Super Magic Surgery System

C1517 Neck Supporting Fusion

C1517 Neck Supporting Fusion

After Huang Haitao finished signing the letter, he saw that Luo Ling looked like he wanted to say something but stopped himself. He was very satisfied with his performance. The last thing he said was to disgust this guy. This old fellow was a person who was detached from the times. He thought that hiding his identity and hiding in the deep mountains and forests to cultivate peerless medical skills, and that he could shock the world the moment he came out of the mountain. It could only be a dream.    


Anyone who was outdated from the times would be thrown eight streets away by the modern technology and become an outdated man. Modern medicine was not just about technology.    


However, Huang Haitao also understood the pride and pride of his old classmate and old friend. The fact that he could walk out of a hopeless situation was enough to become an example for others. However, the truth was that he still needed to be taught a lesson when he needed to be taught a lesson. He would let Chen give him an all-rounded intimidation!    


"Let's go, Old Luo. Let's go to the viewing platform and watch. You and I are both old. We don't have enough energy to catch up with the times. Qi, you should also go to the operating theater to help. If you don't perform such a rare surgery, I'm afraid your master will call me over and scold me badly. "    


Chi Hong hurriedly thanked him and accompanied Chen Qun to perform a few emergency examinations on the patient.    


When Luo Ling walked out of the room, he turned his head to look at the girl with an unparalleled temperament and asked curiously.    


"Who is her teacher? Is he Director Ye's student? Looks like Director Ye really found a good student! "    


Huang Haitao looked at him with disdain and shamelessly boasted, scaring this guy.    


"Completely wrong. In fact, I am her real teacher. However, Yang Xiaoquan took advantage of his old age and directly snatched her away. He took her in as his last disciple. However, Yang Xiaoquan didn't call her anything, and even took the initiative to admit that his way of doing things was outdated. He allowed this girl to continue being a diagnostic doctor, and he decisively let her go. Did you not hear that? Did these two young people call me Teacher Huang? I've brought them for half a year!"    


Luo Ling was very clear about Huang Shiren's character. He could immediately tell that there was something fishy going on, and continued to break Luo Pan's questions to the end.    


"Why is it only half a year? He can't take it anymore? "    


Huang Haitao became more and more proud of himself. He didn't mind his own family's reputation being exposed.    


"Wrong again. How could those young men take me, the old man, seriously? It was normal for them to fight each other, and then. . . Chen, who came from the valley, had won a great victory. These few young men were convinced. They formed a team together, and the courtyard let them go. Now, it seemed like. . . Letting them go was the right choice. The reason I'm here as a leader is actually because I brought them along. . . I have a little bit of face and can cooperate a bit. If it were someone else. . . They were people that even the heavens would not recognize. Old Man Jiang would often vomit blood from being hit. That's why I asked you to come here for surgery because they're the best team. "    


After he finished speaking, he lowered his voice and revealed a few secrets.    


"Several important people in Europe have operated on them in the past, including the chairman of the Nobel Prize in Medicine Organisation Committee. Therefore, many people thought that it was true that there was an inside story behind this medical award. However, those rotten old men were also led astray by these few fellows. They directly got this medical award to be awarded to all the doctors in the world and flattened this insider transaction. "    


At this moment, Luo Ling's arm stopped trembling. He felt that what he saw was real. He wanted to see for himself whether Huang Haitao was bragging or not.    


But in the blink of an eye, he felt a little disappointed. Or rather, an indescribable feeling filled his heart. Chen Qun almost completed the nape merger in a mechanical, simple textbook manner. There was no surprise or accident, just as if he had just completed an elbow replantation surgery. It was simple and straightforward, and there was almost nothing to learn from it.    


However, the more he did that, the more he doubted himself. Because this was the first time a young doctor could perform such a difficult surgery, and it was a very stable surgery without any highlights. It would take decades of hard work to achieve such a level of great skill and skill.    


But the first time?    


This was probably coaxing a ghost!    


Huang Haitao saw through his doubt and only said faintly.    


"Chen has Scholar's Syndrome, or to be precise, Both of them have this talent, and they do not have any other adverse symptoms. Their brain circuits were different from the general public's, and their thoughts were different. So it was normal for the two of them to break up with each other all day long. Qi could only be considered a normal genius, but these two were abnormal. The gap between us isn't the same starting point, so we can only submit to our elders and admit defeat. "    


"However, there is no secret to any skill that can be completed in a short period of time. The law of ten thousand hours applies to anyone. "    


"Wrong, the Ten Thousand Hour Law is only suitable for normal people The different brain circuits absolutely do not apply. Their aunties adopted a pair of twin girls. Now that they are over one year old, they have another mental illness that you may not have heard of before. It was called Mirror Syndrome. They would unconsciously simulate the situation of other special patients. If they lost control of themselves a little, they would die prematurely. However, Chen's team had found a way to control them in an unexpected way. Now, the twins were using the mirror image to imitate another little girl and learning how to speak. They would say everything in a few days. That was why. . . The ten-thousand-hour rule also has a shortcut!"    


After Huang Haitao finished speaking, he completely ignored the drunk doctor who could stuff a duck egg in his mouth and shrugged elegantly.    


"If you don't believe me, just treat it as me speaking nonsense! Don't just sit there and do nothing. I'll send you to the center for a check-up. You'll know how advanced the technology is after experiencing it for yourself. Even if it's not the most advanced hospital in the world, it should at least be ranked in the top three. "    


Luo Ling hesitated for a moment and retorted with a sentence from this guy who was showing off.    


"You mean it's more advanced than Hopkins Hospital?"    


"Wrong again. Your knowledge needs to be updated. There was a private research institute in Hawaii. It is the most advanced hospital in the world, at least five years ahead of the top five hospitals in the world. However, it was built with money. Or rather, only the richest man in the world was qualified to enter a place without any advertisements. They were members of the club. Even so, we are still working with that hospital. If you stay here for a few days, you'll see the people with real power coming over for medical cooperation. "    


Chen Qun did not know that Huang Haitao was showing off with him. After the surgery, he went back to the center without stopping and performed all kinds of routine tests on a few patients who had reserved surgeries. He had a thought in his mind. These patients were basically all brain problems, so they could be treated together.    


In order to avoid affecting each other, he needed to let Academician Jiang Ming participate in his treatment as an observer. He wanted to see what he had missed out on. It would be a great help to his counterfeit system.    


While he was thinking, the young lady rushed in and announced to him.    


"I have an online friend who wants to see me. What do you think I should wear?"    


Chen Qun did not fall for her trick and replied casually.    


"The temptation of uniforms is what lasts for a long time!"    


Then, his waist was pinched hard!    


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