Super Asura System

C361 The Drug Refining System Has Been Activated

C361 The Drug Refining System Has Been Activated

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. Many major events had occurred during these three days, and the most sensational one was the sudden death of the current Confucian, Dong Xiaocheng.    


All the Confucians were filled with grief towards his death, but all the people of Stellar Empire had expressions of relief on their faces. Everyone thought that he was the main culprit behind Ling's defeat.    


Zhao Yiming and Ma Ting had already returned to War God Prefecture. This time, Ma Ting had returned with them. After all, her brother was recuperating here.    


After returning to the prefecture alone, he quickly arrived at the guest room and saw Wu Tian taking care of Ma Tingyuan with a face full of happiness.    


When Ma Tingyuan saw them walk in, he immediately struggled to sit up. Zhao Yiming waved his hand at him and said, "You are injured now, so there is no need for you to be so polite."    


Ma Tingyuan coughed twice and said, "Tiantian has already told me about this matter. She thanks Young Master Zhao and Eldest Miss for saving my life. If it wasn't for the two of you saving me, I would definitely have died in the Imperial Prison."    


Li Wenwen giggled and said, "Your sister and Tiantian are like sisters, so we can be considered as one family. You don't need to be so polite to me.    


You just need to rest assured and treat your injuries here. After your injuries are healed, if you are willing to take up your post, my husband can recommend you to Huainan. If you are unwilling, you can also find a position in my Myriad Treasures Pavilion."    


Ma Tingyuan smiled and said, "I want to be with Tiantian now, and I am willing to be by Eldest Miss and young master's side in the future. I will use my meager strength to serve the two of you."    


Zhao Yiming nodded and said, "Then I understand what you mean. I have no place to stay for the time being. You will first find a job in Myriad Treasures Pavilion. When I have something in the future, you will follow the Red Powder Camp."    


After everyone settled the matter, Zhao Yiming and Ma Tingyuan left the room, leaving the three of them there to talk. After all, they hadn't seen each other for a long time.    


A servant came to find Zhao Yiming. He said that Elder Fang was waiting for him in the alchemy room. It was time to open the furnace and refine the medicine, so it was the right time to teach him.    


He followed the servant to the alchemy room and saw that the entire alchemy room was antique. In the middle of the room was a huge alchemy furnace. There were shelves on all four sides, and all kinds of medicinal herbs were placed on top of it.    


Fang Tao looked at him and said, "Refining medicine is a very long process, and the main thing is to grasp the flame. Other than that, there is also the prescription. The ratio of all the medicinal herbs cannot be any worse."    


Zhao Yiming nodded seriously and said, "Elder Fang, please advise me on everything. I will definitely listen to you."    


Fang Tao was very satisfied with his attitude. First, he taught her how to recognize these medicines. Then he taught her all kinds of combinations and the entire heat alone.    


After Elder Fang talked for six hours, the system's voice suddenly sounded in Zhao Yiming's ears. "As the host has received the inheritance, the auxiliary system for refining medicine has been activated. Current level is Level 2. According to the host's Asura Points, it can be directly raised to level six. Do you wish to level up immediately? "    


Zhao Yiming immediately chose to level up. He directly raised the auxiliary system refining level to level 6. And to raise it to level 7, it required 2100 Asura Value. This was indeed a bit far away.    


Fang Tao smiled and said to him, "Now that you have grasped the basic theory, then what you need to do is to be honest and cheap. This is the simplest Saber Injurious Drug formula. You can refine it yourself."    


With Zhao Yiming's level 6 auxiliary system refinement, refining this kind of elementary medicinal pill was simply a piece of cake. He did not use the Golden Light Cauldron at all and very easily refined the medicinal pill.    


He came in front of Fang Tao and was about to speak, but he did not expect Fang Tao to be the first to speak. "Why is the time so short? But this is the first time refining medicine, so it is normal for there to be some flaws. You go and choose some more ingredients. You just need to slowly familiarize yourself with them."    


Zhao Yiming smiled and said, "I think I don't need to look for ingredients anymore. I have already refined this pill. Elder Fang, please take a look."    


Fang Tao was instantly shocked. He did not expect Zhao Yi to refine the medicine so quickly. He reached out and took the Injurious Drug that Zhao Yiming had refined. After carefully observing it, he was not only shocked.    


He saw that each of these pills were crystal clear and contained very little impurities. The standard to measure an alchemist was to control the impurities of the pill.    


He placed the pill aside and couldn't help but sigh, "I didn't expect you to be so talented. It's your first time concocting such a high grade pill. However, the grade of this pill is still too low. I'll give you a higher grade pill formula. You can go and practice it again. "    


Zhao Yiming nodded. He took the pill formula and went to the side to stir it up. This time, it took a bit longer. It took him a full two hours to refine the pill.    


The medicinal pill refined from the medicinal auxiliary system had already reached the microscopic level of control over the impurities. Seeing this, Fang Tao was endlessly shocked. He called him a strange talent.    


The level of the pill formula was gradually increasing. Zhao Yiming also gradually had more and more failures. However, this ratio was definitely one of the best among the famous alchemists.    


And the most important thing was that as long as he succeeded in concocting the pills, there would be no doubt that all the pills would be of the highest grade. Fang Tao was completely speechless. It could only be said that the person in front of him was a monstrous genius.    


However, when the pill formula was on par with Zhao Yi's auxiliary system refinement, his failure rate increased exponentially. He could only succeed once out of ten times, but when the pill formula surpassed him, he did not succeed even once.    


Not only did he shake his head, he said, "It seems like this pill refinement is really a very profound thing. I still have a huge gap between us. It's really a failure."    


Fang Tao looked at him fiercely and said, "Do you know that if you speak these words of yours, the number of alchemists who want to beat you to death will rise from our War God Prefecture to the Vermillion Bird Street.    


It was only your first time learning alchemy, but you have already reached this level. Even many alchemists who have been refining pills for decades can't reach your level.    


You are simply a monstrous genius. Don't tell me that you were sent by the heavens to deal a blow to us alchemists! Seeing you makes me annoyed. Why don't you find a place to practice your technique properly? I want to prepare to refine pills for His Highness."    


Zhao Yiming pondered for a moment. In the end, he did not take out the Golden Light Cauldron. This was not because he did not believe in Elder Fang, but because that item was of great importance.    


However, he still took out the bottle of water and said, "This is a magic weapon that I accidentally obtained. Using the filtered water, it can increase the success rate of the pill.    


Today, I will give it to Elder Fang. After all, refining medicine is just a secondary job for me. This magic weapon can only be used in Elder Fang's hands. "    


Fang Tao was not someone who was excited. He reached out his hand and took the bottle. Soon, he finished dripping blood to recognize the owner. In his heart, Zhao Yiming had become the second person only second to Sun Zhihao.    


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