Super Magic Surgery System

C1496 Genetic Hemorrhage Capillaries

C1496 Genetic Hemorrhage Capillaries

Seven or eight minutes later, the ambulance sent the female athlete to the research center. When the team doctor who came with the ambulance got out of the ambulance, he explained the situation to Chen Qun and Chi Hong, who he knew.    


"Young Xu's vital signs are stable, blood pressure 120 / 85, heart rate 78. There should be no life danger, but I'm worried that there is internal bleeding. I need to check it immediately. "    


Chen Qun nodded and revealed a fake professional smile.    


"Let us take over, Zhao Xue. You take her to do a blood routine, blood biochemical. Normal cardiovascular examination, 12 conductivity electrocardiogram. Chest X-ray. Teacher Xu, can you hear me? Your consciousness seems a little fuzzy. If you perform another brain CT, there should be a mild concussion. But don't worry, Your heartbeat is fine, it's a normal sinus rhythm. "    


"Doctor, then why did I stop my heartbeat? I didn't even have this kind of situation when I had an accident? Wang Yao asked. "    


The pale female diving athlete looked at Chen Qun worriedly.    


Chen Qun knew that this was the first major problem he needed to solve. He needed to solve the patient's worries and relieve her mental stress. He immediately gave her a medical explanation.    


"Your heartbeat has stopped. It is very likely that it is caused by a heart attack. When your body fell into the water, the impact of the water disrupted your heart rhythm, causing it to stop beating. But now, it has recovered. It was only caused by the external impact. You should not have any heart disease, so you don't have to worry too much. Think about it!"    


As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the female teammate gasping for air and expressing to him.    


"I feel that my chest is stuffy. . . "    


Before he could finish speaking, Chen Qun flipped his body. He was even more agile than the Golden Silk Monkey. He jumped onto the ambulance rack, put his hands together, and began to perform cardiac resuscitation compressions in a standard cardiac compressions posture.    


At the same time, the instrument beside the female team member immediately let out a beeping sound. The paramedic reported the readings in a standard tone.    


"Blood pressure dropping urgently, readings 73 / 40, heart rate rising to 180!"    


Chen Qun calmly ordered Doctor of Impatient Department, who was beside him, to send the stretcher to the emergency room. While he continued to press the patient's heart, he instructed Chi Hong.    


"She has a narrow QRS wave vibration in the room. Help her install the relapse device and get ready. . . . Her blood pressure has recovered. 120 / 70, but her heart rate is still very high. It has reached 110. Immediately prepare 150 milliliters of amphetamine and prepare for intravenous injection!"    


Tang Xuan, who was sitting in a wheelchair by the side, saw that Chen Qun almost instantly treated his teammates. She was also very glad that she insisted on sending her teammates to this hospital.    


The same action fell into the eyes of Chi Hong and Dongfang Wenxin, the two best friends who were most familiar with Chen Qun. It was another interpretation. Knowing that this fellow had already developed foresight, he rescued her from the female team member who had lost her heartbeat again. This kind of medical skill could be said to be marvelous. It had even become a non-conditioned reflex and felt that there was something wrong with it. He didn't need to go through the brain to treat it directly.    


In other words, he needed to face the patient. In order to give a more accurate and reasonable judgment, it was also because he had already developed this habit. It became something like breathing. It could even be said that because there were many instruments in the county hospital that did not have them. He also did not have the authority to use these high-end equipment, so he turned himself into a super diagnostic machine.    


Of course, many situations relied on his extraordinary brain circuit to make up his mind. He used the most advanced theory and knowledge to form the most basic diagnosis of the Wen and Wen Channels in TCM. From there, he became a real military doctor!    


No wonder he met the old military doctor, Liu Yang, and Wang Ba met each other's eyes when they met. Because these two fellows considered how to treat the patient from the most crude equipment, and even created their own equipment without any equipment. They would carry out the surgery. This fellow disguised himself as a high-tech doctor because he wanted to cover up the fact that he was a barefooted doctor who would go on a rampage at any time.    


Regarding this conclusion, the two girls looked at each other almost as if they were connected in their hearts. They could see what each other was thinking, and only then did they understand how Chen Qun and the others had developed a habit that they all knew about.    


Within a few minutes, the patient was directly sent to the first operating theater to undergo the most comprehensive and systematic examination. After all, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. The radiologist here had already gotten off work. Directly sending the patient to Operating Theater 1, which had the most complete equipment, was the fastest method.    


Chi Hong, Chen Qun, and a few others stood in front of the computer and looked at the series of examination results. They looked at the patient outside the glass window very strangely and tilted their heads to ask Eldest Miss about the situation.    


"The patient's vital signs are normal, and the electrocardiogram and ultrasonography are also very normal, but his heart rate is still too high, and his heartbeat is irregular. What is the diagnosis result of Little Broom? "    


Before Dongfang Wenxin could answer, Chen Qun mocked Female Bookworm.    


"You are the final disciple of our hospital's ace academician. The field of heart is your strong point. At least it has become your strong point since the beginning of this year. You should have come to a conclusion. Do you also want to see how Little Broom messed up?"    


Chi Hong somewhat awkwardly admitted her shortcomings.    


"I have a vague answer, but I still lack a map. So I need to find some inspiration from Little Broom. Otherwise, a nineteen year old national athlete. . . It was impossible for the heart to tremble on its own! It was impossible! Unless something happened to the Medical Team on the national team, but it was impossible. That's why it's directly ruled out. "    


As she spoke, she saw a pool of blood flowing out from the nose of the patient, Xiao Xu. Zhao Xue hurriedly lifted her neck and used gauze to stop the bleeding. She even looked at Chen Qun and Chi Hong for help.    


Before Chen Qun could reply, Xu Li explained the situation in a muffled voice.    


"It's fine, it's fine. Whenever I feel pressured, I will have nosebleeds. Give me an ice bag. I'll be fine in a few minutes. Damn it, every time it's at a critical moment, it's always causing trouble for me. I've had this old problem since I was young. It shouldn't be a problem with my heart, right? "    


Chi Hong suddenly snapped her fingers in a very unladylike manner. Then, like a child who had done something wrong, she looked around awkwardly and stared at Chen Qun and Dongfang Wenxin, threatening them as a warning to others.    


"You are not allowed to give any opinions. Perhaps I already know what is going on. Maybe this time I am 90% sure that Little Broom does not know the answer, and Chen Qun should know the reason!"    


"Are you guys playing riddles? Dr. Chen Qun, how can you prove that you know Chi Hong and you know?"    


"We are starting to have sex again. Alright, Dr. Qi, are you going to perform a lung CT scan on the patient? "    


Miss Dongfang immediately shouted, "Stop. Both of you write down the answer in your hands. If Little Broom doesn't have this answer, I will admit that Little Broom is retarded. If Little Broom can answer it, or if the three of you have different answers, the two of you will be idiots. "    


Chen Qun pinched the young lady's nose and directly said the answer.    


"Most of the patients have hereditary bleeding capillary expansion. The English abbreviation is HHT. Let's see if Little Broom has given this key abbreviation. "    


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