Super Magic Surgery System

C1632 Intravenous Stripping of the Vertebral Artery

C1632 Intravenous Stripping of the Vertebral Artery

"There may be mosquitoes in the hospital, or there may be patients who have been bitten. So, these mosquitoes may also be infected with the virus, so you need to carry out a large-scale insecticide operation? This seems to be a little too much of a hassle, right? Besides, Black fever has not never appeared in the country, even in the northern mountainous regions. There might be such a disease, but it's very rare. Do you need to do it blindly once? "    


Chi Hong took out the attitude of a leader and analyzed the problem from the perspective of a leader.    


Ding Liping could not make a decision for a moment, but she did not need to consider which side to choose. Of course, she would stand on the girl's side and oppose Chen Qun's nonsense together.    


"There are almost no mosquitoes or flies in the hospital. The probability of getting infected is less than one in ten thousand. Besides, even if other patients are infected, we have ways to treat them. So I also object to you making a big deal out of a molehill. This is meaningless. You even disturbed the patient and caused psychological trauma to everyone. "    


"That's right. If you want to practice, find a new excuse. This excuse is too lame! No!"    


Eldest Miss also stood beside Chi Hong and began to object. However, as a clever girl, Eldest Miss vaguely knew in her heart that this was actually Chen Qun suffering from premature birth syndrome. The reason why she did so was largely because she was thinking for her wife and child, not giving the virus the slightest chance.    


Chi Hong calculated in her mind for two seconds. She knew that Chen Qun most likely wanted to see the emergency response ability of the center to have a drill. But if he used black fever as an excuse, he would definitely be criticized by a group of leaders. If it were black fever, it would be more like black death.    


She calculated in her heart and had an idea. She gave an idea directly.    


"How about this. We will arrange the drill tomorrow. We don't even need to give a reason. Making a yellow warning drill is better than making a fuss. However, I'd like to ask, Do you have any evidence or feeling that this black fever will continue to spread?"    


Dongfang Wenxin knew why her husband was worried. She was angry and amused. She immediately stared at him and gave him a fatal blow.    


"Are you worried that I will be infected by this disease? If it is so easy to be infected, the family members of the patient will also have the same symptoms and will be hospitalized together!"    


Chen Qun saw that his idea of patting his head had been nipped in the bud and felt a little surprised in his heart. When did he become so unstable? Or rather, just like his wife had said, he had also contracted premature anxiety?    


"Alright, I admit that I acted recklessly when my brain got hot. I don't have any management experience. This is my fault. I take back my suggestion. "    


The young lady resolutely added another blow.    


"I think you are suffering from premature syndrome and are even more worried than me. How about this, tomorrow we will also let Little Broom give you a comprehensive psychological examination to find out where your anxiety comes from!"    


Just as Dongfang Wenxin finished speaking, she heard her phone ring. When she saw that it was Su Wantine calling, she hurriedly instructed her.    


"Just now when I was flying a foreign model at the airport, I fell down from the stairs. I already got the helicopter to send the person over. Help me take care of it. After all, these models are employees of your company. They are also good assets. Let them experience the care of the big boss. "    


The young lady was stunned for a moment. She couldn't remember when her company had models. However, in the past two years, she had bought a lot of shares from international companies. She could be considered the boss behind the scenes. It was highly likely that she belonged to the employees of those international advertising companies or image companies.    


In the blink of an eye, a few photos were sent over. On it was a beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. Just her height alone was 1. 9 meters, which made the lady a little envious.    


"Chen Qun, there will be a beautiful foreign patient coming over later. Since you like to mess around, I will let you handle this patient. If there is a problem, I will ask you. This is my. . . Sister's company's excellent assets. "    


Chen Qun looked at the young lady helplessly. He knew that it was his punishment for slapping his head randomly, so he could only resist in a low voice.    


"Evil capitalists, people have already become good assets. It really is a society where people eat people naked. "    


Eldest Miss knocked his head and retorted.    


"My sister is a young capitalist with a conscience. She is different from other capitalists. Don't look for my sister. You have never been able to defeat my sister. I'll call my grandma and report that I got off work on time. You stay here to save the patient and tell my grandma. . . I didn't work with you. "    


Chen Qun shook his head and could only bring Looh Yi and Ding Liping, two of his capable assistants, to the rooftop to welcome the patient.    


After waiting on the rooftop for one or two minutes, the helicopter landed. Three paramedics quickly and professionally delivered the patient to Chen Qun, explaining the situation.    


"The patient's hand can't be raised, so he must have had a stroke. The right side of his body is temporarily paralyzed, showing all the symptoms of an arterial soldier on the left side of his brain. He is speechless, and the right side of his body is weak and unconscious. But the most amazing thing is that everything is normal in the MRI photos taken during emergency resuscitation at the airport hospital. "    


Chen Qun saw that the patient was really a very hot foreign beauty. Her blonde hair and blue eyes, coupled with her youthful beauty, were completely in line with what Su Wantine said about "quality assets. " She should be the world's best model. The reason why Eldest Miss let him personally treat this patient was naturally because she wanted to watch a good show.    


Now that she's my old wife, he naturally did not need to worry about Eldest Miss getting jealous. He very naturally checked this hot figure of a beauty and gave a preliminary conclusion.    


"Now the symptoms of the pioneer among the soldiers have slowed down, but it appears that the wandering muscles have become weak, intermittent visual and verbal functions have been lost. According to this situation, it can be inferred that there is a problem with the interlayer of the vertebral artery, namely the arteries and veins being torn apart, forming a valve that blocks the blood flowing to the brain. Let's take a blood vessel photo first. No, send it directly to the operating theater!"    


When the patient was sent to Operating Theater 2, he saw a few beeps on the patient's body ring together.    


"The blood pressure is fluctuating. The compression pressure has dropped to 70. The oxygen level is 88. Dr. Chen, how do you know her condition will worsen?"    


Ding Liping asked curiously as she reported the patient's various data.    


Chen Qun directly gave a standard answer to this question.    


"Rich clinical experience. Immediately perform a scan. At the same time, supply oxygen to the patient at a high rate. Let us see what exactly causes a healthy patient to have a stroke. "    


Ding Liping saw that Chen Qun still had free time to teach and answer questions at this time. She thought for a moment and gave a bold answer directly.    


"Maybe it's drugs? Many foreign models would come into contact with this thing. For a strong young girl, this is the simplest and most direct answer. "    


"Perhaps, we can do another poison test. But I still don't think it's possible. The CT image came out, it didn't look like there was a stripping on the interlayer of the vertebral artery. My prediction was wrong. I immediately carried out non-invasive ventilation, and then did an arteries blood flow analysis to see the balance of the acid and alkali. "    


Chen Qun saw that the system still did not show any signs of exerting its strength, but he did not panic at all. He knew that with his own ability. He could also save this beauty from death.    


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