Super Magic Surgery System

C1531 Red Cell Compression

C1531 Red Cell Compression

Isn't he just a professional athlete? What kind of big problem would there be?    


Chen Qun agreed without any hesitation. Anyway, it was just a casual glance. If she refused, then Tang Xuan would complain to others, such as telling Eldest Miss and her idol Pianist about the matter.    


In one sentence, he really couldn't afford to offend this girl.    


Half an hour later, Chen Qun saw the athlete sent over in the emergency room. He was a tanned young man, who looked to be about 18 or 19 years old. He was in the golden age of athletes. Beside him was a middle-aged man with the same tanned skin. His face shape was similar, and it was obvious that he was a father and son, as well as a coach and an athlete.    


"Hi, Dr. Chen. My name is Ma Ang Tyra. This is my son, Nick Tyra. He had just passed out during training and was saved from danger. In the morning, Nick told me that he had a headache. I asked him to take a painkillers, but he didn't mind. But later on, the situation worsened, so I sent him over to see what the problem was. "    


The tanned man spoke in Mandarin that was not so standard. He introduced the situation to Chen Qun. He should have known about Chen Qun's fame and background long ago, so a tall and strong man appeared very polite.    


Chen Qun was stunned for a moment before he looked at the patient. His finger made a circle in the air.    


"Mr. Ma Ang, can your son understand Mandarin?"    


"No problem at all. His Mandarin is more standard than mine. He grew up in China. "    


The strong coach, Ma Ang, answered very readily.    


Chen Qun looked at his father and coach without batting an eyelid. From his answer just now, he saw a standard look of lying, which showed that his words were not true.    


Although Chen Qun did not know what to ask, he knew that he would think about these unimportant things in an instant, but he knew that his guess was correct. After all, when the father and coach spoke, the athlete who was his son didn't say anything. In other words, the father was the one who led everything.    


Originally, Chen Qun didn't have any opinions about such a strong parent. In addition, sports training also needed to be strict. It was good for the child to be strong, so he had no right to criticize them.    


"Alright, then let me see what's wrong with you. Do you still have pain in your head?"    


"It's. . . There's one thing I can tolerate. It's not as painful as before. "    


Nick, who was lying on the stretcher, answered Chen Qun's question in Mandarin, which was standard but very awkward. He let Chen Qun out and understood why his father lied. It was probably the kind of father who had obsessive-compulsive disorder. He wanted the child to be perfect, so he did not hesitate to use lies to leave a good impression on himself.    


Chen Qun changed his next sentence to English in the face of such annoying Mandarin.    


"You usually communicate in English, right? OK, then it's easier for us to speak English. Otherwise, I would have wasted a lot of my time. Please forgive me. Then, the first question. . . Have you hit your head in the sports training for the next few days? Or have you eaten something different? After all, it's the Spring Festival these few days. The food will be greatly improved. "    


"I didn't hit my head, nor did I eat anything different. My food is very standard, so I need to control the calories precisely. "    


"Do you have any history of epilepsy? Well, your expression has told me the correct answer. This option is cut off; do you have any other symptoms these days, such as cold?"    


"No, I'm not sick at all. Since I was young, I've only been admitted to the hospital because of physical examinations. Even if it's a cold, I've only had it once when I was young. "    


"How's your water intake?"    


"I spend most of my time soaking in the water every day. "    


Chen Qun couldn't help but smile when he heard this answer. He knew that this athlete at least didn't receive the education of an elite noble, so he misunderstood his words. In other words, he didn't grow up in China.    


However, this had nothing to do with him. He would only consider the specific situation and analyze it when considering his condition. He would directly put it in the last order.    


"I know, but you have to drink water. Drinking water is also treated according to the standard? Alright. You don't have to answer this question, I already know the answer. Let's do a few regular check-ups first. We'll discuss it after the results are out. If it's not a special case, you can be discharged at night. "    


As soon as Chen Qun finished speaking, the system diagnose panel at the corner of his eye flashed. Then, as if nothing had happened, it disappeared without a trace. The system, which was getting lazier and lazier, turned into a state of strike again.    


Chen Qun knew that such a small trick was done on purpose. However, just now, when he was giving the patient a checkup and taking a look at him, he felt a little strange in his heart, which meant that the patient's condition was very special.    


It was better to have fun alone than to have fun together. Of course, he would ask his friends to do it together.    


After lunch, in the small conference room on the sixth floor, seven or eight team members and a group of military medical interns were called together. They started to carefully analyze the patient.    


"There is no obvious infection, no allergic food, brain waves normal, CT normal, and drug inspection normal. Almost all the data is normal. The only abnormal thing is that the patient has a high blood cell compression. I think everyone only has one standard answer for this result. I don't think I need to tell everyone. "    


As the first person to find the answer, Ouyang Yang stood proudly in front of the big screen and announced a bunch of data to everyone. Then, he pointed the spearhead at the 'heretics' in the data.    


Dongfang Wenxin, who was forcefully pulled over by Chen Qun, did not look at the analysis results of the computer in her hand. She directly asked Chen Qun for the answer in a low voice.    


"What is the result? To think that you are still bragging. This is a situation that is hidden very deeply. In the end, even Little Apple knows. Is it that you deliberately don't want me to continue sitting in front of the computer and racking my brain?"    


Chen Qun lightly patted the back of his wife's hand and calmly expressed.    


"The data was the first thing I saw. If it was so obvious, I would call everyone over. Would you listen to Little Apple's nonsense? Don't worry. Someone is going to teach Little Apple a lesson soon. "    


As soon as he finished speaking, as expected, that tall and fierce girl called Little Ding jumped out to object.    


"Are you talking about taking stimulants? Please look at the seventeenth test subject. The results of the stimulants test are negative. This test is also one of the two tests added by the smart computer after the analysis. "    


Of course, Ouyang Yang was not willing to be outdone and directly retorted.    


"It is just a regular steroids test, but the stimulants are not just the same type of steroids!"    


Ding Liping was not easy to deal with. She immediately went against him.    


"What's the reason? There have been no competitions these few days. It's just regular training. Don't tell me you also need to take stimulants?"    


Chen Qun watched the two sides argue without batting an eyelid. Suddenly, he heard the sound of his wife biting her ear.    


"Wait, Chen Qun, did you notice? Every time this girl looks at Ouyang Yang, she will raise her voice a little higher and scold back rudely. This is a very unusual behavior. "    


Chen Qun also lowered his voice and bit his wife's ear.    


"If such a situation really happens, Little Apple will definitely be used by some old man who doesn't respect him. The plot of a beautiful man, aren't you a little too sensitive?"    


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