Super Asura System

C1340 How Shameless

C1340 How Shameless

It's obvious Stephen Curry was very interested in the two people's proposal, but he was hesitant about what to do with Steventon, so the two guys immediately advised him.    


At this time, his subordinate Nike Yang roared and rushed out. He waved a knight sword in his hand and shouted loudly, "He can be as strong as he wants. I, Nike Yang, dare to come out and fight me."    


Duan Wenmin, the subordinate of the Pegasus God, also charged out in a flash. This fellow's weapon was a Soft Whip. He raised his hand and lashed out with a whip.    


In the end, he did not expect that his opponent's blow would be so hard and solid, but his ability was quite weak. He did not even have the chance to dodge the whip. His head was smashed like a watermelon.    


Stephen Curry was shocked. He hurriedly shouted, "Everyone, wait. I'm willing to lead the brave warriors of Divine Kingdom to surrender. Please spare our lives!"    


His words shocked everyone. The boss of Divine Kingdom, Deknovich, immediately pointed at him and shouted, "What are you talking about? Don't you have any shame?"    


Kevin Durant said, "This is our freedom. If we can't beat them, we can join them. What's wrong with that? Who stipulated that we can't do this?"    


Zaza Palichu also chimed in, "What's wrong with what our second boss said? Do we have to fight with him to the death? We won't be able to live in peace even if we die.    


Only fools like you would do such a thing. A civilized person like us naturally knows how to seek fortune and avoid disaster. You idiots should just go to hell! "    


Deknovich roared angrily and led Xiaoniu's people from Divine Kingdom to attack. Both sides immediately fought fiercely.    


Although the brave Divine Kingdom was submissive to the outside world, it was very tough to fight internally, especially when it looked down on the old Xiaoniu Divine Kingdom. Its counterattacks were also very fierce.    


The other few Divine Kingdom joined in and launched a fierce siege on them. In the end, after a bloody battle, they finally killed these shameless guys.    


Duan Wenmin held the Soft Whip and shouted loudly, "Have you guys had enough of this? Is there anyone else who wants to fight with me? Otherwise, just learn from those cowards and surrender quickly."    


A big black man angrily walked out. This guy was the brother of Rashid Wallace. The famous defensive warrior Ben Walrus waved his iron palms. He roared angrily, "Don't be so arrogant, don't use those idiots to look at us. But I will take your life now. "    


Duan Wenmin also sneered. He waved the Soft Whip in his hand and attacked his opponent. Because the Soft Whip was very long, he had the advantage in terms of distance.    


However, Ben Walrus's skin was extremely thick. Any random whip that landed on his body would not be able to harm him in the slightest. Although he was shouting in anger, his attack was also fierce.    


The two of them quickly fell into a stalemate, and both of them were unable to do anything to their opponents. At the same time, they steeled their hearts and once again used a fighting method that would cause both sides to suffer heavy losses.    


However, these two people's methods were even fiercer. Everyone felt the earth shake and then a mushroom cloud rose up. They completely used self-destruction and even saved the last step.    


When Deknovich was fighting with the warriors just now, he had suffered heavy losses in this aspect. However, he still rushed out with the defeated soldiers.    


Moreover, this guy didn't plan to fight them alone. He fiercely rushed towards their camp. The other few Divine Kingdom didn't care about this and followed behind them.    


In fact, these guys were also afraid. If they went up alone, it was hard to guarantee that they wouldn't fail to follow the footsteps of the warriors of Jin Province. They wouldn't just lose face, they would also lose face.    


Stone Buddha Duncan felt helpless in his heart. He could only take advantage of the fact that his morale was still good and launch the main force to fight. He hoped that he could achieve a certain result.    


However, his dream was full, but reality was full of bones. This was totally like a meat bun beating a dog. After a bloody battle for eight hours, the Western Divine Kingdom was completely defeated.    


The remaining few bosses were all killed in battle. The entire team had completely collapsed. Many people bowed and surrendered, signing contracts with the other party in a panic, and even becoming slaves.    


As for the remaining experts of the Divine Mountain led by Rock Buddha Duncan, they were already surrounded by the other side. When Johnson saw that the situation was hopeless, he shook his head.    


He sighed lightly and said, "If it wasn't for the fact that the warriors of the Jin Province are too shameless and completely shake our determination, we might have had a chance to continue fighting with the other side.    


It's useless to say anything now. The defeat has already been decided. You should lead the experts of God Mountain and break out of the encirclement as soon as possible. Keep some of your strength alive. Maybe you can still fight them in the west. "    


Rock Buddha Duncan shook his head and said," It's meaningless to say this now. I plan to live and die with this place. The others can go. "    


Robert stood behind him and said," Now that we are surrounded, it will be difficult to break out of the encirclement. One of us can fight with the other and die together. One of us fighting with the other is just asking for humiliation.    


Actually, I think Kevin Durant is right. Since we can't defeat him, why must we fight till the end? Surrendering isn't unacceptable. "    


Stonehead Duncan looked at him and then glanced at the other experts. He said in a low voice," Is this the idea of all of you unifying?    


It's really disappointing. Why didn't you say it earlier? Shameless is the nature of us western barbarians. What's there to be ashamed of? "    


David Robinson also smiled and said, "I knew you would make the right choice. There are no good people on our Divine Mountain. If there is no good person, we will be punished by the heavens."    


Johnson looked at these people helplessly. These people finally revealed their true nature. He thought that after they became gods, they had completely changed. But now it seemed like it was a good thing. At least he didn't have to die.    


He also had a smile on his face as he said, "It seems that our opinions will be unanimous. What Heroic Intrepid is originally to trick those fools. Now that all the fools are dead, we can also surrender with dignity."    


When Zhao Yiming received their surrender letter, he felt a little confused. The resistance at the front was so intense, why did the plot suddenly change?    


However, seeing that they signed the contract without hesitation, he put his heart in his stomach. No matter what the reason was, once they signed the contract, they would never be able to escape.    


After reorganizing these guys, they would immediately form a vanguard. Their safety would be the cannon fodder battalion's stance. They would attack the west and inland. This time, they would unify the world.    


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