Super Asura System

C1147 Insolence and Lack of Assistance

C1147 Insolence and Lack of Assistance

Zhou Chunyan was sitting in her room, throwing a tantrum. She did not expect the situation to turn out like this. The enemy's vanguard had already conquered three fortresses in a row like a hot knife cutting through butter.    


The most depressing thing was that the three concubines who quickly went to defend the three fortresses had all surrendered to the enemy. This made her lose all her face.    


The remaining concubines seemed to be trembling with fear, but there were many expectations in their hearts. They were also women, so of course they also had the same thoughts.    


Li Xiaoyu said cautiously, "I have already sent people to investigate. The reason why those concubines surrendered was because there was an Acacia Sect's Sect Master among them.    


This guy's name is Zou Tao. He is a Demi-deity Stage, and he is proficient in the art of dual cultivation. It is said that he can control hundreds of concubines in one night. Although it is a little exaggerated, thirty to forty of them should be no problem for him."    


Including Zhou Chunyan, these women couldn't help but exclaim in shock. Then, they shut their mouths tightly, feeling as if a cat was scratching their hearts.    


Li Xiaoyu also calmed down and said, "And this person is Mentor Of The Ming Religion, Zhao Yiming. He is the younger brother of the fourth lady, Zou Xiaoyun. There is absolutely no possibility of instigating a rebellion."    


Another concubine, Xia Yao, said with disdain, "This subordinate is also good at dual cultivation. I don't believe that this man is really that powerful. I am willing to go out and meet him for a while."    


The other concubine, Yu Feixue, immediately said, "This subordinate is willing to go with him. We will attack them at Iron Ridge Pass. No matter what, we can't let them advance."    


Zhou Chunyan hesitated for a moment before saying, "Then we will do as you say. However, just the two of you are not enough. An Zijin, you will accompany them. You must take them down."    


An Zijin was Zhou Chunyan's confidant. Furthermore, unlike other women, she was not interested in men. This was also the reason why Zhou Chunyan was very assured.    


The Iron Ridge Pass was a barrier and also the only barrier in the Fantasy Desert. This should be considered the miracle of the Creator. Such a mountain had suddenly appeared.    


The three concubines who surrendered also had their own intelligence systems. Moreover, these three women were jealous and wanted to show that they were the most valuable.    


Fan Ling Han usually had the appearance of an ice beauty. At this time, his expression was cold as he said, "The Iron Ridge Pass is the strongest barrier here. As long as we can pass through this place, there will be a flat plain in front of us.    


The Zeng Clan defending this place is definitely the iron pole of Fantasy Blood Sea. Their clan's Zeng Zheng is a loyal servant. Moreover, his younger sister, Zeng Hua Mei, is a concubine under the Central Palace."    


Yi Li Min was a very charming woman, leaning half of her body against Zou Tao and saying, "And according to my information, this time, they sent three concubines.    


The most difficult one was An Zijin. She was different from the other concubines. She was completely a stone woman. Hence, her husband's means would probably not work on her. "    


Cao Hui said with a laugh, "It's not like your husband has to conquer her in bed. If he doesn't do anything, he can just kill her."    


Cao Wei also said with a laugh, "The first three stages rely on his means. The fourth stage should also show our strength."    


However, their thoughts would ultimately fail. No one knew what these three concubines were thinking, but after coming here, they used swift and decisive means to take down Zeng Zheng.    


Although that old man was a Demi-deity Stage expert, he couldn't withstand Xia Yao and him using his own ability during the chaos. As a result, he was sucked into a single person.    


When the three of them opened the door and surrendered to them, Shao Jun and the others were speechless. They had no idea what was going on.    


Everyone sat in the main hall. Shao Jun said with a smile, "Ladies, you are all wise and righteous. I am very grateful for your help."    


An Zijin said with a cold expression, "Don't talk about this here. The reason why I agreed to let the two of them surrender is because of you. It's also because I don't like the way the blood pool does things. I can't bear to see those babies die.    


It's a pity that my ability is limited and I can't save them. Hence, I don't want to be a villain for the tiger. It's said that there's more to help but less to help. Now that the blood pool has lost its Dao, I don't want to help them.    


However, those people were my sisters after all, and I don't want to meet them with weapons either. Tomorrow, I'll leave on my own and come here to see if I can see or not."    


Xia Yao said with a seductive expression," I'm not as noble as her. However, I'm also a person who cultivates the dual cultivation method. So, I want to find a like-minded person. I hope that Zou Sect Master won't disappoint me! "    


Zou Tao said with a smile, "I believe that with my ability, I can satisfy you. Why don't we exchange pointers later?"    


Yu Feixue was also a beautiful woman with a dignified expression. She coughed lightly and said, "I only lost my virginity once, and it was Lord Of The Blood Sea who stole my red pill. I don't want to share my man with so many women, so I want to choose one of you."    


After saying that, she pointed at Ling Tian Yu and said, "If you don't mind me, I'm willing to be your woman. Furthermore, I won't be able to live for the rest of my life. I know that my body is broken, so I won't be your wife. How about being an ordinary wife? "    


Ling Tian Yu had never asked for a wife, but he had done many things in the past. At this time, he smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem. It is my honor to be favored by a beauty."    


The Iron Ridge Pass being conquered was a huge blow to Zhou Chunyan, especially her most trusted confidant. He actually said that he would be able to help but not help. It made her feel very passive and awkward.    


She looked at the people below with a cold expression. Now, only the heads of the two academies and the eighteen concubines were left. Although the main force was still there, her mind was not stable.    


At this time, Ma Dong Xue stepped forward and said, "After the Iron Ridge Pass is lost, it is a flat land ahead of us. I hope to lead the nine concubines under my command to stop the enemy's vanguard forces in Wangyu City."    


Zhou Chunyan nodded and said, "This time, I will depend on you. I hope you will not disappoint me."    


Ma Dong Xue said with a serious look, "Rest assured, my lord. I am not an ignorant woman. Of course, I know what to do."    


Ma Dong Xue did not have any intention of hiding anything. She brought people with her and entered Wangyu City. The original City Lord, Ye Zhiqiu, was her lover.    


She said with a serious face, "I believe you already know what happened earlier. We have six concubines who have rebelled. Five of them have defected to the enemy. I don't want to say who is right and who is wrong, but we must fight to the end."    


Ye Zhiqiu nodded with a firm expression. He stood side by side with her on the city wall, their fingers tightly interlocked.    


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