Super Asura System

C1245 So What If I Sacrifice You to the Flag

C1245 So What If I Sacrifice You to the Flag

Zhao Yiming and his group suddenly had a lot of people. This also gave the other major powers a fright. The importance they attached to them had increased by a few points.    


The Gao Family, who was the first to bear the brunt of the attack, seemed to be flustered. They hastily called their experts back from the outside, intending to fight the opponent.    


Zhao Yiming brought his men to the city gate. He looked at the tightly shut city gate with a smile on his face.    


Wang Lijiu gave a look to the side. A burly man walked out in large strides. This fellow was once the fierce general of Iron-blood Society, Ni Longzhen. He was also a Demigod now.    


He waved a wolf's fangs mace in his hand and shouted at the city gate, "You damn birdman, why did you close the city gate? Open it for me!"    


At this time, the man with the high price had already climbed up the city wall. Gao Jiguo shouted, "You don't need to find an excuse here. We don't welcome you here. You should go to another place!"    


A guy who looked particularly wretched came out from the crowd. This guy came from the Divine Realm in the Lower Realm, but he was from the Human Clan. He was famous for being a ruffian, but he was shameless enough.    


Pei Zhong Zheng said with a wicked smile, "What do you mean by this? How could you ignore an important guest? Didn't we just eliminate one of your branches?    


How can you be so petty? We are helping you, because I accidentally got a piece of news that the boss of your branch had an affair with your wife. Your hair is even Wah! Green, green, green.    


In the end, you are just a slave to your wife. You are just angry but dare not say anything. So, I can't stand it anymore and let our young master help you get rid of them.    


Not only do you not know how to be grateful, but you also want to block our young master outside the door. Is it because you like to be a green-furred turtle? If you say yes, I'll just turn around and leave. Just pretend that we don't know each other from now on."    


Gao Jiguo's face turned red from anger, and he was about to explode from anger. However, if that guy was right, he was really just a strict wife. Moreover, his wife was also stealing people outside. It was just that she was stealing from the higher ups of a bigger force.    


This was something that everyone knew, but to be exposed in public like this, he did not have any face at all.    


He angrily roared, "You bastard, you really don't want to be a son. You actually dare to say such words. I've never met you before, so how can you frame me?"    


Pei Zhong Zheng's ability to observe words and expressions was especially strong. When he saw the other party's reaction and then looked at the other people's expressions, he smiled in his heart. He did not expect that he had guessed correctly.    


This fellow had always believed that if you hit someone, you hit them in the face, you expose them, and you bite them to death, saying nothing.    


He immediately said with a smile, "Big Brother also knows that this is talking about your sore spot. But since you like to be a green-furred turtle, why should you be afraid that everyone will say it out loud?    


I know that it's because your little bird is not useful, so sister-in-law has other thoughts. But in the past, I could give you benefits, so I won't say anything.    


But now, you are so hungry that you can't eat, and you don't even let go of a branch. If the world knows about this, what face will you have in the future? It's fine if you don't want this kind of wife! "    


His earnest and earnest manner made many of the people on the top believe him. They whispered among themselves and looked at Chief with strange eyes.    


At this moment, a woman walked out from behind. She was Gao Jiguo's wife, Liu Shuqin. She looked very elegant and elegant, but she was very coquettish in her bones.    


Liu Shuqin raised her hand and slapped Gao Jiguo. She said coldly, "You want to embarrass me here, don't you? And you want that bastard to continue talking. Don't forget that your Gao Family has today. It was all because of my body. Send someone to get rid of him for me. "    


Gao Minghui couldn't stand it any longer. He quickly stepped forward and said, "Don't talk nonsense there. I know you're trying to slander our Gao Family.    


Originally, we didn't offend you. It was you who destroyed one of our branch families, and now you've killed your way to our Zong Clan. You've really gone too far. "    


At this moment, Wang Lijiu stepped out from the crowd, laughing as he said," So what if you are too angry? To put it bluntly, we want to use you as a sacrifice.    


Right now, there aren't any powers that want to deal with our Divine Master. They want to bully our Divine Master and make him stand alone here. Now that we're here, we naturally can't allow you to be too arrogant.    


If any faction dares to target our God Lord, we will slaughter our way back. We will let all factions know who you can't afford to offend!"    


His words were extremely domineering, instantly suppressing everyone. Although the people of Phantom Plain knew that if the Ghost Domain City were to be serious with them, they would be nothing more than clowns.    


However, they didn't expect that this foreign faction would act so tyrannically at this moment. It was as if they didn't put Phantom Plain in their eyes at all, but it seemed like they also had the confidence to do so.    


Wu Xin said loudly at this time, "Since you've said so much, there's naturally no point in talking anymore. Let's see if you have the ability to do so."    


Ni Longzhen laughed loudly and said, "If this had happened earlier, things would have been over. Where did all this nonsense come from? I'll let you all see what I can do. Which bastard will come down here and face his death?"    


A person flew down and waved the weapon in his hand to sign up. Ni Longzhen did not give him the chance to speak as he swung the wolf's fangs mace over.    


That fellow did not even have three moves under his hands before being hit on the head by a wolf's fangs mace. His head was smashed into pieces and his soul completely scattered.    


One must know that ghosts cherish their lives more than humans because when a person dies, he or she can become a ghost. When a ghost dies, it will be completely over. Therefore, the remaining people looked at each other and for a moment, no one dared to make a move.    


After a moment, another guy hesitated for a moment, then he waved his saber and rushed out. However, the result was even worse. He was beaten into a meat patty in just a single exchange.    


The faces of the Gao Family's higher ups changed. They had never thought that the opponent would be so powerful. Looking at the expressions on their subordinates' faces, they immediately knew that they were no longer useful.    


Brilliant Light hesitated for a moment. He didn't dare to fight either. He wasn't sure if he could defeat that guy. Besides, there were still a lot of people who hadn't fought yet. He was afraid that even if he won, he wouldn't be able to defeat the next one.    


Zhao Yiming sneered. He stepped forward and said, "If you don't want to die, that's fine too. I'll give you all a clear path. Sign this contract with me, Second Brother, and I'll completely submit to him in the future."    


The people of Gao Family looked at each other. Everyone's eyes were filled with hesitation. Zhao Zhenlin coldly harrumphed and attacked.    


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