Super Magic Surgery System

C1765 Cardiovascular Endothelial Striction

C1765 Cardiovascular Endothelial Striction

"Dr. Chen, you did not draw any incision lines on the patient's body during your previous surgeries. Why did you draw them again today? Are you afraid that we won't understand? "    


The new group of young nurses had Ding Pepper, the big sister, as their support and Chi Hong's protection. In almost ten days, they had figured out the exact location of their team. They knew that Dr. Chen Qun looked fierce, but as long as they no longer doubted him in medical terms, he was a quiet young man who was easily bullied.    


Besides, it was the consensus of the whole team to fight Dr. Chen together. The leader was Dr. Chen's supreme seat, so everyone could fight him. That was why from the very beginning, there were already rumors of him betraying the Dao and leaving the scriptures.    


"It's completely correct. Did you guys notice? There are two forks on both ends of this line. There is also a half-moon-shaped line in front of us. These two positions represent the best position for you to deliver the equipment. Today's drawing is to let you know. . . There will be such lines in future internship surgeries. . . To ensure that you can find the best position as soon as you start working. As for why you have to deliver the equipment at this position, it's not just because you have to save energy and energy. At the same time, it also makes it so that I won't waste my precious surgical time on receiving the instruments. This was a small detail, but every detail was done to the extreme. Then, it will turn a very difficult surgery into a simple teaching operation. "    


Chen Qun rarely told two jokes that were not that funny in a demonstration surgery. Seeing that the reaction was not very strong, he shut his mouth and started a dull and dull surgery. However, every time the instrument was sent to him, he would open his mouth to remind him.    


Now, he urgently needed four or five scrub nurses to replace the young lady's position. In addition, Zhao Xue, who was barely enough as a substitute, was also pregnant. Of course, he had to treat them equally. The two girls rested together and did not participate in most surgeries. They only used it once by chance.    


A few months later, he would completely prevent them from entering the operating theater.    


The new nurses could not take shape for the time being, and although the old nurses in the other hospitals could cooperate, their energy could not keep up. Therefore, he could only exchange quantity for quality and make do with it.    


However, when his basic skills were upgraded again, it allowed him to control all kinds of surgical surgeries more and more skillfully. The thing that made him feel the most strange was that his space turbulence bleeding control had actually gained three percent of his experience. It made him depressed, but at the same time, he also had a little expectation.    


His skills had already reached the end, and it could be considered that he could not be promoted anymore. However, there was still a possibility of upgrading innovative skills. As for space turbulence bleeding control, he needed to operate on the medical ship remotely to gain experience.    


That might be able to operate on a few surgeries in a weightless environment, and the results would definitely be excellent. As for becoming an astronaut, it would be impossible for him to say that there would not be any special accidents in his life. However, the latest news gave him some ideas.    


A certain billionaire's space shuttle had already reached the weightless layer near space. If there was such a plane, he might really create the space turbulence bleeding control technique created by the system. But in theory, it was feasible, but in reality, it was practically paper. It would be better to rely on the name of the center to formally submit a space experiment project to the country.    


Regarding this problem, he had actually considered it before. If he insisted on fighting for it, the possibility of his project getting approved was really high. Compared to Su Wantine's influence, coupled with his own space talent show and the hidden contribution of a consortium, the probability of him getting shot was very small.    


But he also knew that if he really wanted to win this project, It was actually also a joke. Surgeons performed in space due to weightlessness. Wasn't this the out-and-out Dragon Slaying Technique? It was good looking but useless. At least in the next few decades, it wouldn't have any practical value. Even though there's a bright future ahead, it's still after advanced technology. It will be at least one to two hundred years later.    


However, if he could install a small workstation on Miss' private plane and give White Mouse a cardiovascular replacement surgery, it might be of great help to his skills. At the same time, he could also install a small workstation on Su Wantine's plane in Airline. When performing remote surgeries, it could also achieve a qualitative change.    


When Chen Qun thought of this, he realized that he was already distracted. However, the surgery was still carried out in an orderly manner. However, the speed of the surgery was several times faster than the booking. The scrub nurse beside him was so busy that she almost could not keep up with the pace.    


Of course, he could not admit that he had been distracted in this situation. He could only use a lie to cover up another lie.    


"This is my normal surgical speed. I just demonstrated it. I hope that everyone will be able to reach the same speed as me in the near future. Complete cooperation with each other. As for how to do it, I think. . . Everyone's method is different. Some people rely on their brain to complete it, while others rely on muscle memory to achieve it. Of course, most of them messed up. So. . . The first lesson taught to everyone today was to firmly remember the more than 90 types of conventional instruments used in surgery. As for the special ones, that is the content of the advancement. "    


Chen Qun slowed down a little and continued to explain in a dry and boring manner. Even so, he completed the heart coronary arteries bypass surgery in the next ten minutes.    


"Now, we will begin the carotid endotherm stripping operation. We will move the patient's position first and prepare the scalpel number fifteen. Next, prepare forceps and electric blades! "    


The surgery had only been carried out for three minutes, and the circulating nurse reminded him from the side.    


" Dr. Chen, the saturation of brain oxygen has dropped to 85. Isn't it a little low? "    


"At least for the patient's current condition, it's normal. However, in order to not put extreme pressure on him, we immediately prepare a drainage tube with a special diameter of three millimeters. Sorry, I forgot that you are not those Intern and do not need to grasp more principles. Prepare the ancient well diverting tube immediately. "    


As for Chen Qun's mistake, there were immediately people who wouldn't mention it. He asked loudly from the side.    


"Will there be any disadvantages if you master it?"    


"It's completely correct. All of you are only interns now. If I train you according to the doctor's request, why do I need to divide the labor? If I want to change my profession to a doctor, You need to at least become a senior nurse before you consider changing your profession. At that time, for those who had a lot of knowledge about nurses, it would be twice the result with half the effort. There are many female doctors in our hospital who were transferred over by nurses. That's why I welcome everyone to change professions, but the prerequisite is that you must do your job well. "    


Once Chen Qun finished speaking, he realized that he was getting more and more long-winded. He was about to become a young version of Liu Dapao. This trend was really unusual. He had to change. Otherwise, if the young lady found out that he was actually not bad at socializing, it was actually just the false impression that he was afraid that the tigress would be jealous. In the end, the false impression gradually became a habit. It made it impossible for him to admit his mistake.    


However, what made him feel even more absurd was that he had a relatively tolerant attitude towards these nurses in front of him. Compared to those military medical interns, he was much more amiable.    


Perhaps, this was due to the difference in thinking due to the increase in strength.    


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