Super Asura System

C800 Heavy Losses

C800 Heavy Losses

After the change in power, everyone's mentality changed. Duanmu Yun hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he still chose to leave.    


In his opinion, even if he could get the Martial Arts Crystallization in the end, he would never be able to take it with him. These guys were all eyeing him covetously, and the possibility of him getting killed was even higher.    


Xiahou Dejun made the same choice as him. Although things were good, if he lost his life to enjoy them, it would be better to have nothing.    


Zhao Yiming smiled helplessly. There were really only a few people left by his side. But thinking about it, this was only natural. Why would he risk his life with him?    


Moreover, if it wasn't for the people of Dry Boundary, everyone might still try their best, but with the current situation, who knew if they would be willing to sacrifice their lives for someone else.    


Fang Huayuan laughed and said, "The current situation seems to be very unfavorable to us. But I think we should still try. Maybe our luck is good!"    


At this moment, Leng Wuren said, "Now that there are so many Sovereign Stage warriors outside, it's not a good thing for us. I will bring a group of people back with me. At least we can keep them in check."    


Long Cangtian hesitated for a moment and said, "What you said makes sense. Then you can bring them back! You must be careful. Leave those who have bad tempers with me."    


When he saw that the number of enemies had also decreased by quite a bit, Situ Huacrab said with a smile, "It seems that these guys are also worried. They are afraid of being ambushed by us!"    


Zhao Zhenlin said with a smile, "This is also expected. If it was us, we would also be worried. However, this is a good thing for us. At least our opponents are much fewer."    


Mo Lingfeng smiled and said, "There are still eight bridges here. My sister and the others will take the first bridge. Why don't we take the last one? What do you think?"    


Zhao Zhenlin said very casually, "Then I will accompany you and see if I can get anything good!"    


The two of them stepped onto the last bridge and disappeared. Now, there were only three people left on Zhao Yiming's side, and there were still more than twenty people from the Dry Boundary.    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile, "We have reached out two more bridges. It seems that it's your turn now, isn't it?"    


Wang Chao said casually, "I think you haven't figured out the situation yet! Now that we have the absolute advantage, you should continue to explore the way. "    


Zhao Yiming curled his lips and said, "Are you joking with me? When is the strength comparison about the number of people? If you don't believe me, let's fight now. "    


Long Cangtian waved his hand and said, "Didn't I say that I won't let you speak nonsense? What nonsense are you spouting here? I'll let you explore a bridge and see if your life is as tough as your mouth. "    


Wang Chao looked at Long Cangtian with resentment, but he didn't dare to refute. After hesitating for a moment, he chose the second bridge from the last bridge.    


He cautiously stepped onto the bridge. However, after a dozen steps, flames suddenly emerged from his seven orifices and burned him to ashes. The bridge then disappeared.    


Another person braced himself and walked out. He was one of the people in the corner of the group. It was normal for the weak to go there at this time.    


This kid chose the second bridge, but just as he was about to step onto the bridge, Zhao Yiming stopped him and said, "You will only die if you do this. If my guess is correct, then the bridge will either be the first or the last one."    


In the end, this brat didn't appreciate it at all. He shouted, "Don't try to trick me. I don't believe you."    


After he finished speaking, he stepped onto the bridge. However, not far away, a gust of cold wind blew past, and he was frozen into a block of ice. He fell into the river, and the bridge naturally disappeared.    


Zhao Yiming said with a serious expression, "For the sake of fairness, you guys will send someone to scout the bridge first, and then our people will go up."    


Long Cangtian nodded, and then two more people walked out of the third and seventh bridges they chose. Naturally, they died.    


This time it was Zhao Yiming's and the others' turn. Fang Hua smiled and said, "They don't believe you, but I believe you. I'll bet on a 50% chance. If I lose, I can't blame anyone else."    


He stepped onto the first bridge. The road ahead was very smooth. When he was about to reach the other side, the water suddenly surged. A huge tentacle stretched out and dragged him down.    


Zhao Yiming was silent for a minute and then said, "I believe I made the right choice. I'll walk on the last bridge. If I lose, you can leave."    


Situ Huacrab nodded and said, "You don't need to tell me this. I will deal with them all by myself. Do you think I am stupid?"    


It would be a lie to say that Zhao Yiming was not afraid. After all, no one in this world was not afraid of death. He cautiously walked forward step by step. When he arrived at the bridge, he stopped.    


He took a deep breath and stepped on the bridge. He firmly walked down step by step. Soon, he was one step away from the other side of the bridge.    


He stopped again and took a deep breath. Then, he used his feet to step on the bridge. Like a great Peng spreading its wings, he leapt towards the other side of the bridge.    


When he stood firmly on the other side, his back was covered in cold sweat. His clothes were completely drenched. It could be seen how nervous he was just now.    


Long Cangtian and the others cheered. Soon, they arrived at the opposite bank of the bridge. At this moment, there was a rumbling sound. All the bridges sank to the bottom of the river. Everyone was advancing but not retreating.    


At this moment, they realized that the throne that seemed to be very close to them was sometimes far away. Even those stone statues seemed to be very far away.    


Situ Huacrab hesitated for a moment and said, "It seems like there's a lot of trouble ahead. Now, there are only two people left on our side. I think it's better for me to go back."    


In the end, after he said this, there was no change at all. He said to go back several times, but he was still here.    


Long Cangtian shook his head and said, "It seems that after crossing the bridge, how can we really be considered to have entered the door? We can only move forward and not retreat, and we can't stop playing midway."    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "Then we are really grasshoppers on the same boat now. If we are suspicious of each other, I'm afraid we will all be left here as fertilizers."    


Long Cangtian said with an indifferent face, "You are Holy Maiden's man. Originally, I didn't want to do anything to you. Let's continue walking like this and see what the result is!"    


They continued to move forward quickly, but the two sides of the road were very monotonous. It was just a bare stone wall. There was not even a mural on it.    


After walking for about an incense stick of time, the road ahead suddenly opened up. A huge chessboard appeared in front of everyone. It looked like they were going to play a game of chess.    


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