Super Asura System

C1153 Lost Flower City 4

C1153 Lost Flower City 4

After Shao Jun asked about the situation, he knew that today would be a tough battle. It was obvious that the other side was tired of it and was planning to fight the main force.    


Lin Cai strode to the front and shouted with a calm voice, "This old man is Lin Cai of Haotian Sect. Which b * tch came here to die?"    


A girl flew down from the city wall and shouted with a cold face, "You old fool, don't speak so arrogantly here. I am He Man, the concubine. Today, I will end your life."    


This woman's weapon was a pair of short swords, and what Lin Cai welcomed was a pair of palms. This was a real battle between experts. The first exchange of blows was enough to send sand and stones flying.    


The martial art that Lin Ji used was called Seven Evil Palm. Each palm contained seven different types of force. These forces had endless variations, and it was also impossible to guard against them.    


He Man's pair of short swords danced like flowers. Suddenly, she raised her hands and shot out the short swords. Lin Cai flashed across an iron bridge. He did not expect that the short swords would turn around and fly back.    


His figure once again flashed. These two short swords were like flying swords, flying in the air without stopping. It was indeed hard to guard against them.    


Lin Cai was exhausted from running. However, a short sword circled around his neck and flew over. Initially, he did not care about it. Suddenly, his neck hurt and his head fell down.    


It was only then that everyone saw clearly that there was a silk thread that was as thin as spider silk on the hilt of the two short swords. One end of the silk thread was connected to the ring on He Man's hand to control the short swords.    


Lin Cai was also confused by the opponent. He did not guard against the silk thread and ended up being wrapped around his neck. The sharp silk thread cut off his head in an instant.    


At this time, Li Jiaquan shouted, "What a shameless and shameless woman. Let me experience your abilities."    


The weapon in his hand was a pair of short sticks. He faced the opponent and waved the pair of short sticks up and down. Soon, he was in a deadlock with the opponent.    


He twisted the short sticks in the air and wrapped them around the short sticks. Then he took them back with force. The two of them fought like this. Women were not as strong as men after all, and he brought them in front of him.    


He suddenly threw the short rod to the side, and punched out fiercely with both fists. The pair of iron fists went straight for the opponent's head, but he did not have the slightest bit of compassion for women.    


He Man used her finger to press on the ring, and the two rings immediately fell to the ground. After her hands fell out, she performed a palm technique and hit the other party in one spot.    


Her palm technique was also very exquisite. It was different from her opponent's Fist Arts. She walked a very delicate path and intended to use softness to counter hardness.    


After exchanging more than ten moves, she suddenly shot out two sleeve arrows from her sleeve. Li Jiaquan was unable to dodge in time, so he was hit in the chest by the two sleeve arrows. After that, he was hit by two palm strikes, and only then did he die.    


Lu Tingting was furious. With a sway of her body, she pounced forward. Both of her palms were connected in a row as she fought with her opponent.    


The attacks of these two women were very spicy. There was no room for negotiation at all. Each of their moves were deadly.    


He Man used the same trick again. Two arrows shot out from her back. Lu Tingting did not dodge or dodge. She let the two arrows hit her chest. Then, she smashed her opponent's head with a gust of wind.    


Lu Tingting shook her clothes and the two arrows fell to the ground. It turned out that she was wearing a soft armor. Naturally, she was not afraid of the arrows.    


Another shout came from the city wall. A woman flew down and pointed at Lu Tingting, saying, "What a cunning woman. I am the concubine, Wei Min. Today, I will seek justice for my sisters."    


Lu Tingting snorted in disdain. "Do you mean that only your state officials are allowed to set fire to the city and not us civilians? Let's see what happens!"    


Wei Min's martial arts were also quite powerful. She practiced a very strange soft fist. She quickly gained the upper hand with the Eight Trigrams Steps.    


She continuously punched Lu Tingting's body. A very gentle force passed through the soft armor and worked on her opponent's body, quickly shattering her internal organs.    


At this time, the Tou Luo Monastery's secular disciple, Wang Danren, also walked out with large strides. This fellow also walked a fierce and fierce path. The iron wire fist in his hand had boundless power.    


However, this Wei Min used softness to counter toughness. The two of them did not even fight more than ten times, but Wang Danren was firmly suppressed by her. Very soon, he was only able to parry and did not have the strength to fight back. In the end, he could only die on the spot.    


Wei Min killed in all directions in a short period of time, killing several experts in a row. At this time, Zhang Yunyi snorted from his nose and his figure flashed to meet her.    


As one of the three great disciples of the Blood Corpse Sect, Zhang Yunyi's abilities were much stronger than the others, especially the Illusory Yin Blood Finger that he cultivated. Its power was even more shocking.    


After the two exchanged more than ten moves, Wei Min slowly felt that the illusion before her eyes had been reborn, and very soon, she was unable to differentiate north, south, east, and west. In the end, she was pointed at and her life ended.    


The remaining seven concubines looked at each other, and a guy who looked like a tomboy roared and pounced down from the city tower.    


This tomboy coldly shouted, "I am Zhong Lijuan, the concubine. Today, I will let you experience my abilities."    


This woman's leg technique was very powerful. Her two kicks were like a flower blooming. Everyone could see the shadows of her legs. She did not give Zhang Yunyi any chances at all.    


To these half-step Deity Stage experts, they had already refined the Playing Field. Naturally, they did not open the Playing Field, but they could borrow the Playing Field's attributes.    


It was difficult to determine victory or defeat in a short period of time. Zhang Yunyi suddenly pointed his finger at the center of the opponent's foot. This was the strongest part of attacking the enemy. Usually, the strongest part was also the weakest part.    


He saw the effect of his finger and broke the opponent's leg bone in an instant. Then, he moved forward again and pointed his finger at the center of the opponent's brows.    


After killing two concubines in a row, Zhang Yunyi's morale was also high because he arrogantly shouted at the top of the city wall, "Who else came down to die?"    


A woman with a baby-face flew down. This woman said with a beaming smile, "Your Excellency is truly capable. I am the concubine, Hu Qing. What I love the most is a strong man like you. Fighting and killing will hurt the scenery. Why don't we talk about romance? "    


Zhang Yunyi's eyes suddenly became very blurred. He laughed foolishly and said: "Of course that's the best. Let big brother pamper you."    


Hu Qing laughed and snuggled into his arms. She used her red lips to cut across his neck. She spat out a blade from her mouth and cut off his artery in an instant.    


Zhang Yun seemed to be very happy. He did not even know the pain. He just let the blood flow like this and did not make any sound for a moment.    


Hu Qing said with a smile, "This brother is really not fun. Who else wants to play with me?"    


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