Super Asura System

C1270 One after Another

C1270 One after Another

Just as Xiang Sibing got off the stage, another guy flew onto the stage. This guy was roaring loudly, and he looked like he was filled with righteous indignation.    


This guy roared loudly and said, "You, this woman, are really too ruthless. You actually killed a mysterious Divine Master. This is clearly harming a group of people."    


There was a guy below who shouted loudly, "You idiot, what are you talking about? Since you dare to go up on the stage, you must have the resolve to die. Could it be that just because he is a Divine Master, the others will have to wait helplessly for death?    


God Lord Treasure was right just now. That fellow Tie De Jun deserved it. He did not know how much he had. This was cheating his own people."    


The fellow standing on the stage was slightly stunned, but then he roared loudly, "Then it's fine as long as you defeat him. Why must you kill him?"    


Bao Cai said coldly, "You are just messing around. Of course, you have to use all your strength to fight the God Lord. How can you guarantee that after you hold back, your opponent won't shamelessly take the opportunity to counterattack? Someone like you can do it. "    


That fellow's face was flushed red. At this moment, he did not know what to say. The people below continued to jeer, "Where did this idiot escape from? Don't tell me his head got squeezed by the door!    


This is the shameless moral lady watch. When you fight with others, do you hold back? Could it be that I'm weak and I'm reasonable? Those who are strong deserve to die. "    


This fellow stood there with a helpless expression. He did not know what to do. He was really in a dilemma and had no way to back down. He could only brace himself and endure.    


He shouted loudly, "Don't talk nonsense here. Anyway, I can't stand it. I'm an idle God Su Shu, and I want to challenge the Olympic Deity System."    


Zhou Guanghui's figure flashed and she went up to the arena. She had just obtained two laws from Zhao Yiming. She wanted to perfect her own laws and give it a try.    


He said calmly, "I am the God of Divine Servant of Olympic Deity System. Since you are so rude, I will teach you a lesson."    


As he spoke, he waved his hands and hundreds of ice cones appeared in the air. The laws he had were very complicated, mainly the three elements of wind, water, and earth. The combination of wind and water was this ice cones technique.    


These ice cones flew over like raindrops, each flashing with a cold light. The opponent's hands circled in the air, and a huge shield appeared. When the ice cones hit the shield, it was like rain hitting banana leaves.    


Su Shu was forced back more than ten steps, and only then did he stand up with a stake. He let out another roar, raised his hand, and struck out a few thunderclaps.    


Zhou Guanghui stomped on the ground and an earth protective shield appeared in front of him. The lightning struck the protective shield and in the end, he returned with nothing.    


He raised his hand and released a few flying rocks. Behind the flying rocks was a tornado. The tornado quickly rolled up the flying rocks and immediately after, a large amount of water vapor appeared.    


Su Shu was accidentally drawn into it. It was like he was in a concrete mixer. When the tornado dispersed, a statue appeared on the ground.    


Zhou Guanghui waved her hand again and a huge rock fell from the sky. It smashed the statue into pieces, and in the end, nothing was left.    


He turned around and got off the stage. It was obvious that he did not want to fight anymore. He knew when to advance and when to retreat.    


Wu Menghuan sat on her seat and gently covered her mouth with her hand. She smiled and said, "This guy's coordination of rules is very interesting. He has completely played his role."    


A young man next to her snorted. His body flashed and he went onto the stage. He said in a cold voice, "I don't have any conflicts with Olympic Deity System. I just don't want to see you guys being so arrogant. Which one of you will come up and face your death?"    


The people below were stunned when they heard that. They felt that there was something wrong with this guy's brain. They were already very arrogant, yet they still couldn't stand the arrogance of others.    


When Feng Cheng saw this guy standing next to Wu Menghuan, he said with a smile, "This guy is so arrogant. Could he be the subordinate of God Lord Wu?"    


Wu Menghuan smiled and said, "God Lord Wind God is not jealous, is he? I don't know where this kid came from, but he pestered me the moment he arrived. He even threatened to kill whoever dares to get close to me."    


Just as these two people were speaking, Xiong Yangfei stepped onto the arena and said with a loud and clear voice, "You really are interesting. You are incomparably arrogant, yet you still have the face to talk about others here."    


That fellow sneered and said," Of course I can be arrogant, but not others. Remember this well, my name is the Invincible Lightning Sword, Ding Siyu. "    


Xiong Yang roared angrily. He waved his palms and rushed forward. At this moment, everyone saw the Sword-light flash, and his throat had already been slit.    


This startled everyone. The other party's speed was truly incomparable. No wonder he dared to be so arrogant. Sure enough, he had the capital to be arrogant.    


The chief of the Dragon Leopard Clan, Bai Xiaoting, stepped onto the arena in a flash. She was walking on an agile path. She felt that she could exchange a few blows with her opponent.    


Moreover, to these people, dying in battle was not a problem. There were people in the Ghost Realm anyway, and they would still be rewarded handsomely if they went there.    


She had a pair of short swords in her hands, and said in a soft voice, "Your sword technique is really powerful. However, Brother Bear's Body is a man of strength, so it's not a big deal for him to die in your hands. Let me see how much capital you have."    


Ding Siyu was obviously a wild person. Her eyes were filled with peach blossoms as she said, "You are a pretty girl. If you are willing to be my concubine, then I will let you live."    


Bai Xiaoting's face turned cold. She waved the pair of short swords in her hands, and in an instant, they arrived in front of her. She thrust them straight at her chest, and said in a cold voice, "You have to defeat me first."    


Ding Siyu's sword was indeed as fast as lightning. Moreover, she did not show any mercy when she attacked. Don't look at the gentleness she said just now. She had indeed made a killing move at this time.    


The two of them walked the path of speed and completely fought with speed. They fought there very quickly and it was difficult to determine victory or defeat in a short period of time.    


After the two of them tossed and turned for a few hundred moves, Ding Siyu seized an opportunity and cut off Bai Xiaoting's wrists. Then, he stabbed her in the chest.    


The crowd immediately booed. Everyone was very dissatisfied that he had killed such a girl. A strong man flew onto the stage.    


He pointed at him and shouted, "You said it nicely just now, but now you actually did it. I don't plan to let you go. I'm going to stand up for this girl."    


Ding Siyu said with disdain, "She's just a big fool. Moreover, this woman is already dead. Is it worth it to lose her life?"    


That big man angrily roared, waved his fists, and rushed over.    


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