Super Asura System

C1146 Plenty of Help

C1146 Plenty of Help

At this time, Shao Jun was leading everyone in the camp to discuss about today's battle. They had lost two elders today, but the result was extraordinary.    


In fact, there were only seven major sects in Nine Sects Of The Demonic Sect. The Heaven Mending Sect had already merged with the Assassin Union and was under Xia Fei's control.    


The Devil Thief Sect and the Thief Sect had merged into the intelligence system. Naturally, Chen Xiaodao was the leader of them. However, apart from this kid, Baili Rainbow was also a big shot. These two guys had already started a fight.    


Gao Shijun also said with a deadpan face, "Although our result today is not bad, we are still limited in terms of manpower. If we waste our manpower like this, it would not be worth it."    


Zhang Yun nodded and said, "What Brother Master said is right. But as the vanguard, if we can't even open this door, it would be a disgrace."    


The families of White Cloud Valley were living in fear. Although Zhao Yiming did not want to argue with them, it did not mean that they were not afraid. That was why they wanted to show off this time.    


Liu Wu said with a calm expression, "No matter what, we have to conquer this place. Tomorrow, our families will be willing to be the vanguard and strive for better results."    


Shao Jun's facial expression suddenly changed, and he said, "Who are you? Come out!"    


A burst of lovely laughter was heard. A woman appeared in the void. Everyone was startled. This woman was precisely the woman from the day, Yun Yulian.    


Yun Yulian said with a smile, "All of you are old men. Don't tell me you are afraid of a weak woman like me!"    


Zhao Zhaozhong shouted sternly, "What are you doing here, woman? Do you really think we have no one here?"    


Yun Yulian said nonchalantly, "Old man, you are so old. Why do you have such a big temper? This is not good. Be careful that your blood vessels explode.    


I have something to discuss with you guys. I know that your Ming Cult is very powerful and you have Holy Maiden in your hands. This time, you have once again occupied the righteous cause.    


We are just canaries in the cage. We don't want to be buried with them. So, we would like to have a talk with you guys to let us live. How about it?"    


Shao Jun replied with a cold expression," We only want to kill the head of evil, and we don't want to kill all of you. As for whether there is a way out or not, it depends on your choice. "    


Yun Yulian said with a smile, "Then we are very grateful. This time, not only me, but also my remaining sisters. But Lin Peiting is very capable. You have to deal with her yourself."    


Chen Zitian immediately said, "Who knows if this is your plan or not? You want to trick us?"    


Shao Jun casually waved his hand and said, "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't be able to obtain the tiger's nest. I will believe her this time. Tonight, I will go with you and kill that woman."    


Zou Tao said with a smile, "You are the commander of our team. How can you take the risk alone? You are just a woman. Why don't you leave it to me?    


The path of dual cultivation in Acacia Sect is best when it comes to dealing with women. Perhaps I can conquer this woman and become our assistant. "    


Yun Yulian's eyes lit up. She said with a smile, "That depends on your ability. If you really have this ability, it's not impossible for you to conquer the entire Fantasy Blood Sea in the future."    


The two of them soon left the camp and arrived at the Sandstorm Castle. At this time, Feng Beihua had already prepared everything and was ready to launch the final attack.    


Lin Peiting was sitting in her room, drinking a cup of wine. Suddenly, she said with a cold expression, "Who is outside? Come in."    


Zou Tao looked frivolous and opened the door with a smile. He walked in and said, "She is indeed a beauty. She is different from the battlefield. Isn't it lonely to be alone in an empty room?"    


Lin Peiting's face turned cold and said, "You are really bold to come here alone. It seems that they are really going to betray me."    


Zou Tao said with a smile, "Since ancient times, there have been many ways to help. This also means that we have gained the recognition of most people. You are going against the rules now."    


Yun Yulian walked in from the outside and said with a smile, "Master, don't insist here. We are already very miserable being caged birds. Why continue to work for us?"    


Lin Peiting snorted from her nose and said, "You slut. You actually want to betray Fantasy Blood Sea. Aren't you afraid of death?"    


Yun Yulian shook her head and said, "Master should know that I am proficient in the art of changing. Lord Of The Blood Sea's anger is at its end. This time, someone will definitely replace him. Why should we accompany him to death? Master, why don't you try this person in front of you? Perhaps you can entrust it to me for the rest of your life. "    


Lin Peiting frowned slightly. Of course, she knew what her subordinate was capable of. When she took a closer look at Zou Tao, for some reason, she felt a ripple in her heart.    


She smiled charmingly and said, "What you said makes some sense, but it's not that easy to conquer me."    


Zou Tao immediately smiled and said, "Then Madam, why don't you give it a try!"    


Yun Yulian tactfully retreated. The garden was naturally filled with spring. After a storm of clouds and rain, Lin Peiting completely submitted.    


She used her hand to draw circles on Zou Tao's chest and said, "You are really an enemy. You made me submit to you physically and mentally. I am willing to die together with you, an enemy."    


A complacent smile emerged on Zou Tao's face. He had already mastered the most powerful Cultivation Method of Acacia Sect, the pinnacle of the Acacia Yin Yang skill. Conquering this kind of woman wasn't a problem for him at all.    


In the next two days, he had arranged for his men to conquer all the remaining Palace Maid. It could be said that he had conquered the entire Sandstorm Castle with his own strength.    


Shao Jun sighed and said, "Sure enough, there are experts in every field. It seems like the Acacia Sect exists to suppress the Fantasy Blood Sea."    


After everything was prepared, the follow-up troops of the Ming Cult had arrived. Naturally, the Feng Family was still the leader of the Sandstorm Castle, but they had already informed the world of their betrayal.    


Shao Jun led the vanguard troops and continued forward. It should be said that after the Sandstorm Castle was taken down, the door to the Fantasy Desert was completely opened, and the next step was to march straight into the desert.    


Lin Peiting and the others also followed the vanguard. With the existence of these local tyrants, everything went smoothly in all aspects. The next two forces of resistance were Lin Peiting's good sisters.    


With the help of Lin Peiting, these two concubines naturally became the women by Zou Tao's side. The remaining Palace Maid was also taken down. Compared to the Fantasy Blood Sea, Palace Maid was also taken down. They hoped to be pampered every day. Their current days were their favorite.    


It was always so simple to deal with women. As long as you could catch what they needed, you could control their hearts in the shortest amount of time. Once their hearts were controlled, they would be loyal to you.    


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