Super Asura System

C576 If You Want It I'll Give It to You

C576 If You Want It I'll Give It to You

After Yao Ri finished reading Devil Master's decree, Xue Shaozhu knew that he had been fooled by Devil Master. He was now in a dilemma.    


If he wanted to continue attacking, he would have lost the reason to attack. If he wanted to retreat, this would be the first thing he would do. How could he maintain his face if he returned with nothing?    


However, he had a smile on his face. Fortunately, that mysterious master had already prepared a trump card for him. At this time, he would let everyone know about the hidden forces of the Demon Army.    


After Yao Ri and the others left, he said with a smile on his face, "Young Master Zhao is indeed very capable. He can even talk to the Magister's Palace. I'll give you some face and let go of your mother-in-law and wife.    


It seemed like all the princes were here to pick their wives. Since they were all from the Devil Sect, it wouldn't be difficult for me to help all of you. All of you can take away the people you have chosen.    


However, this matter isn't over just like that. I'll introduce a person to everyone. I believe that Xu Sect Master would like to meet him as well. After all, you have looked for her many times back then. "    


After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands. Soon, a figure rushed over from afar. It was a dignified looking woman. One could vaguely see the beauty of her youth.    


Tears immediately emerged in Xu Baixian's eyes and her voice trembled as she said, "Is Eldest Senior Sister really you?"    


Gu Junying lightly sighed and said, "It has been many years since we last met. Regarding the matter of you looking for me everywhere back then, I also know everything.    


But because of the special circumstances back then, I was unable to come out to meet you. I hope that you do not blame me. All these years, you have helped me manage the sect very well. It is really hard on you."    


Xu Baixian did not continue to speak but said, "Before Master left, he kept muttering about you and was thinking about your safety. Senior sister should go to the ancestral hall to pay respects to Master!"    


Gu Junying's brows slightly wrinkled and thought in her heart, This person really knows how to give. Back then, that little girl was in charge of the sect for so many years. It had also become somewhat routine. He actually knew how to pull a thousand kilograms with four taels. She wants to change the topic. "    


She smiled and waved her hand, saying, "There is a long way to go. You can worship Master whenever you want. Let's talk about today's matter first. Now that the Demon Emperor has appeared again, you should swear your loyalty!"    


Li Xiaojuan immediately said," Eldest Senior Sister's words are wrong. The era of the Devil Emperor has already passed. Now that Devil Master is in power, it's better for you to not swear your loyalty to him. "    


Sun Aiping also said, "Moreover, we have always adopted a neutral policy. There is no need to swear loyalty to anyone. That would be inconsistent with our sect's policy. It's better to remain neutral."    


Ni Hongying also said with a smile, "Moreover, this matter should be decided by the Sect Chief. Although Eldest Senior Sister was our leader back then, she was not the Sect Chief after all."    


Dong Shuhua added, "Eldest Senior Sister has been wandering outside for so long. When she comes back, she will tell us what to do. It seems that it is not right. It is better to go and pay a visit to the former Sect Chief first."    


Gu Junying did not pay attention to the four of them. Instead, she looked at Xu Baixian and said, "I wonder what Junior Sister is thinking?"    


A trace of hesitation appeared on Xu Baixian's face, but then she said, "Our sect's policy was set by the previous sect masters. As long as I am still the sect master, I will not agree to change it."    


Gu Junying's face changed slightly and then she lightly sighed and said, "Why do you want to force senior sister? I will show you one thing."    


As she spoke, she took out a jade pendant from her bosom, then said: "When I left back then, master gave me the sect master's token. He said that when I came back, he would take over the sect master's position. Now I am back. I don't know what junior sister thinks."    


Hou Chaobai lightly waved the folding fan in his hand and said, "This doesn't make sense. The war between the Righteous and Devilish Dao is extremely dangerous. Why would he wear the Sect Master's token on you? If you die on the road, the token will be lost."    


Song Wufu also chimed in from the side," Senior Brother Hou is right. I think this token of yours is not something that you didn't want to participate in, but you didn't dare to not go. You stole it from Master in the future! "    


Xu Baixian waved her hand and said, "Nephew, there is no need to doubt. I believe in Eldest Senior Sister's character. And looking at the situation at that time, Master definitely thought that Eldest Senior Sister would not go to the battlefield. At most, she would only wave the flag and shout.    


Moreover, in the war between the righteous and the evil, almost no one would kill us. Most of them were captured and eventually became other people's wives. "    


Gu Junying nodded her head in satisfaction and said, "Junior sister is quite knowledgeable. I acknowledge your position as the Sect Master all these years. If you swear loyalty, then I will give you the token. You will still be the Sect Master."    


Xu Baixian lightly sighed and said, "Thank you senior sister for your good intentions, but my thoughts will not change."    


Gu Junying's face immediately changed. She did not expect Junior Sister to be so stubborn back then. Just as she wanted to speak, she saw Junior Sister waving her hand in the direction of her.    


Xu Baixian continued, "Now my daughter is already old and has a good home. I have been the sect master for all these years and am tired. I want to find my man and live the rest of my life.    


I am willing to pass the position of sect master to you. You can decide what you want to do in the future. But I want to take away my master's memorial tablet. I don't want her to be in heaven and see the entire sect going astray.    


From now on, I have nothing to do with Lvxiang Sect. No matter what happens, it has nothing to do with me. I don't know if you are willing or not, senior sister."    


Gu Junying glanced at Xue Shaozhu out of the corner of her eye. She saw the latter nod his head. In fact, everyone knew that it was not the time to fall out with Zhao Yiming yet. Naturally, they wouldn't dare to do anything to his mother-in-law.    


She nodded her head solemnly and said, "I have agreed to everything you said. Actually, you don't have to do this. Senior sister doesn't want to force you. Our brotherly relationship is still there."    


Xu Baixian shook her head and said, "I have already paid back what I owe you. You are no longer the Eldest Senior Sister from back then. From now on, we are like strangers. I hope you will have some achievements."    


Xue Shaozhu felt that something was wrong. This matter was really too easy. There was supposed to be a big battle, but how could he get what he wanted so easily?    


Zhao Yiming clapped his hands and said, "Little Demon Emperor, you have already given what you want. Are we going to settle everything now? This is not someone from the Lvxiang Sect. Can we leave now?"    


Xue Shaozhu nodded and said, "Since the Lvxiang Sect has decided to pledge its loyalty to us, it naturally isn't an enemy. If you are willing to stay and watch the ceremony, I will welcome you all. If you are unwilling to stay, then do as you wish! "    


Zhao Yiming had a smile on his face, then he shouted. Xue Shaozhu's facial expression changed.    


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