Super Asura System

C612 Receiving the Ceremony

C612 Receiving the Ceremony

The next few days went back to normal, and everyone was busy, after all, the day of the ceremony was just around the corner, and everything was getting ready.    


The day of the grand ceremony had finally arrived. The entire Profound Sky Sword Sect was in high spirits. The arrival of this day also meant that the young generation had begun the handover with the old generation.    


The entire Bamboo Peak was decorated with lanterns and ribbons. Every bamboo had a red silk flower on it. This was Zhao Yiming's idea. According to him, his father wouldn't be able to finish spending all his money. Of course, he had to make it look more majestic.    


Because Jian Chenzi liked bamboo very much, the grand ceremony was held in the bamboo forest. The heroes of the various sects had all gathered here, waiting for the auspicious time to arrive.    


Very soon, it was time. Jiang Xinghe said with a smile, "Thank you very much for coming to the Profound Sky Sword Sect's Bamboo Peak to attend Peak Master's handover ceremony.    


This time, it was Peak Master, Cui Zhuzi of the original Bamboo Peak. He had passed the position of Peak Master to the successor disciple, Jian Chenzi. From now on, Cui Zhuzi would be promoted to an elder of the Profound Sky Sword Sect.    


Jian Chenzi will inherit all the rights of Bamboo Peak, and at the same time, he will fulfill all the responsibilities of Bamboo Peak. You are the first disciple of the younger generation of Profound Sky Sword Sect to take the position of Peak Master.    


I hope that you can do your best to take care of Bamboo Peak in the future, so that the Bamboo Peak of Profound Sky Sword Sect can flourish and defend Profound Sky Sword Sect better."    


Jian Chenzi took a step forward and said," I will follow Sect Master's instructions. I will not let Sect Master down. "    


Cui Zhuzi also stood up at this moment. He took out a jade bamboo from his chest. This jade bamboo was crystal clear, and it could definitely be considered a top grade jade bamboo.    


He coughed lightly and said, "When I was in charge of the Bamboo Peak, I did not achieve any results. Instead, I was getting worse and worse day by day. In the end, only me and my two disciples were left.    


In the end, I was disheartened and decided to release my two disciples. During that period of time, I often thought that perhaps after a hundred years, there would only be seven peaks left in the Profound Sky Sword Sect.    


I never thought that the heavens would pity me. One day, Sect Master suddenly informed us that his daughter had brought back a kid. This kid's Sword Path talent is pretty good.    


When I arrived at the main hall, I saw that it was my disciple. As for the other few Peak Master, you also felt that my place had been in decline for a long time, so you gave me this genius. "    


The other few Peak Master felt their faces turn red. The scene at that time was still vivid in their minds. What did he mean by giving it to him? If you had eyes, you wouldn't be able to recognize it.    


One should know that this fellow was a Sword Path Ghost that was rarely seen in ten thousand years. At that time, even if he broke his head, he still allowed it to enter his own mountain. How could it be his turn to enter the ruined Bamboo Peak?    


Cui Zhuzi continued, "Sure enough, my disciple didn't let me down. His talent in the Sword Path is enough to look down on everyone. Furthermore, he is an unyielding man, and he has poured all of his heart and blood into the Sword Path.    


As a result, although he wasn't able to break through to the Sovereign Stage at such a young age, he has accomplished a magnificent feat that no one in the past could accomplish. The Playing Field that he condensed in advance has completely surpassed me, his master.    


Now that I am old, and my energy is getting weaker day by day, I have decided to teach the Bamboo Peak to my beloved disciple. From now on, he will be the new Peak Master.    


Your disciple's master doesn't have so many requirements for you, and he doesn't want you to do anything in the future. Whether the Bamboo Peak can flourish or not, I don't care about it.    


As long as you and all your fellow disciples can get along harmoniously, each of you will be able to escape unscathed from the fights in the pugilistic world. In the end, all of you will be able to obtain a good ending, and I will be satisfied."    


His words were very simple, but in everyone's ears, they were all touched. He didn't seem like a master, but a kind father.    


He did not ask his own child to prosper, nor did he ask for a high official salary from his own child. He only hoped that his child could live a peaceful and happy life.    


Jian Chenzi knelt on the ground and said, "As the saying goes, one day is a master, and one lifetime is a father. I believe everyone knows about my miserable experience. In fact, we are almost the same.    


At that time, we were both borderline people in the family. However, what was better than him was that I showed enough talent in cultivation. At least no one bullied me.    


But I was very lonely. My mother passed away early, and my father didn't care about me. My aunt regarded me as a thorn in her side, and only Uncle Fu had been taking care of me.    


When I first entered the Profound Sky Sword Sect, I felt extremely helpless. At this time, it was my master who extended his hand to me. He didn't care that I was born in a small place, nor did he care about my weak cultivation.    


Ever since then, I have been by my master's side, and I have walked out step by step. Now that my master is old, he has entrusted this heavy responsibility to me.    


I will definitely not disappoint my master, nor will I disappoint all my fellow disciples. I will definitely let the Bamboo Peak stand at the peak of the mountain forever.    


You are not only my master, but also my father in my heart. No matter what I can do in the future, no matter what achievements I can achieve in the future.    


I am still the helpless young man and the stupid Jian Chenzi. You will always be my strongest master, my most loving father."    


After he finished speaking, the disciples of Bamboo Peak, led by Yang Tianqing and Mu Jianhui, knelt on the ground at the same time and said loudly," You will always be our strongest master and our most loving father. "    


Everyone kowtowed nine times in a row. Tears were flowing down Cui Zhuzi's face. At this moment, he felt extremely satisfied. What else could he ask for if he could have such a disciple?    


He raised the jade bamboo in his hand and shouted loudly, "Jian Chenzi, come forward and accept Peak Master's token. But from today onwards, Bamboo Peak is no longer a part of Dao Peak.    


After all, you have four close female friends. Your Zhao Family is still waiting for you to develop your own branch. From today onwards, you will regain your original name. You are the master of Bamboo Peak, Zhao Zhenlin."    


Zhao Zhenlin took two steps forward and took the jade bamboo from Cui Zhuzi. After that, he stood up and faced all the disciples, raising the jade bamboo over his head.    


He said loudly, "From now on, I am the forty-third generation Peak Master of Bamboo Peak. I will lead all of you to create our own glory in the future."    


All the disciples shouted in unison, "Greetings, Zhao Peak Master. From now on, I am willing to listen to Peak Master's orders. I will do whatever it takes to achieve my goal."    


Jiang Xinghe said with a smile, "This time, the handover ceremony will be considered a complete success. This will also be the beginning of the handover of power between the old generation and the new generation of Profound Sky Sword Sect.    


One after another, we will give all our power to the new generation. We have been in the martial arts world for so many years. It's time to retire and retire. Within three years, I will pass the position of Sect Master to my eldest disciple, Peng Chong. I hope that everyone will be able to attend the ceremony."    


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