Super Asura System

C493 Ten Thousand Hearts Two Hearts

C493 Ten Thousand Hearts Two Hearts

After Wang Shao heard this, he didn't say anything else. He knew very well that it wasn't a good thing to say too much when everything was unclear.    


Niu Dali and Xiong Yang were shouting loudly to form a team. Although they said that they would be able to feed themselves, they couldn't rush forward. This was very embarrassing, wasn't it?    


Wang Yang said with a smile, "Patriarchs, please don't eat with your clansmen. We have prepared food for you. Please come here."    


These Patriarchs were all in high spirits. Soon, they arrived in front of a large mechanical car. They saw that this mechanical car had opened the entire lid and turned into a huge table.    


Wang Yang pressed a button on the side, and a square hole was opened on the table. Finally, a plate of delicious food rose from below, and a sumptuous feast was arranged.    


He said with a smile, "This is just some simple rice and tea. I hope that the patriarchs don't mind. The madam of the cult is busy and I'm afraid it will take some time before she can come over."    


Wang Shao immediately said with a smile, "That's right. Madam has a lot of work to do every day. Which one of them is not a big deal? We are all used to suffering. It's fine to wait here for a while longer."    


Xiong Yang was eating a pork knuckle with his mouth full of food. He also muttered, "This is delicious and delicious. It doesn't matter even if we wait for a year or so."    


Wang Yang said with a smile, "It won't take that long. I reckon that we will definitely give you a result today. But let's say this first, even though we will provide you with food this time.    


But after you officially become a member of Ming Cult, the patriarchs will get your salary regularly. You won't have to worry about food or clothing. Eating such a feast every day is just a piece of cake.    


However, your clansmen must do their own work in exchange for the corresponding reward. However, as long as you are not a lazy and greedy person, there will be no problem for you to have enough food and clothing."    


Niu Dali smiled honestly and said," Of course we know what you are talking about. In this world, there is no reason not to work and eat for free. Anyway, my clansmen have plenty of strength, so they can do whatever they want. "    


Wang Yang suddenly looked at Yuan Sai and said, "You should be from the Yuan Human Clan! Speaking of which, Lord Yuan Nu, who holds a high position in the Ming Cult, should be from the same clan as you. He will be very happy to see you."    


Yuan Sai's eyes lit up. He had never thought that he would hear such good news. Although his name sounded like a servant, he must be very famous for having such a high position in the ___.    


He immediately smiled and said," I wonder what the situation is with that Lord Yuan Nu that Lord Wang is talking about? "    


Wang Yang said with a smile, "Lord Yuan Nu is the servant of our sect master. His abilities are extraordinary. He has gained the trust of our sect master. He, the other two servants, Lord Ghost Slave, and Lord Stone Slave. They are in charge of the Guard in the sect. "    


Yuan Sai immediately understood. Although his own clansman was a servant, his master was the Cult Master, and the official of the Prime Minister was a rank 7 official. His status could be imagined.    


This was a golden thigh, and he had to hug it tightly. At that time, he would be able to say a few good words in front of the Sect Master, and he wouldn't have to worry about it for the rest of his life.    


The other patriarchs looked at Yuan Sai with naked envy and jealousy. How come he did not have such a fellow clansman? They were all captured to be servants. Look at his life.    


After a few more hours, a figure jumped out of the city. It was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it arrived in front of everyone.    


Yuan Nu scratched his ears and cheeks while looking at everyone. Then, he shifted his gaze to Yuan Sai. However, it was obvious that he was very disappointed. This wasn't the same clan as when he left.    


However, he immediately shook his head and said excitedly to Yuan Sai, "It's great to see you all. We will be a family from now on. I will protect you all."    


Yuan Sai immediately took a step forward and said, "I pay my respects to Master. Master is truly the hero of our ape clan. In the future, our ape clan will firmly support Master."    


Yuan Nu waved his hand and said, "Although we are different, we are all ape people after all. As long as you are loyal, no one can bully you.    


The Cult Master's wife has already arrived in the city. You, the patriarchs, will follow me to see her. The rest of you, stay calm here for a while. They will certainly settle you properly.    


Wang Yang, lead the remaining patriarchs to the oasis over there and take a good bath. It's so dirty, why don't you go in and dirty the Mechanical City?"    


The few patriarchs smiled embarrassedly. They hurriedly ran to the oasis over there and took a proper bath. After that, they ran back and respectfully followed Yuan Nu into the Ming City.    


Now that all the steel plates had been placed down, the experts of Ming Cult had arrived. If anyone wanted to do something bad at this time, they would be courting death.    


Yuan Nu led everyone into the city. There were people standing by the side of the road and pointing at them. Although this was a mixed house of hundreds of races, it was a new thing to see so many different races.    


These patriarchs kept looking at this place. They felt that this place was really novel. All the houses were made of iron and looked incomparably solid. They even felt a great threat from this place to some of the more powerful patriarchs.    


Everyone quickly arrived at City Lord's Mansion. It was located on the east side of the core area. In the center of the entire area, there was a mechanism tower that reached into the clouds.    


After everyone entered the hall, they saw a woman with a noble temperament sitting on the main seat. Next to this woman stood a very ordinary old man.    


No one could feel any fluctuations of the Vital Spirit from this old man's body. Either this old man was an ordinary person or his cultivation was extremely profound.    


And since he was able to stand beside the Sect Leader's wife, he definitely could not be an ordinary person. This meant that his cultivation had already reached a level that they could only look up to.    


There were a few people sitting on the left side of the Sect Leader's wife, and the City Lord and Ba Hai that they had built could only sit at the very end. This meant that the other few people were all the higher ups of the Ming Cult.    


After Yuan Nu entered the door, he bowed respectfully, then quickly walked to the side of the Sect Leader's wife. It was only at this moment that everyone realized that there were two people standing beside the madam. Yuan Nu was standing beside the two people. Those two people should be the other two servants.    


Tang Xiaoting was playing with the token in her hand. She snorted from her nose and a monstrous aura rose up, pressing down on those clan heads below.    


These people were unable to withstand the pressure. They fell to their knees with a thud, and the pressure immediately disappeared.    


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