Super Asura System

C1096 Stunning Steps

C1096 Stunning Steps

Finally, the monster was killed, and just as it fell, a secret door suddenly appeared on the wall, and then the door slowly opened.    


Everyone cautiously entered the secret door and found that there was a large cave behind the door. However, there was no pond below this time, but there was a huge ice stone.    


Just as everyone was pondering what was going on, the ice suddenly changed. It turned into a three-meter tall ice stone beast and opened its mouth to spit out a mouthful of cold air.    


The few fellows closest to him didn't even have the chance to react before they were sprayed directly and turned into ice sticks.    


The ice rock beast picked up the ice sticks and chewed them as soon as they entered its mouth. Then, it swallowed them and turned them into a part of its body.    


Everyone jumped in fright and immediately attacked this fellow with all their might. However, this fellow was truly worthy of being called a stone. His knife and spear only left a white spot on the ice, and it could not hurt him at all.    


Wen Bixie shouted, "Everyone, don't blindly attack. According to the principle of mutual augmentation and suppression, all fire-type beasts should focus on attacking."    


After everyone heard his shout, a portion of fire-type experts immediately split up and began to increase the strength of their attacks, attacking the beast with all their might.    


It should be said that the mutual suppression of attributes was indeed very powerful. When these attacks landed on the giant beast's body, it also caused great damage to the giant beast. Although the giant beast continuously spat out cold air, it still seemed to be of no help.    


After continuously attacking for an incense stick, this huge beast finally collapsed with a loud bang. Its body turned into pieces, and these pieces formed an ice bridge that connected to the new secret door.    


Everyone looked at each other. They did not expect this place to be like this. However, there was no way back, so they could only grit their teeth and charge forward.    


Everyone stepped over the ice bridge. This time, they did not come to the same cave. Instead, they came to a huge square. There were many strange-looking stone statues on the square.    


Xiao Gang led a few people forward quickly. When they arrived at the center of the stone statue forest, these stone statues suddenly moved, and their speed was very fast.    


Facing the stone statues' attacks, these people did not even have time to scream before they were turned into meat paste by these stone statues.    


Everyone was also extremely shocked. After these stone statues destroyed them, they immediately turned around and pounced towards everyone, and everyone could only brace themselves and face them.    


This time, it was different from the previous times. They were no longer ganging up on each other. Instead, they were fighting in two groups. Although Zhao Yiming and the others still had the advantage in numbers, there was still a huge gap between them and before.    


After fighting with these stone statues, they found that they were like living beings. They were not controlled by some mechanism, but a real race.    


After breaking the stone statues, one would find a heart like stone in the ruins. These stones seemed to be very powerful, and seemed to have the same attributes as the Spirit Crystal.    


After killing all of these stone statues, what appeared in front of them this time wasn't a secret door, but a magnificent door.    


Everyone immediately pushed the door open and walked in. What appeared in front of them was a palace. It was a real palace, absolutely magnificent and magnificent.    


Zhao Yiming hesitated for a moment and said, "This palace should be left behind by the Tong Family in the past. I'm afraid it's the place where they lived. I don't know what kind of danger is inside. Everyone, don't spread out."    


Wen Bixie rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "I completely agree with Young Master Zhao's opinion. But everyone, please be careful. I believe there must be a lot of good stuff here."    


Zhao Yiming immediately understood what he meant. He snorted disdainfully in his heart, but he said with a smile on his face, "If everyone isn't afraid of danger, I don't mind moving around freely."    


Those old men from before were actually following him. Wen Bixie had also gathered a lot of people from the other two teams. Obviously, they wanted to part ways.    


Zhao Yiming waved his hand casually and said, "Since ancient times, the melon that was twisted by force is not sweet. If you guys want to move around freely, I will wish you all good luck here."    


Everyone quickly split into two groups and moved forward. Because Zhao Yiming had a map in his mind, he knew that this palace was actually a tomb. It was definitely not a good place.    


Therefore, he did not bring everyone into the palace. Instead, he quietly walked along the path in front of the palace and went around it. Not long after they walked out of the palace, the entire palace fell into the ground.    


As for Wen Bixie and the others, they naturally didn't have the chance to escape from the palace. They sank along with the palace and became nourishment for the earth.    


Zhao Yiming sighed and said, "A man's heart is not enough to swallow an elephant. How can the other party make it so obvious? Since I have eaten the meat, of course I will let you guys have a taste of the soup."    


Xie Fanghua laughed and said, "That fellow is using a petty person's heart to judge a gentleman's heart. Husband is magnanimous. Why would he lower himself to their level? Besides, they have already paid the price. Next, we will have to rely on ourselves. "    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile," Actually, it's not a big deal. After passing this palace, we will be able to reach our destination. "    


Under his lead, they walked for more than an hour in a row. Finally, they arrived at a cave. There was a temple inside the cave.    


This temple was the biggest treasure. It was said that it worshiped a true god, but it had been too long ago. This god had probably fallen.    


Everyone quietly entered the temple. This place looked very eerie and terrifying. From time to time, there were bats flying over. These bats were all blood-sucking bats, and they caused a lot of trouble for everyone.    


Fortunately, there were no casualties. Everyone quickly entered the core area of the temple and saw a coffin placed there. The coffin even gave off a faint fragrance.    


"Congratulations to host for completing the mission. You have completely explored the Black Moon Cave. According to the reward of the mission, host has officially advanced to the half-step God Level."    


Zhao Yiming was surprised and delighted. He was happy that he had advanced to the half-step God Level, but he was also shocked by the coffin in front of him. It seemed like this wasn't an easy task.    


He pointed at the coffin with his finger and said, "This is the last treasure. Which one of you would like to take a look?"    


Successful Shui Ruo's eyes suddenly became blurred. He couldn't help but walk over and place his hand on the coffin. The coffin quickly decayed and turned into ashes.    


She stood there with her back facing everyone. She seemed to have become very stiff. No one knew what had happened.    


Yang Xiaokun walked over quickly and placed his hand on her shoulder. Just as he was about to ask her what had happened, she suddenly turned around and inserted her hand into his chest.    


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