Super Magic Surgery System

C1502 Brain Ocd

C1502 Brain Ocd

While they were talking, two military medical interns walked over from the radiology department. The one in the lead was Han Yue, who had a Harvard Medical PhD. When he saw Chen Qun come out of the operating theater, he immediately reported the test results to Chen Qun and handed over the panel in his hand.    


"Dr. Chen, the situation is just as you expected. There is a tumor in the visual center of the brain. It is located on the left side of the pillow. The shape is very small, and it is very easy to ignore. "    


"Wait, young man. You mean I have a brain tumor? It seems that your program is wrong. Shouldn't you tell me behind my back? It is normal for a normal hospital to not let me know! "    


When the old man saw his granddaughter come over, his mood seemed to be in a good mood. He directly made a small joke with these young people. After all, as an old man, he was very clear about the hospital's rules. If he encountered a terminal illness, he would absolutely not discuss the situation in front of you. He would only tell your family.    


As for these young doctors, it was impossible for them to make such a mistake. After all, this was the Xiangyun Hospital, one of the best big hospitals in the country. Everyone was very professional. Just by looking at their resuscitation speed, it could be seen that they were done in a few minutes. Of course, it was impossible for them to spill the beans because of his special condition.    


Of course, from another point of view, this was also a test to see if these young doctors had let the cat out of the bag. That was why this person was joking, but his eyes were staring at the young man who had said something wrong. Just now, he had heard him speak a lot of English to explain his situation. It was enough to show that he was truly talented.    


Chen Qun saw the cunning look on the old man's face. He knew that the old man was testing him, so he told the old man the truth.    


"Old man, you are right. If it was a terminal illness, we would not tell you. We would only let you eat something good. But in your current situation, For our hospital, it's just a normal situation. We have to perform more than ten cases of brain cancer every day. So you can always rest assured that your condition can be treated through surgery. There is no need for craniotomy, only interventional surgery. Just insert a wire in and complete the resection. "    


"Wait, you mean my grandpa has brain cancer? Isn't this a terminal illness that can't be cured? Can you tell me the specific situation? I'll inform my father to come over! "    


Chen Qun glanced at the girl. He held his phone and was about to record the video when he stopped her.    


"Miss, the hospital forbids recording. Please abide by the rules. Thank you for your cooperation!"    


As he spoke, he gestured to the intern beside him to send the patient to the emergency room so that he could explain the situation to him. The old man was quick-witted and had a clear mind. It was most appropriate for him to tell him the actual situation.    


When they entered the room, Chen Qun handed over the tablet in his hand and placed it in front of the old man to explain the situation to him.    


"Did you see that? There is a tumor the size of a bean that is stuck in your visual center, which is the little white dot that I am pointing at. How to turn the image into a 3D image, you will be able to see the tumor more clearly! "    


Chen Qun explained while he gently swiped his finger on the tablet. A three-dimensional image that was embellished slowly appeared in front of the old man. The old man felt a pain in the air when he flipped from 360 degrees to 360 degrees. Only then did the old man and his granddaughter see it clearly. It was only the size of a green bean, slightly elliptical in the shape of an oval-shaped cylinder, blinking on one side of the brain. It was a very vivid image.    


The old man hesitated for a moment, then stared at Chen Qun and asked.    


"You must be Dr. Chen Qun from the center, the one who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine? I've heard about your experience. I didn't believe it at first. I thought you were bragging too much. Now it seems that. . . It was truly better to meet him than to be famous. He had truly experienced how Bian Que felt when he saw Cai Huan Gong. Just look at me a few more times and you'll be able to confirm that there's a tumor in my head. This is simply too miraculous. "    


Chen Qun did not take the old man's flattery as his thoughts and expressed it lightly.    


"Sir, you flatter me. This is just a professional habit. When he saw that there was something wrong with your eyes, he naturally connected it to the relevant parts. In addition, I have seen many similar situations, so I will naturally check them out. In addition, the hospital's equipment was more advanced. Many problems that other hospitals could not detect could be found here. It was not that the doctors were very good. It was just that the equipment was better. This is actually the result of scientific progress! "    


" Then what is the theory behind the illusion I saw, can you tell me? I'm really curious! "    


When the old man saw that the young doctor in front of him admitted that he was the legendary Bian Que's elder brother, he also heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He knew that it was fate that they met. That was why he had absolute confidence in telling himself that a brain tumor was not a big problem. He could perform surgery to complete it, and he no longer had to be on tenterhooks all day long.    


Chen Qun saw that the old man looked like he could die at any time, and knew that he was most likely a scientist. That was why he had this kind of manners and bearing. He calmly looked at the brain tumor and explained it conveniently.    


"The reason is very simple. It is this tumor the size of a bean. It causes the blind spot in your vision, causing the image you see. A part of it was missing. The brain, on the other hand, had some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which caused the situation to change. A structure was missing, in order to make the empty area more reasonable. Your brain will use the image you often recall to fill this blank space. "    


The old man thought for a bit, then asked another question.    


"If the part of my vision that I lost after Dr. Chen's surgery is restored, then the image that I fill in will also disappear, right?"    


Chen Qun saw that he was deeply in love with Dr. Chen, so he immediately stopped thinking about it.    


"Yes, but you still don't understand the danger of this tumor. In fact, when you fell this morning, it was very likely that the growth of the tumor caused the loss of your vision to increase. It caused the place you usually saw to become invisible, which was why you fell down from the stairs. But this was only an additional injury. The real damage comes from the tumor being a little bigger, and it will increase exponentially. Then, it will get out of hand. "    


After Chen Qun said that, he took out another patient that he had just met as an example.    


"Two days ago, there was a young girl in our hospital who came to see the doctor because of a small illness. However, she was suffering from the most dangerous nerve tumor. The tumor has occupied almost one-tenth of her brain. There's no way to treat it with surgery anymore. The only way we can do it now is. . . And that is because she is young and strong. If the tumor in your old body is a little bigger, Treatment will be very difficult. "    


"Doctor, don't tell my grandpa. I'll ask my mom to come over and make a decision. My grandpa said it doesn't count!"    


The female staff in the city who had been quietly listening by the side immediately glared at her grandpa angrily. There was nothing she couldn't deal with when her mother came to deal with him.    


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