence of the baby's bed. Its feet were firmly holding onto the railing, and it was baring its teeth as it charged at Xue'er, as if not allowing her to approach.    


At this time, Zhao Xue was holding a small basket of fruit desserts with a look of grievance. She stood at the door and did not dare to go in. Her face was dark as she complained about the nurse who had also changed into nurse attire.    


"It's all because of you. I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup you gave the baby, but she misunderstood me and thought that I was the one who anesthetized her last time! " I'm so angry! "    


Xiao Qi shrugged his shoulders to show his innocence. He gently took the basket and placed it in the nursery bed. The baby immediately jumped down and picked out a carrot to eat. After taking two bites, it jumped into Xiao Qi's arms and sat on her shoulder to continue eating.    


Chen Qun looked at everything at the door and shook his head at the innocent Zhao Xue. It was the eldest miss who exposed the truth.    


"You are too honest. Don't you remember that Xiao Qi used your nurse's uniform to sneak an attack on the baby that day? " He even sprayed a lot of shampoo on his body. When the little monkey smelled the same smell, he would naturally be angry at you! "    


Xiao Qi!! "    


Zhao Xue stomped her feet and immediately screamed. She bared her fangs and brandished her claws as she prepared to settle the score with her.    


Qi Qi immediately shouted and threatened Zhao Xue.    


"I am a resident patient. If you dare to hit me, your bonus this year will be completely gone!"    


Chen Qun stopped the two girls from messing around. He walked over and looked at the wound on the baby golden monkey's leg. He saw that the gauze was still tightly tied and no blood was seeping out. He knew that the baby's wound should be starting to heal. In another two or three days, tender flesh would grow out.    


He knew that the big miss wished that she could bring the golden monkey around all day long. He also gave her an excuse.    


"Bring the baby along. I'll go and change the gauze for it. Come, put it in the nursery bed and push it over together!"    


When they arrived at Ankalina's diagnosis room, Chi Hong was still checking the patient's medical records. She wanted to find clues from so much information, but it showed her professionalism to the fullest.    


Eldest Miss walked over to the computer in the database and hit it twice. Then she angrily looked down on Chen Qun.    


"You idiot. You actually asked for all the comparative data of all the medical cases. If you don't know how to program, then don't randomly change the code. You really pissed me off. Do you know how many things you need to calculate? "I won't give you permission next time. Otherwise, you'll only cause trouble and waste your electricity!"    


As the lady scolded, she adjusted a few lines of code. With a light tap, a 3D image appeared on the computer screen, slowly appearing from top to bottom.    


Chen Qun and Chi Hong looked up together. After that, Female Bookworm's brows relaxed. She looked up at Chen Qun and smiled.    


"I really didn't expect it to be like this. Our train of thought is all wrong! The patient's kidney vein was only suppressed, and it caused severe left vein congestion. That was no ordinary pain. It was torture! "Why didn't other hospitals check it out?"    


Chen Qun also helplessly said.    


"Because this disease is hidden very well. We need to eliminate all other factors before we can find it. Besides, we need to find it. Look at the swelling position. It is aimed at the back. "Even if the doctor were to perform a surgery, he would not be able to find it. I can't see the vein. "This disease is also known as the walnut splint syndrome!" It means that it is clamped with the most powerful splint. It hurts very, very badly! "    


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