Super Asura System

C960 The Contradicting Goguryeons

C960 The Contradicting Goguryeons

At this time, Zhao Yiming was leisurely staying in the Golly. There were a lot of exotic customs here, and they were connected to the Falling Moon Empire. They had always been a vassal state.    


However, after various problems occurred in the Falling Moon Empire, they slowly gave up on the management of the vassal kingdoms, which allowed the Golly to develop further.    


After the development of the Golly, they actually became extremely arrogant. No one knew where their abnormal confidence came from, but they actually claimed that they were the only ones in the world.    


All the outstanding people had the bloodline of Golly, and they had suffered a lot because of this. However, they did not have a good memory, and after slapping the left side of their face, they still stuck out their right side.    


According to their king, they used virtue to convince people. You just have to whip as much as you want until you submit.    


The Three Great Empires seemed very helpless in the face of their shameless methods. Adding the Sea Clan's interference, they had no way of dealing with them.    


This time, Zhao Yiming was very ruthless. He killed all of their elite teams, and the so-called official First Expert was completely buried in the sea.    


However, Golly people didn't feel that anything was wrong with all of this. Instead, they focused all of their attention on researching which generation Zhao Yiming would have the bloodline of Golly if he went against his ancestors.    


Although this world was very developed, there were still many things that were somewhat backward. Just like when Zhao Yiming was walking on the street, no one could recognize him.    


Because it was once a vassal state of the Falling Moon Empire, the Gold Banknotes was also popular here. Furthermore, in terms of language, it was also used in the common language of the continent.    


He found a wine shop here, opened the door curtain, and walked in. He saw many people wearing ethnic clothing drinking leisurely there.    


He casually threw 20 taels of Gold Banknotes to Little Twenty, then said loudly, "If you have anything good, take it out for me. This is a reward for you."    


The waiter nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you, sir, for the reward. Sir, follow me upstairs and sit. There's a good quality Private Room on top."    


Zhao Yiming smiled and shook his head. He threw 10 taels of Gold Banknotes to the waiter and said, "I'm willing to sit in the hall. I can also hear some new things from everyone. Get me a clean table."    


The waiter hurriedly nodded in agreement. He also knew that these rich young masters might not have any hobbies. In the past, he had heard that there were people who were willing to pretend to be beggars and called themselves Su Qiers.    


Soon, the food and drinks were served. He looked around with a smile and said, "The money of the people here today is all mine. I wonder if there are any new things."    


When these people heard this, they were extremely happy. Everyone quickly asked for a plate of dishes. This kind of good thing could not be encountered every day, and it was very rare to see a spendthrift.    


A fellow dressed like a scholar raised his wine cup and said, "Many thanks, brother. If you want to talk about the most recent matters, there are only three.    


The first is our main voyage squadron. In the waters of Tan Family Island, we were ambushed by the Ming Cult. In the end, all the crew members killed ten times the number of enemies, and they all died heroically. "    


An old man beside him said in a low voice, "Actually, this is what the officials said. I have a nephew who knows the truth. They were defeated in a head-on battle. What ten times their number of enemies? I heard that the enemy only had two or three ships.    


Mentor Of The Ming Religion is not an ordinary person. He summoned a sea monster that has been sleeping at the bottom of the sea for tens of thousands of years and destroyed our fleet in an instant. Master Park Wuji was also eaten. "    


The guy dressed as a scholar coughed a few times and looked around. He said," I heard about this too. It's really terrifying.    


I heard Master Park was eaten by an explosion. That was terrible. It sounded like a heart-wrenching pain. If he could find a sea monster, how could he fight it?"    


A fat guy next to him immediately said, "But I heard about Mentor Of The Ming Religion and Zhao Yiming. According to his ancestral record, he was actually the royal family of Golly during the 18th generation.    


Our current royal family is actually a rebel. They used despicable and despicable means to kill many people of the royal family, leaving only a little prince under the protection of an expert from Falling Moon Empire with the surname Zhao.    


He escaped to Falling Moon Empire, but his bloodline could no longer be awakened. Later, he changed his surname to Zhao with that expert. It was only after Zhao Yiming's generation that his bloodline awakened.    


Furthermore, it alarmed the old ancestor. The old ancestor purposely descended to the mortal world to edify him, which is also his so-called master. Think about it, if it wasn't for your ancestor, who would be willing to do their best to help you?"    


The scholarly man immediately said," This is the second new thing I want to talk about. This matter has already spread throughout the neighborhood.    


Moreover, under the lead of Dean Park Quan, our Orthodox Academy has already investigated the secret records. This matter is definitely true, but it has already been so many years. He might not necessarily approve of it."    


The old man immediately said, "As long as it is true, why doesn't he recognize it? Could it be that he can forget his own ancestors? This is the pride of our highly secretive people.    


However, what if he calls us back? Should we support him, or should we support the current royal family? Logically speaking, if he wants to take back his things, there shouldn't be anything wrong with it. "    


At this time, the waiter also interrupted and said," But you can't say that. The royal family has been ruling this place for many years now. It had been passed down for more than ten generations, and he was now a member of the Falling Moon Empire. It's not good to come back and fight for the throne! "    


The fat guy immediately said, "I don't think there's anything bad about it. The hatred of extermination is irreconcilable, especially now that the Imperial Family is rebelling. This is a criminal who has offended his superiors. What's wrong with him coming here to clean up his family?"    


The scholarly man nodded and said, "Although that's what you said, that expert surnamed Zhao at that time... He also has a son, and there are two people in the Zhao Family's generation. Do you think the other one has the bloodline of our Golly? "    


Zhao Yiming felt like his lungs were going to explode when he heard the joyful discussion between these guys. He really wanted to stand up and shout, "You are the ones with the bloodline of Golly. All of you have the bloodline of Golly."    


However, after thinking about it for a moment, he realized that it was useless. These guys were originally Golly people, so of course they had the bloodline of the Golly. It would be strange if they didn't have the bloodline of the Golly.    


He took a breath and said, "Didn't you just say that you have three new things? I don't know what the other thing is?"    


The guy dressed like a scholar chuckled and said, "Don't worry, young master. You know that Master Park Wuji died on the battlefield in the end.    


For this, Lord Jin Tongming has decided to gather the experts of Golly and hold a martial arts seminar. He will choose another expert and become the new official First Expert. "    


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