Super Magic Surgery System

C1549 Wrong Tumor

C1549 Wrong Tumor

Before the operation, the child's parents were a little worried, but compared to the child's grandparents, it was very normal.    


When Grandma and Grandma saw Chen Qun come out, they surrounded him and asked him about the situation.    


"The baby just likes to laugh. He can eat and move. Can he not perform surgery and only take medicine to treat himself?"    


Chen Qun could only look at Chi Hong for help. Compared to himself, Female Bookworm, who had an excellent temperament and was patient and gentle, was the best candidate to answer this question.    


Chi Hong saw Chen Qun put on an "unfriendly" look again, so she could only sigh in her heart and explain the situation.    


"The tumor has grown in the critical part of the child's brain. It has begun to affect the development of the child's brain. If the surgery is not carried out, Not only will it continue to cause epilepsy, but it will also continue to cause epilepsy. It would also affect the other physiological functions of the child. Even if it was the most optimistic case, it would not affect the important parts. That child's IQ would be low when he grows up, and he would not have the ability to take care of himself. Exercise was a problem, as for the more serious cases. . . There's a higher probability of them happening "    


"Then what's the worst case scenario?"    


To do evil was not Female Bookworm's mission. Chen Qun immediately started to sing with a dark face.    


"Death. The worst result of brain tumor. No exceptions. "    


After saying that, Chen Qun shut his mouth and did not say anything. He put on a posture of "you guys decide yourselves. " He looked at the few elderly people in front of him very seriously.    


Perhaps it was because of his reputation that these few parents knew who he was. He could be considered the most outstanding doctor in the country. Coupled with the seriousness that he showed, it was not good for everyone to continue asking. After all, Dr. Chen only accepted this surgery because of Su Wantine. He did not care if you did it or not at all.    


Chi Hong saw Chen Qun put on a fierce look and it was really worth mentioning. With just one sentence, all the conversations were blocked. The atmosphere became awkward. What was even more funny was that Chen Qun's fierceness was not faked. He could really do it. It was very different from pretending.    


This might be the difference between having no knife and not using a knife!    


As the person in charge of the research center, and it was New Year's Eve, she could only speak the truth to calm the emotions of her family members.    


"Elder, don't worry. Up until now, there hasn't been a single surgery that has failed for Dr. Chen in our hospital. Furthermore, Dr. Chen has used a few new equipment to ensure the success of the surgery for this very rare surgery. Please rest assured that we will do our best to save the child! "    


"Let's do the surgery. I agree to operate on the child! Then I'll have to trouble you, Director Dr. Chen! "    


A well-dressed old lady gritted her teeth and agreed to the surgery. To her, there was naturally another layer of "rational" consideration. That was, the child's condition was very bad. That long pain was better than short pain, and that was the best choice. In any case, the wife was still young, and she could give birth to one or two more. It was better than taking care of a cripple.    


If the surgery failed, Su Wantine would definitely express something. If she leaned towards their family's business in a certain way, then she would have everything. Although this idea was somewhat utilitarian, it was also the worst plan, right? Since she had already planned for the worst, the worries in her heart dissipated.    


Actually, Chen Qun didn't need to look at it to guess the old lady's intentions. This was also human nature, and there was nothing wrong with it. If one were to look at the cruel natural selection rules, survival of the fittest was the key to ensure the evolution of life. There was no profit or no gain.    


Dongfang Wenxin wore a mask and stood beside Chen Qun. She gave a reassuring look to the young parents beside her. She also felt a trace of melancholy in her heart. They just came to participate in a New Year's gathering, and it turned out to be a very bad result. To a certain extent, Chen Qun was really a jinx.    


However, Bian Que had already made it very clear to Cai Huan. To him, Bian Que was just a jinx, and he was just trying to scare him. This might be the main reason why Chen Qun didn't like dealing with patients' family members. It was really hard to offend someone just because he spoke.    


Because it was an operation for a baby, Chen Qun even specially called an obstetrician from the Group Professor over to help. Although he knew that he really could not use it, he still understood the principle of humility. Even if he did it for others to see, he still had to show an example.    


Dr. Lee, who came to help, had worked with Chen Qun a lot. He also knew that the promotion to the Group Professor during the New Year had a lot to do with Chen Qun. The papers published by the surgeries he had worked with her had already allowed her to be promoted from Chief Physician to the Group Professor who had individual projects, so she immediately agreed when she heard it.    


Besides, to Dr. Lee, she knew that she was only there to act as a background panel, or to be more precise, to do research projects and write research papers. She only needed to appear in the operating theater and occasionally lend a hand. If Chen Qun went to the Pediatrics Department or Gynaecology Department, he was afraid that the backbone of these departments would buy a piece of tofu and knock themselves to death to avoid making a fool of themselves.    


Chen Qun did not want others to think that he had talent in the Pediatrics Department or Gynecology Department, so he kept a very low profile! Dr. Lee was very clear about Chen Qun's intentions, so he never declared Chen Qun's skills. He always said that Chen Qun's achievements in the surgery were too high, so he directly crushed the Pediatrics Department in the surgery.    


This surgery was even more impressive. In the blink of an eye, the baby's Cranial Cavity was cut open by Chen Qun's exquisite skills. It even had a pitiful amount of blood loss. When Han Yue, who served as the second assistant, saw the tumor in front of him, he could not help but sigh.    


"This is really called a small tumor. The tumor is not big, but it is fatal!"    


Chen Qun gave this guy a look that was worth teaching. Although this guy had the intention of pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger when he just came over, in front of him, who was really a big tiger, he turned into a real pig. He could no longer jump up and down, and he could no longer perform the drama of the counterattack in the operating theater that everyone was happy to see.    


However, after a few days of struggling, the man had figured out his personal position and started to study honestly. He performed well, so he naturally had to make full use of the situation.    


However, it was impossible for such a doctor with a background and confidence to become a member of his team. Therefore, he did not need to include him into his team and become his direct descendant. As for that little Ding girl. . . It seemed that the probability of becoming a direct descendant was very high. After Xiao Lu met her parents. . . He would know if she was one of them.    


"This must be a benign tumor, very fortunate, not a malignant one!"    


Ding Liping, who was sitting on a bench on the observation platform, stood beside Chi Hong and gave her own judgment.    


Chen Qun glanced at the top of his head without batting an eyelid and asked a question indifferently.    


"Then do you know what to do next?"    


"Dr. Chen tested me. I have done my homework. The first step is to leave the tumor in the brain and pay attention to the blood flow in the artery in the brain!"    


"Correct answer, 100 points in theory. Practicing zero points! This is the most difficult part of the Surgery Doctor. Many times, it can be explained clearly with just one sentence. It was the skill that mattered the most. If it wasn't for the fact that you had too many test subjects these few days, this would be another test subject. Alright, After teaching me, give me that surgical wand. Next, remove it! "    


Ding Liping gritted her teeth and glared at Chen Qun. However, she accepted what he said. Saying and doing were two completely different things.    


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